I loved the #thankfulforbooksswap last November. Is anyone doing one this year? #litsyswap
I loved the #thankfulforbooksswap last November. Is anyone doing one this year? #litsyswap
HEY HEY HEY IS THERE ANYONE WHO DID NOT RECEIVE A #ThankfulForBooksSwap PACKAGE THAT I HAVE NOT TALKED TO RECENTLY (recently being Wednesday-today)????? Despite my best efforts I still haven‘t heard from some people, and I would like to make sure everyone gets a package that sent a package. Please let me know ASAP. It‘s stressing me out 😂
@AmyG Your #thankfulforbooksswap was returned to me. Can you email your address to me so I can try and fix this. frissa81@yahoo.com
Thank you @LapReader for the AMAZING haul! I want to read all the books, will be making a Christmas shopping list in the notebook tonight and may even put on the socks! I can‘t believe I‘m hard to buy for. 😛 Funny that we got each other for #thankfulforbooksswap. I can‘t get books here fast enough so not many swaps in my future. I‘ll send you the book I ordered for you! Thanks @JamieLou for organising!!
I guess it‘s official. No #thankfulforbooksswap for me. My first swap was not very successful. It seemed too good to be true! 😭 #catsoflitsy
#Thankfulforbooksswap @JamieLou @Elma
Both the #TimeMagazine blurb and the rest included quote of #MauriceSendak are evocative and intriguing to say the least and seem to touch upon the same themes. I know this is gonna be a good read!
Also, a nice #synchronicity as well: the #MauriceSendak quote is on #September #27th which happens to be my daughter's birthday. 😁🙏
This edition has some beautiful illustrations by #TheBrothersHildebrandt #Thankfulforbooksswap @JamieLou @Elma
As a former #DungeonsAndDragons nerd I love the #fantasy genre and haven't delved into a good fantasy universe in a long while.
Wooo- whoo!!! Thank you @MaGoose The books will be perfect for this long weekend. It was very thoughtful of you 💜💜 #thankfulforbooksswap
@JamieLou - Thank you for organizing:) Happy Thanksgiving!