#7days7covers #ComicCoverCrush day 7
I saved my favorite for last. Annihilation is my all time favorite comic story arc. Marvel's cosmic universe was never better than this. Plus each issue had a great cover done by Gabriel Dell'Otto!
#7days7covers #ComicCoverCrush day 7
I saved my favorite for last. Annihilation is my all time favorite comic story arc. Marvel's cosmic universe was never better than this. Plus each issue had a great cover done by Gabriel Dell'Otto!
To my Northern Virginia friends: One More Pages Books is an amazing indie bookstore. Go tonight and fight to keep it going. #NoVA
I'm at the last arc of NOVA (2007). Then it's THE THANOS IMPERATIVE and on to Sam Alexander.
It's frickin cold tonight, so I'm gonna hole up inside with more NOVA and a kinky historical romance.
Time for a massive NOVA reread/catch-up. The first three issues reminded me why he's my favourite male superhero.
1. the view from my new balcony - I moved into a new apartment on Sunday.
2. Yep! #DMV (D.C./Northern VA/Maryland) #NoVA
3. Chinese take-out. Or really, any take-out. 😉
4. black
5. 40. I'm currently reading one (tagged) & have 20 more TBR this summer thanks to #GARbingo. 😀
Hey, fellow #NoVA folks, @wanderinglynn is organizing a #meetup! Get in touch with her if you're down to hang. 🎉🎉🎉