To be fair, this is the only book I read in August, but it made it to the year end favorites list so it qualifies. 😅
#12booksof2024 @Andrew65
To be fair, this is the only book I read in August, but it made it to the year end favorites list so it qualifies. 😅
#12booksof2024 @Andrew65
Not spelled correctly, but if you‘re reading along with #thelosersclub right now, there‘s a word on there that should look familiar! #stephenking
Another great choice with #thelosersclub #losersclub #stephenking
While the pup was not thoroughly impressed, I managed to buckle down and finally finish this #chunkster today!
Loved it! So worth the time and effort it took. There was that one scene towards the end that felt pretty gratuitous and just odd and out of place (notoriously so, apparently), but otherwise I was totally engrossed right from the start. Now what to read after spending so much time in Derry ?!? 🤡
#expandedDT #thelosersclub