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Disappointed | Nenne Moberg
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Disappointed | Nenne Moberg
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I‘m mostly sad because I have limited time to read a bunch of new (to me) authors and although I wanted to read this book it could have waited until after the event. 😞

Disappointed | Nenne Moberg
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Spent significant time today picking out and printing all of my readarhons and challenges for #Scarathalon2022 with the intent of organizing them notebook and getting all ready for Saturday but I left all of the papers on my desk at work. I‘m so disappointed in myself and my memory. 🤦🏾‍♀️

Disappointed | Nenne Moberg
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Visiting northern Virginia today and drove over to the National Harbor to get some crab cakes and gumbo and the restaurant was missing. Looked it up and realized they are permanently closed. How disappointing!

wanderinglynn So sad! 2y
ShananigansReads My stomach is still thinking about it. Lol 2y
ShananigansReads @wanderinglynn My stomach is still thinking about it. Lol 2y
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Disappointed | Nenne Moberg
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Well, @BarbaraBB this is disappointing. 😡😭

BarbaraBB Oh no!! It has been here? I never got a message to pick it up somewhere. I feel terrible now. If you are willing, you might send it again and I‘ll pay for both times? Of course only if you want to go to the hassle again of mailing internationally. Do you still have my email? You can send me a bank account number and I can pay on forehand? 3y
TheLudicReader Is that what all those stickers mean? That they tried to deliver it? @BarbaraBB (edited) 3y
BarbaraBB I emailed you. There is a message in orange that says ‘pick up this delivery‘. But I didn‘t know I could pick it up somewhere. In general you get a message from the mailman the parcel couldn‘t be delivered (when it doesn‘t fit in the mailbox and I wasn‘t at home to receive it in person) but this time I did not get that message so wasn‘t aware I could pick it up somewhere. Also I read in English it‘s a small parcel so I wonder why it wouldn‘t ⬇️ 3y
BarbaraBB fit in my mailbox. I don‘t know what happened but I am so sorry!!! 3y
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Disappointed | Nenne Moberg
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I have FOUR 2 star books already this year. Yikes! This is not a trend I want to continue.

Disappointed | Nenne Moberg
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#24B4Monday Sadly my numbers are no where close to what I wanted, I was hoping to at least be double digits. I finished one book and I'm currently on the epilogue of another, I'll finishing it in the next hour.

I had the whole day off, but I have a bronchial infection and the meds made me sleepy and I had a hard time focusing on my reading. Oh well better luck in April.

#24B4Monday @Andrew65 @TheReadingMermaid

BeansPage Fantastic time sweetie! Much congrats 🙌💕🎉 5y
wordzie 👍👏 5y
Andrew65 A great time if you‘ve been ill. Well done. 👏👏👏👏 5y
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Disappointed | Nenne Moberg
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Just found out my daughter's school is not allowing the children to dress up for World Book Day. My girl is going to be devastated as she's had her Mary Poppins costume ready for weeks. She missed out on WBD last year as her nursery was shut down & then she started EYFS late so missed Roald Dahl Day as well! All the other mums are pleased/relieved but I feel so sorry for my little bookworm 🙁🙁🙁

mrsmarch Wait whaaaaat. 5y
LegosAndPajamas That sucks! You guys should throw your own little dress-up/costume thing for her friends. I‘m sure she and the other kids would love it! 5y
readingjedi @Insearchofbooks That is a very excellent idea, thanks! 😃 5y
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AlwaysForeverReading Pitiful!!!! Reading should always be celebrated! 5y
readingjedi @ProfReader Absolutely!!! And not just on one day a year to be honest. 5y
AlwaysForeverReading I totally agree. 5y
Princess-Kingofkings Can she dress up another day? A Mary Poppins outfit seems appropriate for any day!! 5y
tracey38 Aww, that stinks. I like the idea of having your own dress up thing! 5y
Book_Gobbler That‘s just not right! I think throwing a dress up book character costume party really is a brilliant idea! Celebrate books! 📚 🎉 🥳 5y
TEArificbooks We don't dress up for world book day but we have a whole reading week, with dress up themes all week. This years theme was reading is a super power. So they dressed up like super heroes, then real life heros (cops, drs, farmer, etc), wacky wednesday was mismatch day, pajama with plushie day, and dr seuss character day. 5y
SleepyDragon My son's school (K-6) is only doing Seuss related dress up days. As far as I can tell, the 6th graders are less than enthused. They are also not very creative and do the same things every year: crazy hat, wacky dress up, crazy socks, wear red, white, and blue, and of course, what you want to be when you grow up. They are loosely tied in with Seuss book titles. 5y
kezzlou85 Oh what a shame. My daughters school have a whole week dedicated to books but it's done in Feb rather than world book day. 5y
Birdsong28 👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎📚📖 5y
LouiseWalters Do a little book “party” with friends for a birthday or Easter or no occasion! 5y
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Disappointed | Nenne Moberg
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Littens! I‘m not going to make my reading challenge! My in-laws are here and are staying til the 31st. I almost changed my goal do I could show completion, but have decided to stay true. I‘m so sad that this is the first time I won‘t get that great “challenge completed” badge ☹️📚📚📚☹️. What would you do?

JoRead I wasn't able to complete mine of 75 last year 😞 but hey, there's always next year 😊 6y
Samplergal Children‘s books count. If you read with your kids,..... js. 6y
Gezemice Alter it to be 60 😉 6y
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Kappadeemom Can you pretend to have a stomach virus and sit in the bathroom and read? 😂😂😂 6y
Nebklvr Congrats! You did a lot of reading! Now you get to spend time with family! All is well in the world. 6y
Blaire I heard an interview with the goodreads guy that most people only read 80% of their goal and you‘ve surpassed that! Congrats on a great reading year. Enjoy your family. 6y
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Disappointed | Nenne Moberg
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I guess it‘s official. No #thankfulforbooksswap for me. My first swap was not very successful. It seemed too good to be true! 😭 #catsoflitsy

EH2018 So sorry! I had that happen to me too for my first swap. It was not fun. 😢 But the wrong was righted and the rest of them have been great! Maybe it just got delayed by bad weather/holidays/random acts of nature...Did you contact @JamieLou ? 6y
JamieLou I‘ve reached out to your match on Elfster! Hopefully they get back to me soon. I‘m really sorry 🙁 6y
Elma I'm sorry. I haven't received mine yet either. But I *think* it's coming next week.🤞 6y
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BookwormDownUnder @EH2018 No word at all from my match so I‘m guessing it won‘t happen. @JamieLou has been awesome!! I‘m in the #sss so fingers crossed for Dec 6. 6y
AmyG I didn‘t get mine either. @jamielou let Litsy know who didn‘t send out their swap....so they are not included in future swaps. I would hate to see these people enter another swap and not fulfill their commitment. It feels awful to put time and money into sending someone a package....and then get screwed by someone else. And thank you Jamie for organizing this and trying to track down these people. I really appreciate it. (edited) 6y
BookwormDownUnder @AmyG I‘m sorry it happened to you too! I‘m probably out of the swaps business after this next one. I found it is just too hard to source the books where I live. So anytime there‘s a swap I want to do, I‘m going to treat myself to a book I want! 😁 6y
AmyG I hear you. I am hoping Jamie gets back and says my person is just late. This is he second time this happened, so I may be done in 2019, too. :( 6y
Jee_HookedOnBookz So sorry to this happened to you 😔 Sigh why does this have to happen! Can be so discouraging to get involved in another 😔 6y
BookwormDownUnder @Jee_HookedOnBookz It showed up! She had me for two swaps in a row so it arrived in between the two dates. And it was awesome! 6y
Jee_HookedOnBookz Omg. Thank goodness!!! Happy to hear that!! 6y
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Disappointed | Nenne Moberg
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So disappointed in Allen & Unwin for signing a man to write about the #Metoo movement. Are there really no suitable women writers for the job?? Sheesh.

CouronneDhiver A male perspective, if it‘s well handled, could be equally refreshing... I‘m curious. 6y
MrsMalaprop 🙄 6y
Weaponxgirl Haven't seen this but I heard about a male director planning to do a film about it. They can't be left out for one second can they? 6y
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Lauredhel @CouronneDhiver maybe if we had already had a few books about it by Australian women. We haven't. 6y
Lauredhel @Weaponxgirl gotta get the straight white male perspective about what it's like to wallow in the patriarchy. It's what's been missing from literature all along. 6y
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Disappointed | Nenne Moberg
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Disappointing Mother‘s Day, not a single book! Actually not a single anything...my daughter is traveling overseas and my son forgot 😔

Louise Time to treat yourself online! 💕 6y
Melkyl Yep - treat yo self! 6y
JoScho Oh no! Buy yourself a big stack of books! 6y
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Elizabeth2 🙁 Definitely time to treat yourself! 6y
Soubhiville Aw, I‘m sorry. I‘m with all those above! Pick up some flowers and books for yourself! 6y
CrowCAH That‘s aweful 😞— HAPPY MOTHER‘S DAY 💐🍾🍫 6y
Ddzmini Awe so sorry to hear that I agree with everyone treat yourself I‘ve had to do it in the past when my husband was deployed and it always worked out 😉😋 6y
TongueTiedSLP11 So sorry to hear that!! Happy belated Mother‘s Day! 6y
merelybookish I anticipated no gifts and went book shopping on Friday. It's still disappointing but treating yourself can soften the blow. 6y
RaimeyGallant Happy mother's day!!! 🌺🌸🌺🌺🌺🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌕🌺🌸🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷☘️🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀 6y
asiriusreader Sorry to hear! Happy Mom‘s Day!! 6y
Jhullie @Louise @Melwilk @JoScho @Elizabeth2 @Soubhiville @CrowCAH @Ddzmini @TongueTiedSLP11 @merelybookish @RaimeyGallant @asiriusreader Thank you all fit your lovely, encouraging words. I feel much better after a few days of knowing I am part of such a supportive community. #Litsylove 6y
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Disappointed | Nenne Moberg
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Look at these two gorgeous booksleeves that I gifted myself. I‘ve never owned one before and I think they work better than book covers. But what a bummer! They are not a right fit for the majority of my books! Can‘t get the velcro closure to close after putting in the book. 😠☹️ They are supposed to fit a standard paperback and a large trade paperback or hardback. 😢Really disappointing and spoiled my day.

LectricSheep I‘ve had the same thing happen; it‘s so frustrating. The most capacious ones I‘ve found are from The Cozy Life on Etsy. I also like Story Time Sleeve— their prints are so cute— but they‘re not as big. If you want photos of different sized books in the ones I have, let me know! 7y
sisilia Bummer! I got mine from @bookgogo and Gail makes the best booksleeves 7y
Lizpixie I second @sisilia most of mine are from @bookgogo Get the large, it fits most books except chunkier hardcovers can be tricky. The quality is amazing and you get tea and bikkies inside! Plus she wraps them so beautifully.👍 7y
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batsy Oh no! That's my biggest worry about getting one. I'm sorry yours turned out to be a bad fit 🙁 7y
erzascarletbookgasm @LectricSheep thanks, if it‘s not too much of a trouble :) 7y
erzascarletbookgasm @sisilia @Lizpixie agree, I‘ve been drooling some of Gail‘s booksleeves but the shipping cost is a killer..it cost almost as much as the booksleeve! 7y
RealLifeReading Love the fabric though! (edited) 7y
Cinfhen Sorry, disappointing😾😿and I know...those shipping fees🙀 7y
Sarah83 So sorry for that. Where do you live? The books are very different in their sizes worldwide. Maybe an Etsy seller of your country sews better fitting booksleeves. 😘 7y
rubyslippersreads Have you tried contacting the seller with your photos? Maybe they can redo them??? 7y
Caroline2 Argh, how annoying is that!! 🙄 7y
BookGoGo I have recently updated my international shipping it‘s $16.95 AUD and now only $4.60 for additional items and they all come tracked. So makes it more cost effective if you buy a couple. I‘m so sorry you had this experience with a seller - I just did a custom order for someone who had a similar experience with a seller from the Phillipines 7y
erzascarletbookgasm @Sarah83 this is from a local seller 🙄😏 7y
erzascarletbookgasm @bookgogo thank you, Gail and noted. Love your fabrics 🙂 7y
Sarah83 So sorry. I thought, this might be a good idea. 🤔 7y
erzascarletbookgasm @Sarah83 And I thought a local seller would be wiser..sigh, but it‘s true paperbacks come in various sizes. 7y
Sarah83 😪😪😪 7y
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Disappointed | Nenne Moberg
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In a moment of weakness I decided to try PageHabit, a book subscription box, because they had a special offer due to a snafu with a giveaway contest they held that seemed to be a good deal. Got my box today & the book is one I already have & extra special offer book is not of the genre of the box (& not something I want), so almost $30 & basically nothing to show for it. BOTM is a way better - better value & you know what you're getting.

EvieBee I'm sorry! But thank you for letting us know. I'll stick with BOTM. 7y
kalinichta Aw, that's a shame. I got mine today, too, and am really excited about it. Love everything in the one I got. 7y
Bklover Good to know! Thanks for the heads up! 7y
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Cinfhen Thanks for sharing your experience ~ I've been tempted in the past but the "surprise" aspect didn't sit well with me! 7y
BarbaraJean Oh, dear. I tried it this month for the same reason and have been worried I might be disappointed. 😞Better check the porch for my box and hope for the best! 7y
Amie @BarbaraJean To be fair, the book is a good pick, but I already got it from BOTM. Which box did you order? I got historical fiction. 7y
Amie @Cinfhen Same here but temptation got the better of my common sense 😁 7y
BarbaraJean @amie I spent so much time debating what genre! I went with fantasy, figuring that for me, I was less likely to get a strike out in that category. 7y
Amie @BarbaraJean I hope you get a box you enjoy! I think I am a rare disappointed customer. 7y
drokka I was suspicious of their approach and opted to not take advantage of their 'deal'. I'm sorry it was disappointing. 7y
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