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This was my pick for Midwinter (nonfiction) #MidwinterSolace. If other members of the group are intrigued by this book & are into the self help genre in general please don‘t be put off by my review. I don‘t often read self help, & I‘m finding that when I do I usually have all the same problems with it. i.e. the majority of the book spent trying to convince me of the importance of an idea I‘ve already bought into or I wouldn‘t be reading the book

IndoorDame in the first place, personal experience substituted for empirical evidence, a ridiculous amount of confirmation bias applied to any actual scientific evidence, lack of explanation of how to implement the idea being touted, etc… 2y
IndoorDame I got a few useful ideas from this that I will definitely think some more on, but I also got a stronger conviction to stay away from self help books, which means I need to look into any wellness nonfiction more carefully before picking it up. (Though that‘s actually a huge realization that I‘m really happy to know about myself) 2y
AllDebooks Thanks for the tag. I feel the same about self-help books. I rarely read them, when I do, it does tend to put me off even more 🙃 #notmygenre 2y
SamAnne On the same page with self help books. 2y
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The Wedding Girl | Madeleine Wickham

This book is not thrilling me... I bought it long time ago and tried ti read it many times, bit until now I've never go further the first chapter.
This time I've finally read half book, so I think I would finish it once I'll be back home from work.

#madeleinewickham #sophiekinsella #weddinggirl #chicklit #notmygenre #workingsunday #summer #tbr #julytbr #bookshelf #lightreadings

the mermaid's voice returns in this one | Amanda Lovelace, ladybookmad
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Categories I didn't vote in because I hadn't read anything. Will try and read Nominee or Winner in everything but Horror. It's just not my genre. 😱
#ivegotnothing #poetry

CoverToCoverGirl I agree - I neither read or watch horror ... too scary. 🙈 5y
Crinoline_Laphroaig @CoverToCoverGirl just don't need that in my head. 5y
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Silent Patient | Alex Michaelides
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“I‘m so glad mom finished her book; now she can pay attention to me!”

4-4 1/2 stars until the end, which was disappointing and seemingly rushed. Solid otherwise, and enjoyable for the most part, but the ending needs rewriting. 🤷🏻‍♀️

#ToughCritic #NotMyGenre #BOTM #BookClubOfTwo #AccidentalBookClub #KittensWhoAreLittens #CatsOfLitsy

KerriArista Agree 6y
dgingo @KerriArista 👍🏼 It‘s not my usual genre, so it‘s good to know I‘m not alone. 6y
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