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This was good, but not reeeaaaallllyyyy good. I got very frustrated with Cass. She was so over emotional that I got to the point I was rolling my eyes. Like she flat out panicked every time she heard any sound. It got old. Still, it was fun, and while the ending was pretty predictable, it was satisfying.
I have to say, this book was extremely underwhelming and it really dragged. I wanted to enjoy it and small parts of it i did but for the most part, this book is a waste of time.
She also created the Freedom Institute, dedicated to the protection of all minority groups. Still in the planning stages, the Freedom Institute already has its slogan: Knowledge Is Power.
#TheCollide #KimberlyMcCreight #TheOutliers #book #books #bookmark #bookmarks #bookmarket #bookmarkets #bookmoment #bookmoments #bookquote #bookquotes #bookqueen #Mystery #Thriller #YoungAdult #Fantasy #Fiction #ScienceFiction #MysteryThriller #Suspense 💝💝💝💝
It was the top #2SimilarCovers that I first mixed up (maybe also because they both are about writers/writing) but I think all 5 of these covers have a similar look & vibe that screams THRILLER! 😱
I needed something completely different from my last reads and this book about a father and daughter living off the grid due to events in his past jumped out at me. After 8 years in the woods strangers cross their paths and their precarious world is threatened. I found this so engrossing as you learn what drove Cooper to choose such an isolated life and see Finch become more curious about what she is missing. A good distraction and a solid story.
In families like these, secrets are sacred, and silence is the ultimate bond. 4⭐️ #jordysbookclub #mysterythriller