In 2013, my mom recommend me to read this book after I finish reading Fifty Shades of Grey. What an incredible book and many years ago, my mom told me that she met the author of this book.
In 2013, my mom recommend me to read this book after I finish reading Fifty Shades of Grey. What an incredible book and many years ago, my mom told me that she met the author of this book.
My absolute favorite book I‘ve EVER read-
I‘m reading it again right now for the 3rd time as a refresher before I read the others in the series.
Cannot say anything else besides “WOW” I‘m actually speechless, that I‘ve recommended this book to all my book-loving friends! 🫶🏻🧿
An incredible read to say the least… we‘re talking #adventure, #spirituality, the #universallaws, and an inside look on how #quantumenergy works!!! LIFE CHANGING!! 🥹
Soft pick. I don't like the author as a person or his idea of love but he's a wonderful writer and some of the things he writes are not only beautiful but made me think. I disliked the last few chapters, where he becomes more preachy, but overall it's an interesting book. It'll make you think, if nothing else.
I have a lot more to say about this book, both good and bad, but unfortunately Litsy isn't the right place for long reviews.
“Because we believe the surface, we forget that surfaces aren't who we are.“
"I loved opening books to see how they'd begin. Writers create books the way we write lifetimes. A writer can lead any character, to any event, for any purpose, to make any point. What does this writer do, or this one, I wanted to know, with a blank Page One? What do they do to my mind and my spirit, when I read their words?"
"From time to time, I wrote, it's fun to close our eyes, and in that dark say to ourselves, "I am the sorcerer, and when I open my eyes I shall see a world that I have created, and for which I and only I am completely responsible." Slowly then, eyelids open like curtains lifting stage-center. And sure enough, there's our world, just the way we've built it."
““We have to deal in a currency that's meaningful to us,“ she said, “or all the success in the world won't feel good, it won't bring happiness.“