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The Art of Hearing Heartbeats
The Art of Hearing Heartbeats | Jan-Philipp Sendker
A poignant and inspirational love story set in Burma, The Art of Hearing Heartbeats spans the decades between the 1950s and the present. When a successful New York lawyer suddenly disappears without a trace, neither his wife nor his daughter Julia has any idea where he might beuntil they find a love letter he wrote many years ago, to a Burmese woman they have never heard of. Intent on solving the mystery and coming to terms with her fathers past, Julia decides to travel to the village where the woman lived. There she uncovers a tale of unimaginable hardship, resilience, and passion that will reaffirm the readers belief in the power of love to move mountains.
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The Art of Hearing Heartbeats | Jan-Philipp Sendker
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I went into this expecting to love it like the rest of the world but quickly felt the opposite way. A daughter searching for answers after her father abruptly leaves their family ends up in Burma where she immediately meets a man who knows all of her father‘s secrets including the story of the great love of his life which is supposed to be enough of a reason to abandon his other life. I found the love story over blown and saccharine. Not for me.

The Art of Hearing Heartbeats | Jan-Philipp Sendker
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What a beautiful story! Julia‘s father disappears, and a few years later she finds a love letter he wrote to a woman in Burma (Myanmar). She travels there to find him and meets a man who knows her father. I loved everything about this book...I felt transported out of America and into the Burmese way of life. The love story was so compelling. I hated for it to end!

The Art of Hearing Heartbeats | Jan-Philipp Sendker
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Making my lists for potential books for #readingasia2021. Here are a bunch of books for #Burma #Myanmar. So many were already on my tbr list like the tagged book. There may or may not be book shopping on this weekend‘s agenda. 😉 @Librarybelle @BarbaraBB

Texreader @Bookwormjillk I know! Unique! 3y
Librarybelle I‘ve seen some great reviews posted this past week on Miss Burma and Burmese Days 3y
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Hestapleton This book is SO GOOD but it will WRECK YOU. Glad I read it, but won‘t read it again. 3y
Texreader @Librarybelle I came across Burmese Days in my book shopping but when I read the excerpt it didn‘t grab me. There seem to be so many excellent books about Burma, so I didn‘t get it. 3y
Texreader @Hestapleton It looks good and it‘s pretty high on my list but I really want 3y
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The Art of Hearing Heartbeats | Jan-Philipp Sendker
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Not at all what I expected and is actually really great!

Josee.lit.a.lu.et.lira Title crush ❣️ 4y
rachaich @Josee.a.lu.lit.et.lira i know!!! 4y
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The Art of Hearing Heartbeats | Jan-Philipp Sendker
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So, this book was one left out on a driveway. I've found so many people have done this over lockdown and it's been s fab way to discover new reads 😄 even though it increases my collection hugely 😂😂
I rather liked the cover, as well as the subject of a missing father and husband and subsequent back story.

Chrissyreadit What do you mean left out on a driveway? 4y
rachaich @Chrissyreadit people leave boxes of books (Or other unwanted belongings) on their driveways for free. I guess because charity shops are closed. It's great as you get unwanted treasures, but can then do the same in your own driveway ☺😊 4y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks That‘s so cool!!! 4y
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Art of Hearing Heartbeats | Jan-Philipp Sendker
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जिंदगी मे तुम क्या करते हो

The Art of Hearing Heartbeats | Jan-Philipp Sendker
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@MrBook #readwithmrbook
Challenge update.... halfway through the year, and enjoyed all these so far....💕📚

squirrelbrain Great choices! 👍😘 4y
Catherine_Willoughby What is involved in #Readwithmrbrook 4y
KarenUK @Catherine_Willoughby just read a book each month for the above prompts, and post on the 29th.... 😊📚 4y
Catherine_Willoughby Perfect. Actual july selection would of suit June. I need to see if any of my July selection covers theme on animals. (Read Animal farm two weeks ago) 4y
KarenUK @Catherine_Willoughby I think I‘m going to read this one 4y
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The Art of Hearing Heartbeats | Jan-Philipp Sendker
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I‘m not having a great reading month. I read almost half of this before realizing that it was a little to cheesy and unrealistic to keep me engaged. Hopefully bailing on it will help me get out of this little reading funk I seem to be in.

The Art of Hearing Heartbeats | Jan-Philipp Sendker
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#BiblioMAYnia Lost Love

The Art of Hearing Heartbeats | Jan-Philipp Sendker
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Just finished up #Fall for #booked2020 with the tagged book (Thank you Cindy for recommending!💕)

Beautiful writing, with memorable characters and a long lost love story at its heart.... this story somehow had the essence of a fairytale or fable. Unread love letters, gorgeous descriptions of the beauty, aromas and sounds of Burma, and an endearing narrator, all captured my heart. Lovely. 😊💗

Thank you hostesses! 4 out of the 6 were 5⭐️ reads!!!

Cinfhen WOW!!! That‘s fantastic 👏🏼💖‼️Glad you read so many good books.... but then again, you‘re a known #StarSlut 😘 4y
Cinfhen Stoner, which I know you loved is our June bookclub 4y
BookishMe Yes, this is intensely moving story. I am curious if the tagged is your pick for South Asia? 4y
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KarenUK @Cinfhen I wear my label with pride! 😂💕..... loved Stoner... it‘s quiet and melancholy and beautiful. Hope you like it. It had been on my TBR forever! 4y
KarenUK @BookishMe Yes. I know Burma isn‘t officially South Asia, more Southeast, but I‘m going with it. 😊 4y
BookishMe Hehehe... Southeast is part of South anyway ;p and if my Geography serves me right, it neighbours with India, definitely south Asia 😉😉 Which prompt was the Towles book for? Like many, I ADORE the Count, and his Co. 4y
KarenUK @BookishMe For Bookclub worthy, as I read it for a bookclub. He‘s my favorite character this year for sure! 😍💕 4y
BookishMe ❣️Remains unforgettable❣️ 4y
BarbaraTheBibliophage Great job!! 4y
thevagabondlawyer A Gentleman in Moscow 👏👏👏 4y
Cinfhen Do you want me to count this as part of the spring drawing?? Or wait until fall?? I think you‘ve completed the entire challenge???? #SuperStarReader 🙌🏻 4y
KarenUK @cinfhen I don‘t mind either way, whichever is easier for you... 😊🤷‍♀️ And not quite finished, just two more for summer and I‘m done! (edited) 4y
Cinfhen I‘m gonna count it now so I don‘t forget when Fall rolls around... xx 4y
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The Art of Hearing Heartbeats | Jan-Philipp Sendker
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- The tagged book is my final book for the season of #Fall #booked2020 ! I‘ve been reading in a totally random order, but my excuse is we have no seasons in FL! It‘s just hot, and hotter! 😎🌴
- I think the Lily King is going to be my jam, and I loved her book Euphoria 🖋💗

-The bottom three are my next ones (in order) for #bookspinbonanza I hope to start at least one this week....

Cinfhen Wow!!! You ripped through #Booked2020 💗🙌🏻😘 4y
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The Art of Hearing Heartbeats | Jan-Philipp Sendker
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Argh! #unpopularopinion time... I finished it for a book club otherwise would have dnf‘d. I didn‘t care about any of the characters. The dude is married with a kid and disappears...to go be with a girl from his past? The premise didn‘t work for me. The all knowing narrator didn‘t work for me either. The story itself was, well, boring. Lots of eye rolling. I am reading another book with a blind MC which is a million times better.

BarbaraBB Hmm. I had it stacked but do have my doubts now. #unstacked 4y
Tracyantoon @BarbaraBB it has high ratings here and on goodreads but the “epic love story” was way too cheesy for me and just not well written in my humble opinion. I felt like I was being told the story and not shown the story. Lots of gripes about it. Book club should be interesting. 😀 Btw, your pics of Oman are gorgeous! ☀️🐫🌵🌴 4y
BarbaraBB Thanks! Three more days to go! I am glad you mentioned ‘cheesy‘. Now I know I did right by unstacking 😀😘 4y
TerriGreen Bummer you didn‘t enjoy this one. That is a dilemma, you want to dnf but it‘s for book club! 4y
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The Art of Hearing Heartbeats | Jan-Philipp Sendker
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Summed up in one word: boring. I have no idea what prompted me to add this to my tbr! Even just before starting, I looked at the title, and wondered about that – it did not sound like something that I would like... and I was right. It actually started a bit creepy, I thought, what the man (who ultimately told the story) said to Julia. It might have been more entertaining for me had it stayed creepy! The end was super-unrealistic and eye-rolling

Tracyantoon Totally agree! Just read this for my book club. Way too cheesy for me! 4y
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The Art of Hearing Heartbeats | Jan-Philipp Sendker
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#day2 of #7days7covers - would you like to play @OriginalCyn620 ?

OriginalCyn620 Sure! How do you play? 5y
TheShaggyShepherd @OriginalCyn620 You just post one cover every day for 7 days that you think is awesome but you don't give an explanation for it. And then you tag another person to play every day. 5y
OriginalCyn620 Can I start anytime? I‘m out of town right now but can play when I‘m back home. 5y
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The Art of Hearing Heartbeats | Jan-Philipp Sendker
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I am speechless - what a beautiful story. I laughed, I cried and I felt so much love for these characters. My heart is so full ❤️

KathyWheeler I loved this book. There‘s a sequel that I apparently bought for my Kindle but I haven‘t read it yet: https://smile.amazon.com/Well-tempered-Heart-Hearing-Heartbeats-Book-ebook/dp/B0... 5y
ErikasMindfulShelf I love this one. And the sequel is great as well @KathyWheeler 5y
darklydreaming @KathyWheeler @irre I just heard about the sequel! Read some great reviews on it too. It‘s on my TBR list for sure!! 5y
KathyWheeler I need to move it up on my TBR. 5y
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The Art of Hearing Heartbeats | Jan-Philipp Sendker
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“...he did not merely read books but traveled with them...” 💕

The Art of Hearing Heartbeats | Jan-Philipp Sendker

The way this book is written gives us such beautiful imagery of emotions. This is about what unconditional love really is. It wasn't the hot and passionate romance book but instead tale of a sweet and innocent love. Sometimes I still wonder why the main character went about things the way he did but in the end after reflecting about it I don't think I would change it. A very beautiful tale.

The Art of Hearing Heartbeats | Jan-Philipp Sendker
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#LilithJuly I‘ve posted this book before but it‘s one of my favorite #LiteraryLoveStories ♥️♥️♥️Set in Burma, Tin Win and Mi Mi develop an intense, literally symbiotic relationship that will make your #heartbeat and break! SO GOOD

KarenUK Been on my #TBR forever! 🤦‍♀️ 5y
Cinfhen YOU MUST READ @KarenUK !!! It‘s SO your jam!!!! 5y
KarenUK @Cinfhen I pretty sure you‘re right... sounds just my sorta thing... 5y
Mdargusch Sounds great! I haven‘t heard of this one. 5y
Lcsmcat Beautiful cover! 5y
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The Art of Hearing Heartbeats | Jan-Philipp Sendker
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A beautiful story with riveting characters who give the reader a glimpse at stark human emotion. The imagery used by the author lets the reader see the sights, sense the smells, and hear the sounds of Burmese culture. Imagine being able to hear the heartbeats of the people you love - such an astounding book. I cried my eyes out.

Mariposa_Bookworm There‘s a sequel. 5y
Come-read-with-me @Mariposa_Bookworm I just stared it - what did you think about it? 5y
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The Art of Hearing Heartbeats | Jan-Philipp Sendker
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So far, so good! 😊 Hope everyone had the chance to relax (and read) this weekend. 😊

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The Art of Hearing Heartbeats | Jan-Philipp Sendker
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This book set in Burma is a fiction/romance novel/mystery. I hope it‘s good and I can finish it over the weekend. Happy Friday🤓🐛

The Art of Hearing Heartbeats | Jan-Philipp Sendker
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1. Art of hearing heartbeats
2. None. My anniversary is 2 weeks later so that‘s the better celebration.
3. Brown
4. Nicholas James.
5. 😘
#friyayintro @howjessreads

The Art of Hearing Heartbeats | Jan-Philipp Sendker
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Wow! I have read a lot of truly excellent books this year, and this ranks with the best of them. One of the most beautiful love stories ever. Set in Burma, so a completely different culture, and I learned a lot, as well. A unique view of life. Highly recommended. Another 5⭐️ Thank you again, @AmyG

AmyG I am so happy you liked it. 😘 6y
MeganAnn I loved this one too when I read it last year ❤️❤️❤️ 6y
DivineDiana It is a beautiful story! ❤️ 6y
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NenaB I just started this book just this morning👍🏻 5y
Lynnsoprano @NenaB I hope you enjoy it as much as I did 😄❤️ 5y
NenaB Thank you 😘 5y
Lynnsoprano @NenaB And welcome to Litsy. I look forward to reading your posts. 5y
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The Art of Hearing Heartbeats | Jan-Philipp Sendker
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In addition to my birthday gift last week, my son gave me his miserable cold (can‘t complain too much since the actual gift was tickets to Hamilton next month in Orlando). I‘ve felt generally miserable, out of sorts, and haven‘t felt like reading. Doing better today, and, with hubby off Christmas shopping, I‘m getting back to this wonderful book. I could post a quote from every page, it seems.

Amiable I loved this book 6y
AmyG ❤️ 6y
Cinfhen Loved this book 💙glad you‘re on the mend 6y
Jas16 Glad you are feeling better 6y
Lynnsoprano @Cinfhen @Jas16 Thanks! If I could just get rid of the cough... 6y
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The Art of Hearing Heartbeats | Jan-Philipp Sendker
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(Disclaimer: listened to the audio) this was a fantastic story of true love, beyond the physical attraction most call love. The story follows a young lady as she searches for her father and discovers a love greater than words. The story and scene-detailing are beautifully done and the entire book kept me captivated. The audio added some emotional queues and was really well-done.

The Art of Hearing Heartbeats | Jan-Philipp Sendker
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#gratitude30 #luxury It‘s turning downright chilly in South Florida, so to be snuggly wrapped in my fluffy snowflake throw with a good book after the craziness of the holiday really feels like luxury to me.

Samplergal Haha! Chilly it is. 64 in SoFlo. Brrr. Happy reading! 6y
Lynnsoprano @Samplergal We take what we can get😂 We‘re predicted to go down to 42 tonight, and that‘s low enough to mean I need to move some plants. 6y
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The Art of Hearing Heartbeats | Jan-Philipp Sendker
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“I speak of a love that brings sight to the blind. Of a love stronger than fear. I speak of a love that breathes meaning into life, that defies the natural laws of deterioration, that causes us to flourish, that knows no bounds.”

Reading this while waiting for my son and his family to arrive and thinking that this is a perfect description of a parent‘s love this Thanksgiving Eve.

The Art of Hearing Heartbeats | Jan-Philipp Sendker
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I had planned to read The Handmaid‘s Tale next, but hubby beat me to it. Thought I‘d start this one instead.

AmyG Enjoy! 6y
Mariposa_Bookworm I had a customer tell me about this one so I bought this one and the sequel. The covers for both of them are just beautiful! 6y
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The Art of Hearing Heartbeats | Jan-Philipp Sendker
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Jan-Philipp Sendker is back next week folks!

Cinfhen What??? That‘s flippin awesome ❤️ 6y
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The Art of Hearing Heartbeats | Jan-Philipp Sendker
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@AmyG you really didn‘t need to! Thank you so much for the book and your lovely note. The thing I love most about Litsy is how it has led to so many new friendships.

AmyG 😘💕 6y
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The Art of Hearing Heartbeats | Jan-Philipp Sendker
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#AbbaInAugust #LayAllYourLoveonMe prompt instantly brought this moving love story to mind.

The Art of Hearing Heartbeats | Jan-Philipp Sendker

A very unique and interesting read. Read in two days, I didn‘t want to stop!

The Art of Hearing Heartbeats | Jan-Philipp Sendker
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#GetMovin THIS book will have you singing 🎤 #IBelieveInAThingCalledLove ❤️🤗❤️It‘s what I call a #LiteraryLoveStory no cheesy, sappy romance BUT real emotions. SO GOOD 🙌🏻

TrishB Can definitely do without the soppy stuff!! 6y
BookishMe Oh yes! I was Intensely moved by the unconventional bond 6y
Kalalalatja Pretty cover, too! 6y
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BarbaraBB This sounds so good! Stacked! 💕 6y
Cinfhen The cover is stunning as is the title and the story is awesome!!! I hope you love it @BarbaraBB and I hope you both try it @TrishB @Kalalalatja like @BookishMe wrote... the bond between the two main characters will give u all the FEELS💕💕💕💕 6y
BookishMe I notice when we both tend to like the exceptionally well-written books. Lol 6y
Cinfhen Aren‘t we clever, that way @BookishMe ?!? I get so pissed at poorly written books 😖 6y
TrishB Stacked 👍🏻 6y
rustoryhuf Ok, you got me with your blurb. Stacked it. 6y
eanderson Sounds good! Love when a book makes me feel so many emotions! 6y
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The Art of Hearing Heartbeats | Jan-Philipp Sendker

Started out good but dragged on.... hard to accept that the protagonist would allow herself to be kept in the dark for that long.

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The Art of Hearing Heartbeats | Jan-Philipp Sendker
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@Kenziejo @Amabear @ErinGoBragh1011
Flying through my #lmpbc #round2 selection. Hope you are too!

ErinGoBragh1011 Hey I am no where close to be halfway through it. Between the nor'easter and me losing my job I haven't jad time. 6y
Amabear I‘m almost half through! 😍 cute pic!!! 6y
Amabear @ErinGoBragh1011 I hope your ok!!! So sorry! 6y
Sharpeipup @ErinGoBragh1011 big hugs to you! 6y
ErinGoBragh1011 Thank you ☺ 6y
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The Art of Hearing Heartbeats | Jan-Philipp Sendker

This was a surprise for me, I didn‘t think I‘d like it but it ended up being a really engaging story. Definitely recommend.

ErikasMindfulShelf One of my favorites 😍 6y
Kodak2057 @irre it was a book club pick and the picks haven‘t been... stellar recently so I had low hopes. I knew nothing about it so I planned to read 4 chapters a day so I could get it done but after a few days I didn‘t need to plan to read it! It was great! 6y
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The Art of Hearing Heartbeats | Jan-Philipp Sendker
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The Art of Hearing Heartbeats | Jan-Philipp Sendker
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This was a quiet and soft book. I needed that right now. A love story, a look at how we use our eyes rather than our other senses, a quest to understand a parent‘s actions.

ErikasMindfulShelf One of my favorites 😍 7y
susanw This is an upcoming book club read, glad to know it‘s a good one! 7y
Suet624 I‘ll be interested in your thoughts @susanw 7y
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The Art of Hearing Heartbeats | Jan-Philipp Sendker
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#EyeCandyGiveaway the wonderful and lovely @Kalalalatja is celebrating her 25th bday in true #LitsySpirit she's #PayingItForward 💞🎉💞 One of my favorite love stories happens to feature a STUNNING cover, this photo does it no justice😕But the last person I loaned my copy to never returned it. It was just too pretty!!! Thanks for the chance to read two of your favorites @Kalalalatja and much #birthdayLove💝

TrishB All those lost books 😔 7y
Cinfhen I‘m usually ok with books not making their way home but this one was a beauty both inside & out @TrishB oh well! That‘s the way it goes, sometimes (edited) 7y
Abailliekaras I really enjoyed this one (mine didn‘t have that beautiful cover though!). 🤓 7y
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Kalalalatja I have never heard of this but it sounds really good, and that cover is truly stunning! 😍 I feel so bad you have lost it! 7y
TheBookHippie Oh I'm so sad about your book!!!! I have this cover. Such a wonderful read. 7y
Cinfhen Thanks @TheBookHippie @Kalalalatja it's ok, books are meant to be enjoyed and shared ❣️ 7y
susanw Glad this is a good one, my RL book club has picked this one for January! 7y
Cinfhen I really fell for the two main characters 💕💕 7y
emilyhaldi Oh man, you‘re so generous with your books and seem to have terrible luck in getting them back! 👎🏻 7y
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The Art of Hearing Heartbeats | Jan-Philipp Sendker
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I'm not exactly sure what qualifies as a bath time book but I read this one majority of the time in the bathtub so it's my #bathtimebook for my #septemberbookchallenge #autumnreads #highlyrecommend

The Art of Hearing Heartbeats | Jan-Philipp Sendker
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I guess I've been in the mood for contemplative books about life! When you lose loved ones it's presumably natural to start thinking about the what's important in life, how short it is, and the best way to make the best of the time we have. This book did quite well! It's about love mostly..the power of love. It's also about our life journey, and how we don't really know who our parents were before they were our parents.

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The Art of Hearing Heartbeats | Jan-Philipp Sendker
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This is a beautiful book and I throughly enjoyed it! The love story between Tin Win and Mi Mi completely captivated my heart. Julia's journey to learn about her father's past really got me thinking. How much do we really know about our parents? They do so much before we are even a thought in their minds and how many of us ever really take the time to find out about that part of them. 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

Liatrek Lovely pic😊 7y
Cinfhen Beautiful photo and gorgeous read! 7y
MeganAnn @Liatrek @Cinfhen thank you! I figured I better take advantage of the pretty blooms on our crab apple tree while they last 7y
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The Art of Hearing Heartbeats | Jan-Philipp Sendker
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I liked this story of a woman's quest to find her father (& learn his history). The Burma setting was evocative and Sendkker's writing style is calm and well-paced. I wasn't fully immersed in it but felt for the characters and enjoyed it as an original, interesting tale.

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The Art of Hearing Heartbeats | Jan-Philipp Sendker
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"...life is interwoven with suffering. That in every life without exception, illnesses are unavoidable. That we will age, and that we cannot elude death. These are the laws and conditions of human existence... Laws that apply to everyone, everywhere in the world, regardless of how dramatics times might change. There is no power that can release a person from pain or sadness-unless it be that person himself"
❤️ #wordstoliveby ??

MeganAnn I am loving this book so far! I got it in my #cupidgoespostal package from the lovely @Mccall0113 and finally had a chance to start it. ❤️ 7y
Mccall0113 💗 7y
Dogearedcopy Oh! This is such a great book! I read and re-read it and the sequel right before I was moderating a Booktopia session with the author... And I was a complete wreck! My father had recently passed away and I was reading these books while listening to opera in my motel room; and all of the sudden *everything* hit me all at once! Even though I have lost all objectivity when it comes to these books, I can recommend them w/o any caveats ❤️ 7y
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The Art of Hearing Heartbeats | Jan-Philipp Sendker
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Changing location to Burma, book-wise. In reality still in Izu peninsula, Japan, for one more day. Not a bad reading spot. 😉👍

Cinfhen Gorgeous view, fabulous book 💗💗 7y
Abailliekaras @Cinfhen it's a lovely, easy read, which I needed after the Woman in the Dunes! 😬😉 7y
Cinfhen I read your review...sounded brutal 😳I can't enjoy books where others are suffering, either! 7y
Lindy This wasn't my cup of tea, but I was at an event where he read and a woman in the audience stood up to testify in tears that it was the best book she had ever read in her life. 7y
Abailliekaras @Lindy wow! I'm not in that camp but how touching! 7y
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The Art of Hearing Heartbeats | Jan-Philipp Sendker
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#AprilBookShowers Some favorites #setinsoutheastasia The Sympathizer and Ghost Bride are actually on my TBR

TrishB Great graphic 😀 7y
Moray_Reads That's a great way of showing them! 7y
Cinfhen Thanks @TrishB @Moray_Reads I needed to see which countries are considered SouthEast Asia so I thought maybe others could benefit too 😜😂😉 7y
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TrishB I still couldn't find any books though, so I guess I need to address that! 7y
Bookish_B The Narrow Road to the Deep North 💗👍🏼 7y
Moray_Reads @Cinfhen I had to look it up too, only to find only one of my books this year qualifies! Clearly I need to address that problem 7y
minkyb Nice graphics! 7y
Texreader Nice graphic!! 7y
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The Art of Hearing Heartbeats | Jan-Philipp Sendker

A beautifully written book that moved me and is a re read for sure

The Art of Hearing Heartbeats | Jan-Philipp Sendker
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A Magical Tale set in Burma. What an amazing, intense, incredible, love story! I wept tears of joy, and then tears of sadness. And then I did it all over again. Beautifully written, elegant prose, and such insight regarding blindness, love, loss, and life! It did not and the way I was initially hoping but in the end it was just perfect. My book club choice for our second quarter and now one of my all-time favorite books!📖😊❤

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