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Under the Skin
Under the Skin | Michel Faber
Hailed as "original and unsettling, an Animal Farm for the new century" (The Wall Street Journal), this first novel lingers long after the last page has been turned. Described as a "fascinating psychological thriller" (The Baltimore Sun), this entrancing novel introduces Isserley, a female driver who picks up hitchhikers with big muscles. She, herself, is tiny--like a kid peering up over the steering wheel. Scarred and awkward, yet strangely erotic and threatening, she listens to her hitchhikers as they open up to her, revealing clues about who might miss them if they should disappear. At once humane and horrifying, Under the Skin takes us on a heart-thumping ride through dangerous territory--our own moral instincts and the boundaries of compassion. A grotesque and comical allegory, a surreal representation of contemporary society run amok, Under the Skin has been internationally received as the arrival of an exciting talent, rich and assured.
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Under the Skin | Michel Faber
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I‘ll leave it to the more committed genre readers to comment on its chops as a sci-fi story, but I certainly found myself transported by it. Faber used a lot of the stock-standard sci-fi tropes to make an interesting – if obvious – philosophical point. The first half is creepy as all heck, the second half is like opening a front-facing camera on humanity. Full review: https://keepingupwiththepenguins.com/under-the-skin-michel-faber/

BarbaraBB Such a creepy read. Loved it! 2y
Ruthiella I really liked this one too. 2y
TheLudicReader Great book. 2y
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Under the Skin | Michel Faber
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#AlphabetGame Letter U

Michel Faber is a favorite writer. He knows how to engage his readers in long books like The Crimson Petal and the White and the fabulous Book of Strange New Things but he‘s also a master in short story telling. This book and his other short story collection The Fahrenheit Twins, are in my list of all time favorites. So sinister and creepy, unforgettable!

Leftcoastzen This has been in my house & on my TBR a long time! I almost traded /donated many times. I guess I was waiting for your confirmation it‘s worth reading!😁 2y
Oryx This book is fantastic - it's so weird. He's such a good writer, I love how he moves across genres. 2y
BarbaraBB @Leftcoastzen I guess so too! And @oryx does confirm you should read it 😉 2y
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Leftcoastzen Moving it up the TBR! 2y
Liz_M @Leftcoastzen It's fabulous and creepy. Perfect for this October! 2y
Kammbia1 I've read The Book of Strange New Things by him. That was an excellent book. I need to read this one. 2y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Thank you for playing 📚 2y
rwmg I thought about this one for 'U', but it was spoiled for me by my habit of looking up unknown words. DO NOT DO THIS IF YOU WANT TO AVOID SPOILERS. 2y
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Under the Skin | Michel Faber

"The night passed in seconds, surely no more than a few thousand of them."

Under the Skin | Michel Faber

"In the world outside, the sun‘s rays intensified abruptly as if some responsible agency had just noticed they were shining at half the recommended power."

Under the Skin | Michel Faber
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#Movie2BookRecs #scarlettjohansson ScarJo is not my favorite, I find her very off putting, however, I‘ve heard this is some incredible work. @Klou

Klou Great choice!! 3y
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Under the Skin | Michel Faber
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A story about a mysterious woman called Isserley who drives along the highways of Scotland and picks up 'suitable' male hitch-hiker's and those men are never seen again.

Very disturbing read and it doesn't reveal much, by saying that I think you'd only understand what I mean if you've read it.

I prefer the adaptation with Scarlett Johansson playing Isserley, which is actually so different to the book but the book is still a 4/5 rating. 💫

Ruthiella I‘ve not seen the film but I loved the book. Not a vegetarian but moving in that direction in part thanks to this book. 😨 4y
TheNeverendingTBR @Ruthiella I can understand that. 😶...the movie is better, thought I'd never say that! 😝 4y
TheLudicReader That‘s a weird-ass book, but I liked it. 4y
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TheNeverendingTBR @TheLudicReader I'll definitely read another from this author. 4y
Anna40 I tried this one. It was so hard to get into it that I bailed, I might give it another try 4y
Michael_Gee First off, love your name and what you are doing with the tarot. Second: I loved the Book of Strange New Things by Faber if you are interested in reading more of him. (edited) 4y
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Under the Skin | Michel Faber
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"Isserley always drove straight past a hitch-hiker when she first saw him, to give herself time to size him up."

Almost finished this book, one more chapter left - review will be up tomorrow. ?


Under the Skin | Michel Faber
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Going to read this one for the first time, seen the movie years ago and absolutely loved it, it was so creepy and Scarlett Johansson done a magnificent job.

I like the fact it's set in Scotland and I'm familiar with the locations, I'm so excited to start this and also looking forward to returning to the adaptation again once I've finished the book! 💫💫

HatefulGrablin I didn't even realize that movie was based on a book! Now I'll have to read it. 4y
erzascarletbookgasm I‘ve not watched the adaptation but the book was good. 👍 4y
TheNeverendingTBR @HatefulGrablin Oh definitely, I can't put it down - it's written so well 4y
TheNeverendingTBR @erzascarletbookgasm I recommend it, it was such a good creepy movie! 💫 4y
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Under the Skin | Michel Faber
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Under the Skin | Michel Faber
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Last book in my #LitsyAtoZ challenge letter 'U'.

Between a pick and a so-so.
Ok, I could say so much about this book but I can't because everything I want to say would spoil it. And I had it spoilt for me which was VERY annoying.
This book is not an easy read in so many ways but if you like creepy and thought provoking then this is the book for you.

MrsMalaprop Yay! You did it 👏. 5y
Rissreads @MrsMalaprop Yes I did! 🎉 5y
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Under the Skin | Michel Faber
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SEVEN (days to go) and I‘m wondering about squeezing in a reread of Michel Faber‘s alien debut for #SciFiMonth. Although I‘m not sure I can put myself through the film again...

Under the Skin | Michel Faber
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I can honestly say this is the oddest book I've read.
I had no idea what it was about and kind if wish I had. I wouldn't have chosen to read it...
I found it unsettling and unpleasant. But very clever and superbly written.

BarbaraBB I‘ll never forget this book 😨 5y
readordierachel So, so unsettling 5y
rachaich @BarbaraBB nor me 🙁 @readordierachel it is definitely that. 5y
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Under the Skin | Michel Faber
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Oooh what a cover.
This is odd... I'm clueless as to the truth. There are some peculiar bits and each time I think I've sussed it, I'm wrong!

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Under the Skin | Michel Faber
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If you meet Isserley on a rainy, cold night by a road side in Scotland, you might be on a #HighwayToHell 🚗💨


Cinfhen I‘ve heard this is disturbing AF 5y
readordierachel Good one! Such an unsettling read. 5y
Angitron That cover is 🥺🥺🥺 5y
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RohitSawant Oh, this has been on my TBR for ages! Nice pick! 5y
Reggie It seems I already have this stacked but thanks for the reminder. This sounds great. 5y
gradcat Wow! This book reads “visceral” to me! Crazy good plot line! 😈 5y
Avanders When you scroll up and down while sort of gazing at the cover (not really focusing), it looks really cool! 😄😁 5y
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Under the Skin | Michel Faber
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Book show score Number 2. The du Maurier was a major score. I was hoping to find other Faber works, alas this is the only one I could find. With my three fiction purchases it was with authors I was already collecting.

Under the Skin | Michel Faber
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A mysterious woman drives along the highways in Glasgow and lures ‘suitable‘ men into her car..and those men are never seen again..
It‘s a disturbing read, I‘ve only watched the trailer of the film starring Scarlett Johansson but heard that the film is very freaky, scary and erotic. 😨

#marchintothe70s #highwaytohell

Bookgirl Oooo I didn‘t know it was a book! I couldn‘t finish the movie - I found the pace too boring - but the storyline still intrigued me. Added to Mt. TBR! 5y
Cathythoughts Sounds interesting... a possibility for #Booktomovie .. I‘ll take a screenshot & investigate ( will be planning my summer books soon .. 😍 5y
Weaponxgirl I really liked the movie but it isn‘t for everyone. It‘s very slow pacing and it‘s all about the smallest movement and expression from scajo. 5y
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Under the Skin | Michel Faber

Loved watching the changes in Isserley's feelings and views. Impossible to describe further without spoilers

Under the Skin | Michel Faber
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Under the Skin | Michel Faber
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I loved this movie! So I know I'm gonna love book! I heard that are different in good ways and that this is a must read! Can't wait!


readordierachel Such a creepy read! 5y
juliegumdrop I love this book. Anything by Michel Faber is amazing. 5y
CorinnaBechko This book still gives me the shivers and I read it over a year ago. Absolutely amazing. 5y
RadicalReader @meghan2714 immediately stacked this book sounds like another book I‘ll be happy to have read for 2019 5y
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Under the Skin | Michel Faber
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#RRSciFiMonth Day 29: I didn‘t see that coming ...pretty much sums up Under the Skin from start to astonishing finish. Still my favourite Faber, and still enough to ensure I read everything he writes.

Under the Skin | Michel Faber
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Isserley is a real #maneater. She drives around looking for the most healthy and good looking hitchiker, and once she find‘s him, she brings him home, where she will do whatever she likes with him. And I can‘t say anymore without spoiling the book 😉


vivastory Good choice! 6y
HardcoverHearts I don‘t know if I would read the book given that description, but the cover is so interesting! 👌🏻 6y
erzascarletbookgasm This was an unsettling read but certainly good. 6y
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Robothugs Oh my 😱😱 6y
Cinfhen Oh wow!!! I‘m secretly intrigued!!! #stacked 6y
Kalalalatja @HardcoverHearts @Robothugs @Cinfhen I liked it, but I wasn‘t wow‘ed, because I had been spoiled before reading it. So I would definitely recommend going into it without knowing too much! 6y
Kalalalatja @vivastory thanks! @erzascarletbookgasm definitely! 😳 6y
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Under the Skin | Michel Faber
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Bookoutlet.com is dangerous!!! #oops #notreally #noregrets #tbr

Under the Skin | Michel Faber
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Under the Skin | Michel Faber
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#HeyJune It‘s #aharddaysnight you know, driving around the Scottish countryside every night, picking up ‘suitable‘ male hitchhikers, drugging them and delivering to her ‘home‘.
I won‘t say anymore, in case of spoilers, but if you‘re intrigued, read the book. 😉

Ruthiella Loved this book! It was so very creepy 😱 6y
Cinfhen Another book that‘s screaming my daughter‘s name! I‘ll screenshot for her!! 6y
erzascarletbookgasm @Ruthiella Yes! and thought provoking too, imo 🙂 6y
Kalalalatja Perfect pick! 👏👏👏 6y
BarbaraBB Great pick! 6y
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Under the Skin | Michel Faber
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Under the Skin is a book with many layers, and passages to delight many interests. I won't claim it's a fluffy read -- it isn't -- but it does deliver a good story beautifully and graphically. Isserley is a vital and tragic protagonist; one that the reader can't help but ache for, despite the things she has done. Full review here: https://alternativemrmen.blogspot.co.uk/2018/05/under-skin-by-michel-faber.html?... #scifi #horror

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Under the Skin | Michel Faber
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1. Spitting in public, or people who whisper during recitals/meetings/speeches/basically any situation where you seriously just need to BUTTON IT for like, 20 minutes. Cripes.
2. Both. With ice cream. And coffee.
3. Sorry, that‘s my security question on every website ever. 😂
4. Romance
5. ❤️ Mica Levi ❤️ https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gvhybhc6-I8


Under the Skin | Michel Faber
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This one is on the border of pick and so-so for me. I really enjoyed parts of it, especially during the first third or so, but other parts dragged a bit. I accidentally had something spoiled while reading reviews for this book, so that may have effected my experience too. If you want to read this, I‘d suggest going in knowing as little as possible.

Under the Skin | Michel Faber
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One of the fabulous things about Litsy is all these amazing #giveaways. Happy Happy Birthday @erzascarletbookgasm !! #BdayMonthGiveaway - my choice is Set B.
Thus far, my fave read of 2018 is This Is Not A Border: Reportage and Reflection from the Palestine Festival of Literature.

erzascarletbookgasm Thank you for entering 🙂🍀👍 6y
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Under the Skin | Michel Faber
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@erzascarletbookgasm is hosting an amazing #bdaymonthgiveaway! Head over to her page for details! I'd love to win pair B, 1. Because Under The Skin was such a strange film and I'm not familiar with the book and 2. Because I understand that The Bear is narrated by a little girl and I'm so interested in child narrators that I'm writing my end-of-degree thesis on them!
I think my fvorite read so far of 2018 has been Sula by Toni Morrison.

Cathythoughts I loved Sula too ❤️ 6y
erzascarletbookgasm Thank you for entering. 🍀👌 I have not read Sula but have seen good reviews here. 🙂 6y
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Under the Skin | Michel Faber
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This book shows it isn‘t only #nightsinthecity you have to be afraid of. Nights in the country, by deserted highways are just ad dangerous! 😳


Wilkie Great book! One of my favourites 6y
Cinfhen Ooooh, this sounds super creepy!!!! 6y
batsy I like what you did there! Clever 👏🏽And that cover! 6y
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readordierachel Such an odd and disturbing book. Loved it! 6y
Kalalalatja @Cinfhen it is creepy! But I wasn‘t as surprised by it as I had hoped to be. It really is a book where you need to know as little as possible! 6y
Kalalalatja @Wilkie @ReadOrDieRachel I enjoyed it, but sadly, it didn‘t wow me, because some of the twists were spoiled for me beforehand 👎 6y
Kalalalatja @batsy the cover is 🔥🔥🔥 6y
Wilkie @Kalalalatja that would make a big difference. I knew nothing about the plot before starting. 6y
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Under the Skin | Michel Faber
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One of the most unsettling books I've ever read. Weird but very compelling, although I kept having to put it down because I was so disturbed. I don't want to spoil it for anyone, so I'll leave it at that. 😨

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Under the Skin | Michel Faber
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"Isserley always drove straight past a hitch-hiker when she first saw him, to give herself time to size him up. She was looking for big muscles: a hunk on legs. Puny, scrawny specimens were no use to her."

#firstlines #alltheyoungdudes #septembowie

EvieBee 👍🏼 7y
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Under the Skin | Michel Faber
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I don't know how to review this book. Or what I think about it. I were ready for surprises and twists, but I guessed most of them quite early on. I kept waiting for something big to happen, but it never did. Then I realized, that I had read a review of the book before, and had been spoiled without knowing it. So whatever you do, avoid spoilers! Go into this book knowing nothing. Be Jon Snow!

I were entertained throughout, just not that surprised.

mangokittty Oh my gosh! I just read the description and realized I saw the movie for this. WORST MOVIE EVER! So many reviews are like, "you just don't understand what's happening it's too deep." I kid you not though the first 30 mins there's like no talking. 7y
Kalalalatja @mangokittty I haven't seen the movie, but I have heard the book is very different from it. I saw the movie trailer yesterday, and I had no idea what was going on! 7y
mangokittty @Kalalalatja well that sounds like a good thing. 😂 The whole movie is strange. Not my cup of tea. 7y
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Minervasbutler I really enjoyed the book but I came to it in Jon Snow mode lol so it all took me by surprise. The Crimson Petal and the White is much better though 7y
Zelma Ha, the Jon Snow line made me chuckle. 😆 7y
Kalalalatja @Minervasbutler completely agree! I can't wait ti read more of Faber's work to see if anything compares to the Crimson Petal 🙏 7y
Kalalalatja @Zelma I'm rewatching GoT with my bf, and we're just at the episodes where Jon is hot and heavy with Ygritte. So it was foremost in my mind 😄 7y
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Under the Skin | Michel Faber
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So far, this book is weird, disturbing and awesome! I have an inkling of what is going on, but I think, I'm in for some big surprises. 🚗


Jinjer Nice photo composition! 7y
Jess_Read_This ❤️oreos and coffee...❤️❤️❤️❤️ 7y
Moray_Reads I love these Canons covers by Canongate. They have so many of them in the edbookfest bookshop... 7y
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Sace That bookmark 😍 7y
aeeklund I absolutely love this cover! I haven't seen this one before! 7y
monogamist_reader Need to read this one. I loved the book of strange new things. 7y
bedandabook Anything recommended by Kate Atkinson immediately has me buying it. I shall look for this tomorrow, thanks! 7y
Kalalalatja @Jinjer thank you! ☺️ @Jess_Read_This it was needed today! And it was goooood ❤️❤️ @RestlessFickleBookSlut I have been thinking about colouring it, but I can't get myself to mess it up 😄 7y
Sace @Kalalalatja the main reason I shy away from coloring is my total lack of color sense. I would ruin so many things. 7y
Kalalalatja @Moray_Reads Ooh I would love to browse those! The only books I have from Canongate are Faber's books, so I really need to Explorer them a bit more. I love a good, rubbery paperback 👌 7y
Kalalalatja @aeeklund it only came out last month, if I remember correctly. I think they are reissuing some of Faber's book so they have the same "look" ? I love the detail with the face. It's so subtle but wonderful! 7y
Kalalalatja @warghalv I still haven't read the book of strange new things, but it is waiting patiently on my tbr! 7y
Kalalalatja @bedandabook I feel the same about anything recommended by Neil Gaiman 👍 7y
Kalalalatja @RestlessFickleBookSlut That's my fear as well! I'm afraid it only looks good in my head 7y
BarbaraBB Yes you are! 7y
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Under the Skin | Michel Faber
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Just got this on Overdrive by way of @aeeklund . Thanks for the rec! It sounds like a very interesting read!

zezeki One of the strangest books I've read, but I've enjoyed it very much 7y
JoeStalksBeck @zeljka I'm looking forward to it!😊 7y
TheLudicReader Not what I was expecting, but compelling nonetheless. 7y
aeeklund Yay! I hope you find it interesting! Faber's writing is hypnotic. 7y
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Under the Skin | Michel Faber
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I'm not quite sure what it says about me that this was the first book I thought of for #Drive. 😳 The perils of picking up a hitchhiker...for the hitchhiker, that is...


Moray_Reads I knew nothing about this book when I read it, bit was I surprised... 😲 7y
elkeOriginal This book 🙀 7y
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Under the Skin | Michel Faber
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I long for a day were I can just lay in bed all day and read all the #quickreads. But with school, a presentation to prepare and a paper to write, I don't see that happening soon. But when it does, these will be some of the books I choose from 👌📚


gossamerchild Those covers! 😍 7y
CoffeeCatsBooks Love the Margaret Atwood Surfacing cover! 7y
UwannaPublishme Whew! Good luck with all your projects. You'll find time to read soon. 📚👍🏻 7y
CuriousG I feel like I have to come and borrow all your books (permanently? Lol)....you find the most amazing covers for everything! 7y
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Under the Skin | Michel Faber

This book was really great! The satire is awesome & just really well written. I found a used copy at a bookstore & remembered Jen Campbell talking about it on her channel & I am glad I picked it up. Even though Jen says it is very different I can't wait to see the movie as well.

Under the Skin | Michel Faber
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This book is amazing. This quote made me smile, as it so accurately reflects how topsy-turvey this story is.

Under the Skin | Michel Faber
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In this novel, the protagonist drives along the lonely Scottish highways, picking up muscular male hitchhikers, and tricked them, before knocking them out with a drug and taking them back to an isolated farm. This was an interesting read, introduced me to Michel Faber.
#drive #90sinjuly @Cinfhen @Robothugs

Oryx I loved this book. It's so weird. It doesn't go where you expect it to. 7y
minkyb Sounds like an episode of Criminal Minds! 7y
Cinfhen Sounds super creepy 😧😨😱 7y
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elkeOriginal I think I read this. I think I have blocked it out. Because it was terrifying. 7y
erzascarletbookgasm @Oryx @minkyb @Cinfhen @elkeo I read it without expectations and it's totally not what I thought it was! Creepy and thought provoking. 7y
Cinfhen Thought provoking I wasn't expecting 7y
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Under the Skin | Michel Faber
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Original, engrossing and gross, this book certainly fits #AliensExist #90sinjuly @Cinfhen @Robothugs

Robothugs Stacked. Love that cover! 7y
Cinfhen Nice pick, but not for me...sounds scary! 7y
erzascarletbookgasm @Cinfhen I dived in, not knowing what to expect. Worth the read 😊though didn't love it. 7y
SaraBeagle This reminds me, I lent this to a friend and never got it back. 7y
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Under the Skin | Michel Faber
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This book was so unsettling and amazing. I adored the film and I'm actually really glad I watched it before reading. Unique and fascinating.

vivastory I loved this book. It is the only Faber I have read so far. Will definitely be reading more 7y
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Under the Skin | Michel Faber

hi my name's amarlie and I love books!!! Not this 1.

Under the Skin | Michel Faber
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Weird, a slow build, what just happened? 👽🤔

Under the Skin | Michel Faber
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I would advise knowing as little as possible about this before reading, if you have seen the film (which i greatly admired) the book is entirely different. Faber is a master of achingly lyrical passages about natural beauty. This book is transcendent. It is grotesque & a thoughtful inquiry into identity & ethics. I was bowled over by it. A masterpiece.

Moray_Reads That is some praise! I just snagged the overdrive copy from my library. Lovely review 7y
vivastory @Moray_Reads Thanks! I hope you are moved by it. It is really difficult to speak about it without giving too much away. I look forward to your thoughts on it 7y
saresmoore Agreed with @Moray_Reads , of course! I will definitely get hold of a copy. 7y
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Kalalalatja This is going to be my next Faber once I have read The Book of Strange New Things 7y
vivastory @Kalalalatja I will definitely be reading that one, my next one will probably be "Crimson Petal & the White" 7y
batsy Thank you for this lovely review. I've always wondered if I should read this and now you've convinced me. Crimson Petal is fantastic and I love it, but probably different in tone/style. 7y
vivastory @batsy I look forward to your thoughts. This will definitely stay with me for quite awhile. 7y
Reggie I have not but It stacking it now. Sounds atmospherically creepy. 4y
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Under the Skin | Michel Faber
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I like Bjork & love Portishead, but this made me laugh.

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Under the Skin | Michel Faber
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This is my first Faber. I'm in love...

RowReads1 It's amazing. 7y
Suet624 Ooohhh, sounds good. 7y
Kalalalatja Oh wait till you get to 7y
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Under the Skin | Michel Faber
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I usually avoid movie tie-in editions like the plague, this is one of the few I don't mind too much.

Kalalalatja I wouldn't have known it was a movie tie-in just by looking at it! 7y
Moray_Reads I actually really like the cover 7y
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Under the Skin | Michel Faber
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I dived into this book without any expectations. Reading the blurb, I thought it was a psychological thriller, but it's part thriller, part sci-fic, an allegory. It deals with themes of identity, morality, sexism, among others. It raises some important questions about the society we've created. Some parts of the descriptions in the book are unsettling and made me uncomfortable. The writing is slow and teasing. Overall an enjoyable read. #litsyatoz

Suet624 Sounds great! 7y
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