Finished! Penultimate book I‘m finishing for #xmaschacha #wintergames @StayCurious #serieslove #ReganReillyMysterySeries @TheSpineView
Finished! Penultimate book I‘m finishing for #xmaschacha #wintergames @StayCurious #serieslove #ReganReillyMysterySeries @TheSpineView
I‘m going to try to fit one more book into 2024!
#letterD #Christmasatoz #xmaschacha #wintergames @StayCurious #serieslove #ReganReillyMysterySeries @TheSpineView
What happens if the Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree gets stolen? When MH Clark heard this idea, she decided to write a book about it and by golly if she didn‘t pull it off in a most excellent way! Really, how is such a plot plausible? If it is stolen the night before it‘s to be cut down. And why would someone want to do that? Well, that‘s the complex plot the Clarks wrote. And it works. Lots of characters and twists and turns. I loved it! ⬇️
I‘m reading these “short” stories, starting with The Christmas Thief.
#letterC #Christmasatoz #xmaschacha #wintergames @StayCurious #serieslove #ReganReillyMysterySeries @TheSpineView