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The Rachel Incident: A novel | Caroline O'Donoghue
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Today brings you a tale of 2 #toblonglist titles because for both I found the MC to be extremely relatable… but for the tagged, this meant the 20-something self-involvedness & resulting life implosion was cringe but i rooted for her; & yet the American Mermaid mc is making me want to hide in shared shame and bail... Weird how that shared characteristic is affecting me so differently. Does AM get more fun, all yall who've read it for #tob2024?

Larkken Otherwise, this looks like a clear case of #litsytob2024 supremacy over the official Tob list😅 7mo
BarbaraBB @Larkken 🙌🏽 7mo
squirrelbrain Hooray - #litsytob2024 for the win! I haven‘t read AM, but loved The Rachel Incident. 7mo
Larkken @squirrelbrain i thought RI did as well as anything I‘ve read depicting the complicated feelings over an unwanted pregnancy and its loss and then I loved that it ended on a sweet note, so def a win for me ☺️ 7mo
BkClubCare Same!! I gave RI a 5⭐️ but just couldn‘t seem to get into AM and yet… yet! It seemed like one I would like! My reading mojo is super confused anymore. 7mo
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I found this gem on the #ToBLonglist and it‘s right up my alley. I‘m quoting a blurb from the GR description because it‘s perfect:
“Fernandez braids astronomy and astrology, neuroscience and memory, family history and national history into this brief but intensely imagined autobiographical essay.”

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In case you didn‘t know and are having a hard time tracking down some of the #toblonglist #tob2024 I just found out the Harris County Public Library will issue a digital-only card (iKnow digital access card) to non-Texas residents. I can check out up to 30 ebooks and their catalog is huge! They might also have an option for non-US visitors? Worth checking, maybe.
TBH I was hoping they would have Hoopla for the #midwintersolace br but no luck… 😅

julieclair Wow! Great to know! I will sign up. Thanks for sharing. 😀 10mo
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Such great illustration in the American version of this #toblonglist choice! I already had it out from the library, so it‘s on tap today. 👍🏻📚

squirrelbrain I just checked my copy and I have the same illustrations! 10mo
BarbaraBB I just bought a copy too - with illustrations! 10mo
sarahbarnes I loved this one and agree on the illustrations! Hope you enjoy it! 10mo
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Rouge | Mona Awad
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I‘m not quite done with it, but I‘m calling Rouge my favorite of the new #toblonglist titles that I‘ve read! I guess I am just a sucker for Awad‘s prose and this twisted fairy tale is *chef‘s kiss.* However, I‘ve only read 9 haha, so maybe someone will dethrone Awad?

Book covers are arranged with my favorite reads at the top - but this doesn‘t mean I didn‘t like the books on the bottom row! They just didn‘t impress me quite as much as the others…

Larkken show me your favorites so I can narrow down which of the 85% of the list that I‘ve not gotten to yet I should prioritize! 10mo
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Ruthiella I‘d love to see Awad take the Rooster 🐓! I‘ve only read three from the longlist and of those, you‘ve already read two. 😆 10mo
batsy Nice! I'm looking forward to starting Rouge this weekend! 10mo
sarahbarnes Nice pile! I loved Biography of X and What You Are Looking For… in addition to many on your list! 10mo
BarbaraBB You‘ve read some good ones! I read nine too. Hope to add some more ( among which Rouge) before the shortlist will be dropped! (edited) 10mo
squirrelbrain My top 4 so far (out of 15) are Biography, Birnam, Hello Beautiful and Wellness. 10mo
merelybookish I feel like Awad is due to be part of the TOB..I don't think she's ever made it to the short list which is kind of shocking. 10mo
jlhammar I've got Rouge in my audiobook queue and I think it might come through in the next couple of weeks. I've not read Awad before - looking forward to it! I think the only one that I've read that you haven't is This Other Eden (in print) which I thought was very good. 10mo
Larkken @Ruthiella @merelybookish I think awards/critics tend to ignore genre work when they talk about artistic or other sorts of value, and Awad is very worthy of the recognition for sure! Im excited to see more speculative work on here as well as all the other books that never cross my radar, of course 🥰 10mo
Larkken @batsy @jlhammar it's wild, hope you enjoy it! 10mo
Larkken @sarahbarnes @squirrelbrain Biography was on my pile a while ago, not sure why it fell off... Glad to hear it is good, I'll have to bump it back up my list! 10mo
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Lovesick Blossoms | Julia Watts
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First purposeful purchase from the #toblonglist. 🥂 Of course I had to get the one set in Kentucky! Nice end to a crappy day of dental work. 😁

jlhammar There are a few on the longlist that weren‘t even on my radar. This is one of them. Look forward to your thoughts! 10mo
sarahbarnes Just looked this one up on Litsy after seeing it on the list! 10mo
BarbaraBB I am very curious about this one - which I knew would be your first choice 💕. Can‘t wait to hear your thoughts! 10mo
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squirrelbrain Interested to hear what you think of this; it‘s one that I really want to read. I can only get it as a physical copy from Amazon, although at least it‘s not that expensive - some of them are nearly (d8! 10mo
CarolynM This one caught my eye on the ToB list too. Look forward to your thoughts. Hope you‘re not feeling too beaten up by the dentist💐 10mo
Chelsea.Poole Love the cover on this one! 10mo
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Horse: A Novel | Geraldine Brooks
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Based on a true champion racehorse, Horse delves into the story of Lexington, starting in 1850, and the modern day people uncovering his story and skeleton. Overall, I thought this was terrific and came together well, though I was a little disappointed with one plot point, which felt exploitative to me. #toblonglist

Ocean State | Stewart O'Nan
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From the first sentence, we know a terrible event is approaching, then we move inexorably toward that while getting to know those involved. I feel like this is a deceptively simple book. This is my second by O‘Nan and won‘t be my last—he is beautifully able to create mood. #toblonglist

Bette Complete relaxation 🐶❤️ 2y
BarbaraBB It was my first but I read another book by him soon after and will definitely read more. 2y
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Seven Steeples | Sara Baume
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Couple Bell and Sigh move to an isolated cabin and withdraw into their own world with their two dogs. Not a lot of plot but plenty of gorgeous writing to keep you turning pages. Another #toblonglist selection that I preferred to many in the shortlist.

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Cyclorama | Adam Langer
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#unpopularopinion While this was a propulsive read and I flew through it, I found the characters to be one dimensional caricatures which really made it difficult for me to connect. #toblonglist

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