This book is so quotable!!!
All stories are recycled and all stories are unfair 🤯🤯
Magic isn‘t evil or good, or black or white. It is like the universe. Powerful and Supremely indifferent.
Starting Chapter 2, the first one was very interesting, looking forward to the next one!!!
Only 50 pages in, this book paints a very grim picture of the 1980‘s SRI LANKA. The political turmoil, civil war mixed with greed, corruption, hatred. I knew this would be dark but I didn‘t expect ot to be so graphic. The author so far has done a fabulous job of describing the violence in those times!!!
Set in Sri Lanka we follow our protagonist Sashi from 1981 to 2009. She's sixteen when we met her, she has 4 brothers and the civil war between the Tamils and Sinhalese is brewing.
This book is brutal and unflinching as you'd expect war to be. The fact this is so recent, and still bubbling away makes this an important read.
Five stars. I couldn't look away.