Me after this weekend. Totally worth it though! #24in48 #24in48readathon #readingyoga #illbefeelingittomorrow #totallyworthit
Me after this weekend. Totally worth it though! #24in48 #24in48readathon #readingyoga #illbefeelingittomorrow #totallyworthit
Since the announcement of the next book delay, I might as well re-read book 1-7 in the series for the umpteenth time. This time, upside down 😝
#kapotasana #readingyoga #georgerrmartin #gameofthrones #waysyogisread
The Last Lecture have been my all time favourite book for the longest time. As a kid, I‘ve always loved dancing, and hoped to one day be a dancer. Now that I‘m an adult and dancing is not exactly an option (except for the occasional clubbing), I find myself so drawn to Yoga. Picked it up about 4 months ago and here I am - doing the dancer pose, while reading The Last Lecture ;) #howyogisread #readingyoga #thelastlecture #randypausch
Recently decided to make #ReadingYoga my thing! Here‘s the Goddess Pose + a forward fold while displaying a very beautiful cover of #TheGoodPeople by #HannahKent!