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The Railway Children
The Railway Children | Edith Nesbit
They were not railway children to begin with. I don't suppose they had ever thought about railways except as a means of getting to Maskelyne and Cook's, the Pantomime, Zoological Gardens, and Madame Tussaud's. They were just ordinary suburban children, an
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I couldn't resist purchasing the Railway Children for my Grandchildren as a 208 page unbridged edition was available from Amazon for £3.99

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British children's stories are just so charming. I loved the narration of this story, even if I didn't know quite enough about early 20th century life to really get everything. #childrenslit #classics

The Railway Children | Edith Nesbit
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Listened to this BBC Children‘s Classic radio play. Very enjoyable. Plan to check out some more in the series.

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I don't recall ever reading this children's classic & I'm glad that I finally did! It's a feel good story that isn't complicated or sad, even though bad things happen. The children are generally unaware of what their parents are enduring. So they make the best of their changed situation. Sure, there are some problematic stereotypes, but for a book written in 1905, it was progressive for it‘s time. #ChildrensClassicRead2022
(September 5, 2022)

TheBookHippie I'm so glad you enjoyed it!! I agree with everything you said! I am so glad I read this!!! AND for 1905 I thought it was quite good. 2y
UwannaPublishme Great review! Totally agree! 2y
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The Railway Children | Edith Nesbit
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An endearing read. I like the sentiments the story shows - kindness, compassion, and fortitude. I frown upon the stereotypes of boys and girls; and foreigners. If I had read this when I was a kid, I‘d have enjoyed it immensely. But now I just focus on the fun adventures of the quick witted and courageous siblings, and the heartwarming story.


TrishB If I‘ve re-read some of the stereotypes from my childhood as an adult I‘ve generally breathed a sigh of relief that I turned out ok despite all that! 2y
batsy That's a pretty edition! 💕 2y
youneverarrived That‘s a lovely edition 😍 2y
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TheBookHippie @TrishB I agree!! phew... 2y
TheBookHippie As a child I would have really been enamored as well. It was quite a sweet story,
I am glad we read it. What a pretty picture !
LeahBergen Lovely photo (and so many old favourites ❤️)! 2y
CarolynM What a great collection😍 2y
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The Railway Children | Edith Nesbit

I liked this better than Five Children and It, possibly because there were fewer children and more trains 😆

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DanaManiac I love Jenny Agutter- of course Call the Midwife, but I‘ve also seen her in Murder, She Wrote and also Midsomer Murders. 💜 2y
TheBookHippie @DanaManiac I agree I like her as well!! 2y
AnnR Yay! I hope you love it! (Jennie Agutter is awesome in Call the Midwife.) 2y
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TheBookHippie @Ann_Reads We just loved it!!!! 2y
sblbooks I've watched this adaptation, it's good. I'm a little behind but I'm just now starting the book. 2y
TheBookHippie @sblbooks I enjoyed them both! 2y
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The Railway Children | Edith Nesbit
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A sweet story about the many adventures of 3 endearing children who live near a train track in the countryside near London. The children have hearts of gold, and always try to do the right thing, even if, being human, they may have a few missteps along the way. Written in 1905, the story works well as a period piece. ⬇️

julieclair Some of the language, social norms and attitudes are very different from today, and the children have much less supervision than would be considered safe in today‘s world. I think many of today‘s children, particularly Americans, would find some of the vocabulary and references difficult to understand. #ChildrensClassicRead2022 @TheBookHippie @Pantone2022 #PolarNight @Clwojick 2y
Ruthiella I didn‘t read this as a child, but when I did read British books, I just read past what I didn‘t understand. I was an adult before I finally discovered what a “waistcoat” was! 😂 2y
TheBookHippie @Ruthiella 😂😂😂😂💯 2y
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TheBookHippie @julieclair I agree you have to read this with the timeline in your mind. With that it‘s a very sweet story. 2y
julieclair @Ruthiella I‘m still doing that! 😂 2y
julieclair @TheBookHippie I wish I had read this as a child… I would have absolutely loved it! I still enjoyed it as an adult, but as a child it would have been magic. 2y
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The Railway Children | Edith Nesbit
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This classic certainly had me reaching for a few tissues.😭The mother‘s devotion to her family, the sweet sibling bonds, the overwhelming kindness and unconditional love—touched my heart. Living in today‘s crazy world, I‘m always up for a happy ending. And since Edith Nesbit had quite a tumultuous family life, I guess these happy endings made her feel better too.

TheBookHippie It‘s like a warm hug. 2y
batsy Lovely review! 2y
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UwannaPublishme @batsy🤗🤗🤗 2y
PurpleyPumpkin Aww what a sweet review. 💜 In today‘s world, books like this are so comforting. I‘m starting this one today and looking forward to it. Here‘s hoping I can finish it by the end of the month!🤞🏽 2y
UwannaPublishme @PurpleyPumpkin Hey my friend! Nice to see you! That‘s exactly why I love these classics. Very comforting. Happy reading to you! I‘m sure you‘ll breeze thru this one. 🤗 2y
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Railway Children | E Nesbit
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It is a cute story. I like the good spirit, kindness & siblings love in the story. I adored their mom 🥰 such an ideal mother. There is a good message about standing together in tough times & family bonding. Few things felt irrelevant now, but overall I enjoyed reading this one. My 2.5 year old daughter is obsessed with trains 😬 Can‘t wait to read this with her ! Thanks for selecting this @TheBookHippie #childrensclassicread2022 #bookspinbingo

TheAromaofBooks Yay!! I thought this was such a fun one. And I want an entire book just from their mom's perspective - she was fabulous! 2y
TheBookHippie I agree with your review! I‘m so glad I read it! 2y
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When I was a kid I was super enthralled with this book, but reading it now I'm noticing stuff that I'm less enamoured with. Chiefly, it's the traditional politics & the takes on foreigners. It is a product of its time. Younger me would have given this 4 or 5 stars, adult me is thinking this is more of a 3. But I'll let nostalgia win because I still found it an immensely comforting read, with pie for breakfast, children triumphing & a happy ending.

batsy A perfect book for summer/long holidays in the sun! #ChildrensClassicRead2022 @TheBookHippie 2y
erzascarletbookgasm True, just like those Enid Blyton books are products of the time, but we loved them so much then. ❤️ Nice review, I better get started on this. 2y
batsy @erzascarletbookgasm So true! I hope you enjoy this 💕 2y
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AnnR I'm about halfway through the book and totally understand your perspective. There are some “iffy“ parts but I usually try to set that aside the best I can when reading classic children's stories. (Easier said than done sometimes.) The same goes for some books by Laura Ingalls Wilder and Frances Hodgson Burnett. 2y
batsy @Ann_Reads Oh, yes! I know what you mean. I turn to a lot of those books because they remind me of how much I loved reading them as a child but there's stuff that's hard to ignore or brush over at times. 2y
Centique I sometimes wish that those books existed “the way I remember them” and not the actual reality. That childhood eye that just gleaned the good bits! But of course I appreciate we need to face up to all the problems within them and critique them too. Thank goodness we have a lot of authors writing new fabulous and inclusive childrens books 🙌 2y
Centique By which I mean… I reread some and can‘t get over the problematic parts either 🤷🏻‍♀️ 2y
batsy @Centique Exactly! You said it so well. When I read them now I'd like to retreat to that same comfort they provided as a kid, but if course it'll never quite be the same. 2y
TheBookHippie I totally agree. I very much enjoyed it as an adult and realized the times it was written in and why. 2y
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The Railway Children | Edith Nesbit
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This was a delightful listen! I know it‘s important for readers to see realistic struggles in some of the stories they read, but I also just love a classic story full of kindness where all the problems are solved and everything ends happily. No matter the difficulty, these three siblings get through it together and make new friends along the way.

#ChildrensClassicRead2022 #audiobook

Daisey @TheBookHippie Yet another classic story I‘ve not read before and am so glad I picked up for the readalong! 2y
TheBookHippie @Daisey It is just like a hug!!! ♥️♥️♥️ I‘m so glad you join in! It is simply a wonderful story. 2y
UwannaPublishme Great review! Totally agree! 2y
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Starting #ChildrensClassicRead2022 August selection with my treasured copy that I read as a child 💚


TheBookHippie ♥️♥️♥️ 2y
AnnR Love the Snoopy coffee cup! 2y
mabell And a Trixie Belden peeking out! 2y
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erzascarletbookgasm I love Snoopy!! My Trixie Beldens and Nancy Drews were all eaten by silverfish! 😭 2y
LeahBergen Aww! ❤️❤️ 2y
Sparklemn The Trixie Belden looks like it's in great condition. Most of mine are “gently used“...but loved. 2y
batsy @Ann_Reads I was so happy to find it! He totally makes my day 😆 2y
batsy @mabell 😁 2y
batsy @erzascarletbookgasm Oh no, I'm sorry about that! It's so hard to maintain a collection of books over years in our climate 😢 I'm just clinging on to all my foxed copies as long as I can. 2y
batsy @Sparklemn Haha, yes most of mine from when I was a kid are "gently used" too, and in different paperback editions. These are fairly new that I picked up at a discount store—can't resist a Trixie Belden! 2y
TheLudicReader Omg, Trixie Beldon! I also love The Railway Children. The movie makes me cry every time. 2y
batsy @TheLudicReader I've not watched any adaptations! I know the 1970 one seems well regarded. I'm going to try to after this re-read. 2y
TheLudicReader @batsy…that version, with Jenny Agutter, is lovely. 2y
batsy @TheLudicReader I have only heard good things about it; it appears to be well-loved :) 2y
UwannaPublishme Snoopy! 😍🙌🏻 2y
batsy @UwannaPublishme The best! ❤️ 2y
sisilia The Snoopy mug! 😍 2y
batsy @sisilia ❤️ 2y
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The theme of an innocent man being falsely imprisoned for espionage and finally vindicated might have been influenced by the Dreyfus Affair. Russian exile, persecuted by the Tsars for writing beautiful book most likely an amalgam of real-life dissidents Stepniak and Peter Kropotkin who were both friends of the author. #CHILDRENSCLASSICREAD2022


UwannaPublishme So interesting! 2y
TheBookHippie @UwannaPublishme I love these deep dives into our classics! 2y
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I‘m thinking I‘ll watch the 1970s movie when I‘m done reading this month.

TheBookHippie @vlwelser finally …coffee 🤣 2y
vlwelser 😍❤☕ 2y
CBee Just scrolling way too fast and totally thought the book was called “The Railway Chicken” 😂😂😂 2y
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TheBookHippie @CBee That in a nutshell explains my entire day..... 2y
CBee @TheBookHippie 😂😂😂 kind of an every day thing for me recently 🐓🙃 2y
TheBookHippie @CBee 😵‍💫solidarity ✊🏼 2y
CBee @TheBookHippie 😵‍💫 is my new fave emoji 😂 2y
erzascarletbookgasm Thanks for the reminder. Been on my shelves for ages! 2y
batsy Oooh! One of my faves as a kid! Look forward to revisiting it this month 💜🚂🛤️ 2y
Blackink_WhitePaper Can‘t wait to read this ! 2y
PurpleyPumpkin Yet another children‘s classic I haven‘t read. Now‘s an excellent time!👍🏽 2y
rubyslippersreads @TheBookHippie @CBee Don‘t you mean an eggshell? 😂🐣 2y
CBee @rubyslippersreads oh my gosh, that‘s perfection 😂😂😂 2y
TheBookHippie @PurpleyPumpkin I‘ve never read it either! 2y
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FREE on kindle as purchase or kindle unlimited


Should also be readily available at your library!

Everyone welcome to join in!!

It's a morning zen practice with coffee and a couple pages for me. Post how you are using these reads or fun facts you find about the story or the author! ALSO my friend tells me there is a fun movie for this one!!

I am loving our this months read Stuart Little!

ravenlee Love this book! It‘s one of my mom‘s childhood favorites. Kiddo carried around the copy we read (thankfully NOT my mom‘s, that‘s safe) for about three months when she was two, only to end one ill-fated naptime as confetti. 2y
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The Railway Children | Edith Nesbit
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#Maymoms @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @eggs

Mrs. Waterbury is an iconic Mom.

Eggs Cover Love 💕 2y
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The Railway Children | Edith Nesbit
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Day 281.
Here I will note 365 books (or as many as I will have before I get tired) that have shaped my taste in literature. No explanations, no reviews. Just the cover of the book.
I do not challenge anyone. You are all welcome to take part.

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An old edition of the excellent Backlisted podcast prompted a read of this children's classic which somehow I had never read as a child, despite being a huge Nesbit fan. If you can read the final scene without welling up you're a heartless beast.

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Railway Children | Edith Nesbit
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The simplicity, innocence, kindness and togetherness of a bygone era. The book was published in 1906, when it used to be steam engines. One can enjoy the fun , frolic and adventure of a childhood in English countryside. And who was not fascinated by Railways, as children !

The Railway Children | Edith Nesbit
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So I never ever read this before, but am discovering it with my children. We've really gotten into the audiobook thing! We, or some of us, as the youngest has done some listening behind her sister's back, have now covered The Magic Faraway Tree, Folk of the Faraway Tree, Adventures of the Wishing Chair and The Wishing Chair again. We all need to be present with The Railway Children though - I don't want to miss anything!

The Railway Children | Edith Nesbit
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So I recently finished one of the books I've been reading, Percy Jackson and the Olympians, so I started a new little book called The Railway Children. It's a story where 3 children of a father that mysteriously disapeared have to leave the country and have to live in a small cottage in the countryside. The 3 children wave to the Station Master, without knowing that the Station Master was the cause of their father's disapearance.

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I finally got my #bookspin list ready, @TheAromaofBooks 😊 I'll just be participating in the regular spin and double spin challenge this time around, but would love to try bingo next month!

TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Glad to have you back for another round!! 4y
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“Girls are just as clever as boys, and don't you forget it!”

This is a light book mainly for children but somehow works for all age groups.It shows how three siblings enjoy their life near a railway station and with its employees.
The plot starts with the children's father going away for some mysterious reason which the mother does not disclose to the kids.

“everything has an end, and you get to it if you only keep all on.”

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Such Famous Five vibes from this book. Makes me wonder why I ever gave up reading children's books 😊

batsy It's one of my favourites 💕 4y
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Anyone remember watching the 1970 movie with Jenny Agutter? I loved it as a kid and reading the book was a comforting experience. People looking out for people...kinda timely given our current predicament. Stay safe, everyone. #covid19readathon

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Lovely read

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The Railway Children spent a lot of time waiting for a -#Train


OriginalCyn620 👌🏻🚂 5y
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A delightful book for young readers( and not so young as well). I never read this as a child, and enjoyed it at 63. Reminiscent of another time, this one still works. The children smart and inquisitive, enjoy their time living near the railway station in the countryside. #booked2019 #PublicDomain. Read through serial reader, a great app for public domain books. Only one more prompt to be finished the entire year of prompts.

Butterfinger I loved this as a child. I need to reread it because I don't remember much except the children were waiting on their father. I think. 5y
TheLudicReader I loved that movie soooo much as a kid. 5y
Cinfhen Lovely choice and YES to @SerialReader ✅✅✅ 5y
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rabbitprincess Serial Reader is awesome! I have this one on my Read Later list. 5y
Samplergal @Butterfinger you are correct. It reminded me of Heidi for some reason. It funny how I was such a voracious reader as a kid, and yet, still didn‘t get to so many classics. 5y
Butterfinger @Samplergal what did you decide to read for the paranormal prompt? 5y
Samplergal @Butterfinger Beloved! I don‘t know why I didn‘t think of it. I started it several yrs ago and just picked it up again. 5y
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Might scan read an old childhood classic before picking up my library books tomorrow! 🥰
Since I finished The girl with all the gifts today, being left with nothing to read will be so booooring 😴

Railway Children | Edith Nesbit
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Looking for my next Serial Reader book and decided to finally read the Railway Children!

Caroline2 Oh I loved this book when I was younger, it‘s so charming. 😍 5y
ScorpioBookDreams @Caroline2 I love the old film so can‘t wait to see what the book is like. 5y
Caroline2 From what I remember the film is very faithful so I think you‘ll enjoy it. 😀 5y
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While I‘m nursing a cold and am doing everything to get well again before heading to our #litsyreadingretreat on Friday, I was thinking about comfort reading. Now there is a new entry on this on my blog: www.theconstantreader.net/blog 😊

TheDaysGoBy Feel better! 5y
wordzie Oooh pretty ❤ 5y
julesG Feel better! 5y
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squirrelbrain Get well soon! 🤞 5y
shanaqui Those are lovely looking editions! Comfort reading is so important. 5y
cobwebmoth Hope you feel better soon! 5y
Sarah83 Oh No... Not again 🙄 5y
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My kids refused to read this with me, so I spent the afternoon reading it to myself.

Lcsmcat I remember reading this to my kids! 5y
thebacklistbook Is this anything like the boxcar children? 5y
Bookwormjillk @thebacklistbook A little bit. It has the same sweet, old fashioned vibe. The kids live in a house instead of a boxcar though. And they consider themselves poor because they only have one servant. 5y
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#ANewChapter #railway @vkois88 @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

Can never go wrong with Usborne 😊 Love this collection of stories! Has beautiful illustrations too!

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My partner found 2 folios for sale for only £4 online and went and got them for me! Great titles too. A bit of damage on the slipcases but the books are immaculate. And isn't that what slipcases are for? 😄 #foliofreaks #foliosociety

bullbunny Oh I have read the railway children, I own a different or did lol 6y
batsy I love The Railway Children! I'm sure it's beautiful with the illustrations 😍 6y
ravenlee I adore both of those books! 6y
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erzascarletbookgasm That‘s a steal, lucky you! The illustrations of Folio editions are always beautiful. 6y
laurieluna @bullbunny @batsy @ravenlee @erzascarletbookgasm they're lovely, great additions. Had my eye on both for a while. The sale this year isn't very good so was sad that I probably wouldn't add to my collection this time until my partner went hunting online and found these. A steal 👌 6y
Sarah83 Looks great 😍 6y
LeahBergen Lovely! 👏🏻👏🏻 6y
minkyb ❣️ 5y
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The Railway Children | Edith Nesbit
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Yay for bookish Christmas loot! I hope you all had a Merry Christmas! 🎄

batsy Lovely! All of my faves ❤️ Though I haven't read that Wodehouse 6y
AvidReader25 @batsy I‘d never even heard of it! 6y
Kalalalatja Pretty editions 😍😍 6y
LeahBergen Lovely!! 😍😍 6y
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A true classic, and loved the film too. Some great mystery in this one.
#ComeLittleChildren #OctoberPutASpellOnYou

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“There‘s no end to this tunnel,“ said Phyllis—and indeed it did seem very, very long.
“Stick to it,“ said Peter; “everything has an end, and you get to it if you only keep on.“

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“So you‘ve made another lot of friends,” said Mother; “first the railway and then the canal!”
“Oh, yes,“ said Bobbie; “I think everyone in the world is friends if you can only get them to see you don‘t want to be un-friends.“ 😊❤️

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“Whenever an Editor was sensible there were buns for tea.” 😅😅😅

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I read this book when I was a kid and have no memory of coming across the word “snarky” in it. 😂😂😂 Whenever I find a word or expression in an older book that‘s still in use today, it seems funny to me. But I guess E. Nesbit used it long before I ever did!

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A very sweet riches to rags story. Unrealistic? Definitely but worth a read.

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A children‘s classic I never read as a child. I found this copy on the street and am enjoying it so far — about 1/4 in.

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It‘s been a bit of a slog, but we finally finished this tonight, continuing my quest to read with my children all the books I didn‘t read when I was a child. Seth fidgeted through nearly all of this with lots of sighing and annoyance at the writing that feels so dated to him, but then we got to the end, both tried really hard not to cry, and he admitted he‘d actually enjoyed it. A big deal when you‘re 10 and trying to be cool 😆 #raisingreaders

The Railway Children | Edith Nesbit
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Kaye Will this be the last post before Shut Down ? I keep watching the clock. It‘s 7:04 AM 6y
Lcsmcat Me too! I was in a rush to post it for that reason! 6y
AmyG @Kaye I was surprised this worked. Lovely book, btw! 6y
Lcsmcat @AmyG Thanks. It was a favorite when my kids were little. 6y
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Decided to become an Usborne Independent organiser. Best business ever. I love books I‘m training to become an ECP so I know lots of schools and parents. And the books are stunning. This is my kit Qb you can join and just sell to friends or you can make a business out off it. Please check my page on Facebook where you can look at catalogue place an order or find out about joining. https://www.facebook.com/puddleduckbooks/

Ms_T Good luck! Usborne regularly visit my workplace 😃 6y
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Bookish gift #5: one for Seth‘s pile although I‘ll admit this one is more for me! Another classic I never read as a child. I‘m loving the cover #raisingreaders

batsy I love this book! That's a great edition. 7y
erzascarletbookgasm Lovely edition 7y
Cathythoughts Enjoy 💕 7y
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