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The Railway Children | Edith Nesbit
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A sweet story about the many adventures of 3 endearing children who live near a train track in the countryside near London. The children have hearts of gold, and always try to do the right thing, even if, being human, they may have a few missteps along the way. Written in 1905, the story works well as a period piece. ⬇️

julieclair Some of the language, social norms and attitudes are very different from today, and the children have much less supervision than would be considered safe in today‘s world. I think many of today‘s children, particularly Americans, would find some of the vocabulary and references difficult to understand. #ChildrensClassicRead2022 @TheBookHippie @Pantone2022 #PolarNight @Clwojick 2y
Ruthiella I didn‘t read this as a child, but when I did read British books, I just read past what I didn‘t understand. I was an adult before I finally discovered what a “waistcoat” was! 😂 2y
TheBookHippie @Ruthiella 😂😂😂😂💯 2y
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TheBookHippie @julieclair I agree you have to read this with the timeline in your mind. With that it‘s a very sweet story. 2y
julieclair @Ruthiella I‘m still doing that! 😂 2y
julieclair @TheBookHippie I wish I had read this as a child… I would have absolutely loved it! I still enjoyed it as an adult, but as a child it would have been magic. 2y
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Pantone: Colors | Pantone
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Yay, @Clwojick posted the Autumn/Winter #Pantone2022 colors 🌈!
I love their names! I am backdating some of the new colors that match books I read earlier this year.

#MoltenLava #SamoanSun #PolarNight #MartiniOlive #AutumnBlonde #CardamomSeed #DragonFire #VeryPeri #Waterspout

Susanita Martini olive! 🍸 3y
BarbaraBB @Susanita fantastic right?! 3y
Susanita It is! And I don‘t even like martinis! 🤣 3y
Clwojick Great matches !! 💙 I love all of these colours! 3y
BarbaraBB @Susanita Me neither 🍸 🤣 3y
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