Day 23 - #Joy #SleighTheStacks
#ComfortAndJoy #KristinHannah
A Christmas story that I read in 2018.
Day 23 - #Joy #SleighTheStacks
#ComfortAndJoy #KristinHannah
A Christmas story that I read in 2018.
Day 18 - #Holly #SleighTheStacks
#TheStoryOfHollyAndIvy #RumerGoddenBarbaraCooney
Ivy, Holly, and Mr. and Mrs. Jones all have one Christmas wish. Ivy, an orphan, wishes for a real home and sets out in search of the grandmother she's sure she can find. Holly, a doll, wishes for a child to bring her to life. And the Joneses wish more than anything for a son or daughter to share their holiday. Can all three wishes come true?
Day 17 - #Lights #SleighTheStacks
#WhenTheLightsGoOut #MaryKubica
I read and enjoyed this in 2018.