#GetMovin THIS book will have you singing 🎤 #IBelieveInAThingCalledLove ❤️🤗❤️It‘s what I call a #LiteraryLoveStory no cheesy, sappy romance BUT real emotions. SO GOOD 🙌🏻
#GetMovin THIS book will have you singing 🎤 #IBelieveInAThingCalledLove ❤️🤗❤️It‘s what I call a #LiteraryLoveStory no cheesy, sappy romance BUT real emotions. SO GOOD 🙌🏻
#Literarylovestory that I hate: Romeo & Juliet. I didn't like it when I was 15 and had to read it for class, I didn't like any of the movies, and I didn't like it when I reread it as an adult. I love other Shakespeare plays, but this one... I just can't. I just can't. Mercutio still remains one of my favorite side characters though. So, there's that. (Picture from google images)