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#BookHaul #OldPenguins 🐧
Three actual Penguins: Two more Parades to add to the TBR, from 1938 &'39, and a new-in-'57 translation of Perrault's Fairy Tales.
A Pelican imprint of a now-out-of-date book of cosmological physics from 1941 on what is very clearly Wartime quality paper.
How have I never heard of the Ptarmigan imprint by Penguin!? Anyway, there's a fun book of Word Play and a general knowledge quiz book, '45 & '47 respectively, and ⬇️

Bookwomble ... which would seem to indicate that educational standards were far higher then (or maybe I'm thick! 🤔). 1mo
Leftcoastzen Those are amazing! 1mo
Bookwomble @Leftcoastzen I know! I can't get enough of them (despite having too many of them! 😄) 1mo
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The Master of Go | Yasunari Kawabata
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#BookHaul Mainly #OldPenguins with a couple of #OldPelicans ?

Top row, two Japanese novels and one Cuban. ??????
Bottom row, anti-capitalist feminism: a 1968 manifesto giving a "socialist alternative to Labour government policies" which should be interesting given our recent election result, and; a set of Arendt essays, including "Lying in Politics", which couldn't be more relevant!

Leftcoastzen Just wow! 2mo
Suet624 These books look great! 2mo
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Broadhurst's Booksellers | Southport, Lancashire, United Kingdom (Bookstore)
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Out of this newly-arrived, as yet unshelved stack of #OldPenguins 🐧 at the bookshop, I liberated six!
@Leftcoastzen My attempt to reduce my book-buying rate is going as well as yours! 📚🤪📚

Ruthiella For a minute there I thought you had bought them ALL! 😅 2mo
Amor4Libros @Ruthiella I thought the same thing! 🤣 2mo
RowReads1 Wow! Look at all those Penguins 🤤. 2mo
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merelybookish Someone has to rescue them! 😉 2mo
Leftcoastzen OMG ! Get the wheelbarrow!🐧🧡 2mo
Bookwomble @Ruthiella @Amor4Libros As tempted as I might have been, I think neither my bank balance nor my shelves would take the strain! 2mo
Bookwomble @RowReads1 There's are just the new acquisitions they've made. To the left of the frame is a wall of shelves full of them! 🐧🐧🐧🐧🐧 2mo
Bookwomble @merelybookish I did what I could! 😄 2mo
Bookwomble @Leftcoastzen We're going to need a bigger van! 😅 2mo
Lesliereadsalot Have you been to Words on the Water in London? Am wondering if it‘s worth making time for on my London trip in October? 2mo
Bookwomble @Lesliereadsalot I haven't been to it, unfortunately. I used to live near London, but this wasn't there while I was. It looks good though. I see it's close to the British Library, London Zoo and Camden Market, all of which are worth visiting and easy to pop round to the Book Barge if you do 😊 2mo
Lesliereadsalot Thanks! 2mo
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#BookHaul 📚 #OldPenguins 🐧
I paused Penguin Parade 1 when we went on hols as it's a bit too fragile to carry, but I'm reading it again, and have added n⁰3 to n⁰2 on the TBR.
Berserker is another 60s/70s SF take on war for me to compare to The Forever War. Looks like a fix up novel from individual short stories.
The Goshawk has been on my radar a long time: now it's on Mount TBR!
Revolt into Style: A 70s view of 60s pop culture by a man who ⬇️

Bookwomble ... lived it. George Melly was a TV mainstay when I was growing up: an eccentric jazz singer, raconteur, art critic and social commentator, he always seemed like he would be great fun to know, but possibly difficult to live with. I had that "Ahh!" moment when I saw this. And what a fantastic Beatles cover by Peter Blake ?
Britain in the Sixties: Vagrancy, a report about homelessness from the streets by a writer who had lived it. It will be ⬇️
Bookwomble ... interesting to compare this to the modern book I read on the topic earlier this year.
[If I read any of these this year, I'll surprise myself! 📚🧗🏻‍♂️]
Leftcoastzen Love these ! 2mo
Bookwomble @Leftcoastzen They're pretty sweet pertaters, if I do say so myself! 🍠😄 2mo
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Broadhurst's Booksellers | Southport, Lancashire, United Kingdom (Bookstore)
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@tpixie A shelfie of vintage Penguins, alas, not in my home, but at my favourite bookstore. Mainly the classic orange covers, but some of the other flavours, too ?
(To any community other than Litsy, having this photo on my phone from 18 months ago would surely mark me down as "atypical" ? It was a new display in a part of the shop previously closed off - I was agog! ?)
#OldPenguins ?

Leftcoastzen So cool! 7mo
CBee I love that you still have the photo. And these shelves are soooo lovely 😍 7mo
AmyG Wow! 🙌🏻 7mo
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The_Book_Ninja Great pic📸 7mo
tpixie @Bookwomble thanks for sharing!!! We Litten‘s love our ‘book porn ‘! It is amazing how looking at books can move you- lol like looking at babies, or baby animals!!! What a great collection! (edited) 7mo
PaperbackPirate 😍 My local bookstore has always had a last chance $2 wall which after a few minutes always felt overwhelming, but they recently organized it by color and now it‘s so much fun to go through! 🌈 7mo
Bookwomble @PaperbackPirate Shelving books by colour does look nice, though as a classification system it's less practical, unless an imprint publishes it's genres that way, which, obviously, Penguin did 🙂 I can imagine that the books on your local's discount shelves feel less chaotic and more soothing to look through now! 7mo
PaperbackPirate Yes it wasn‘t organized in any way before. I tried doing my own shelves by color for a bit but I could never find anything! 😂👵🏻 7mo
LeahBergen I just love the look of Penguin spines! 7mo
Bookwomble @LeahBergen There's something timeless and comforting about them 😊 7mo
tpixie What a fun place to visit! 🧡🧡🧡 2mo
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