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The translation is ABYSMAL. The story is great, but it is dragged through the mud by the horrible translation. “The day has barely risen” makes NO sense in English. Is Howard Curtis (the translator) not a native English speaker? His English grammar isn‘t so hot either. Where was the editor of the translation? Does Raphaël Jerusalmy know how bad this translation is? I just can‘t with this translation.

GingerAntics It has ruined what is clearly a good, well thought out story. Europa should be ashamed of themselves for charging $10.99 for this horrible joke of a translation. 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻 4y
GingerAntics I‘m not quite as strong as I need to be in French to read this story in the original, but I will push my limits and spend 3x as long reading it (looking up a bunch of words) to enjoy this story the way it was intended. #RaphaelJerusalmy #TheBrotherhoodOfBookHunters #translation #french #english 4y
GingerAntics @Texreader sorry. I held out as long as I could. I was so strong at the beginning, but it quickly fell apart. I just couldn‘t do it anymore. 4y
Texreader @GingerAntics I‘ve read some bad translations and it‘s tough. I bet that was the problem early on. I appreciate the warning though! I don‘t know French so I‘ll skip this one. 4y
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🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️ WTF?! COME ON HOWARD CURTIS!!! Are you an native English speaker? No English speaker says “the day rose.” The SUN rose you pillock!!! Your translation skills are sorely lacking. You are killing an otherwise really good book!!!
#RaphaelJerusalmy #TheBrotherhoodOfBookHunters #translation #french #english

GingerAntics @Texreader be ready for total frustration. I really wish I could read this in the original French. I have a feeling it would be a much better book that way. This is just painful. I‘m tempted to see if I can find a different translation. Curtis is killing me!!! I‘m only 31% through this book. I‘m not sure I can take this for another 69%. (edited) 4y
GingerAntics @JenlovesJT47 @Branwen @Texreader I can‘t find the book on French, but I did find the audiobook in French. I think I‘m going to be working on my French listening skills sooner rather than later. lol The original French title is “La confrérie des chasseurs de livres”, if anyone is interested. 4y
JenlovesJT47 Thank you!! 4y
GingerAntics @JenlovesJT47 you‘re definitely ahead of me in French, but the story is so good I will push my limits for this story. The translation is driving me nuts. 4y
Branwen 🤣😂👏 4y
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This is the entirety of chapter 13. The blue is the only dialogue. The rest of telling and no showing. It‘s weird. I don‘t know if this is the French style of writing, but I‘m not a fan. The story is really good and there are so many layers, I really want to know what happens, but reading this book is some times tiring (even though the longest chapter is about 7 pages so there is plenty of time for breaks). 🤷🏼‍♀️

Texreader Wow yea, that‘s the sort of reading that‘ll put me to sleep. So disappointing when it‘s a topic that‘s so interesting 4y
GingerAntics @Texreader right? The concept is really good. It‘s a page turner, but the style is wearing on me the further I get into the book. I just don‘t know if I want to continue. 4y
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Branwen Hmmmmm 🤔 Yes, that DOES seem really frustrating and exhausting! 😖 4y
GingerAntics @Branwen I‘m so sad. It was so good at the beginning and now I‘m being distracted by the style. 4y
Texreader @GingerAntics well it‘s on my tbr so I have to know... keep reading my friend. 4y
GingerAntics @Texreader lol I‘ll do my best! 4y
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It flattened his skull, but then he hopped up on a horse and road off with the envoy. Uuum...how?! His skull has been flattened! I had to read these again and again to wrap my head around it. This has to be poor translation choices.
#RaphaelJerusalmy #TheBrotherhoodOfBookHunters #translation #french #english

GingerAntics @Branwen the translator isn‘t so hot in places. It‘s like no one checked it for logic. I think he meant here that it flattened his hair to his skull. I think. ??? 4y
Branwen @GingerAntics That is so strange! 🤣 I think you're right though, flattened his hair to his skull makes so much more sense! 🤔 4y
GingerAntics @Branwen it‘s hot, he‘s putting this hat/leather helmet on. I suppose a few words got left off, but where was the editor for that? You‘d think you‘d have an editor look at the translation after it was done, just so everything makes sense and goes smoothly. 4y
Branwen @GingerAntics You would think! 🤔 4y
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I guess I was lucky to learn about zero in Catholic school, then.
#RaphaelJerusalmy #TheBrotherhoodOfBookHunters #translation #french #english

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And just one more lovely description because I could help myself.
#RaphaelJerusalmy #TheBrotherhoodOfBookHunters #translation #french #english

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