“Time is all you have. And you may find one day that you have less than you think.” R. P.
“Time is all you have. And you may find one day that you have less than you think.” R. P.
A second read for me. What an extraordinary life and death this man had.
[photo: smoked pork guacamole taco in a blue corn shell]
Computer science professor Randy Pausch is asked to give a last lecture in his final months of terminal illness.
The most impressive topics in his lecture were not the common sense tips on how to achieve dreams, success in life etc., but how he handled the news of his diagnosis, organized the time left before his death in relation to his wife, his very young children, friends and even to himself and prepared for death with dignity and acceptance.
"We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand."
My Dearest Littens:
I lost a childhood friend last night. She was 35, a dancer/yoga teacher, joyful soul who had been through hell with her family over the last 17 years. She was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer on Thanksgiving, and her kidneys shut down, leading to her passing last night. Her parents will now burry a second child; her two surviving siblings lost another one. Especially at Christmas, which is unimaginable. ⬇️
Afternoon read time!
Let‘s talk about reading Reading Nooks!! This is mine - taking the entire living of the upper floor of my house.. that also serves as my yoga corner! What‘s your favourite #readingnook? Upload a picture and do tag me! I‘d love to see them ❤️
#readingcorner #myfavouritebook #thelastlecture #randypausch
#MarchIntoOz #HelpingHand I havnt read this yet , but I think it will be a real helping hand for all of us on life‘s journey ❤️
The Last Lecture have been my all time favourite book for the longest time. As a kid, I‘ve always loved dancing, and hoped to one day be a dancer. Now that I‘m an adult and dancing is not exactly an option (except for the occasional clubbing), I find myself so drawn to Yoga. Picked it up about 4 months ago and here I am - doing the dancer pose, while reading The Last Lecture ;) #howyogisread #readingyoga #thelastlecture #randypausch
The second completed audiobook for February. This one was wonderful, and I full heartedly recommend it. ♥️ #audiobook #my2018 #readingstats
#NuYear #MyLastDay Professors are sometimes asked to give lectures on what wisdom they would impart if they knew it was their last chance. Soon after Dr. Pausch, a computer science professor at Carnegie Mellon, accepted that challenge, he learned he had months to live. This book, which is his “lecture” will change the way you live❣️
Get the tissues 😭 https://youtu.be/ji5_MqicxSo
When you are heading into the familiar patterns of throwing for yourself a full-blown pity party because your job is sucky/your boyfriend is being a turd/your kitty is sick/life just isn't perfect right now, you skip the pity-party-plans and you get some perspective.
My boyfriend's aunt is the property manager at my apartment complex, and she has asked me to help her start a library at the office for the residents. I started gathering some at the thrift store today. Just call me The Curator! 🤓📚📖