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Untamed: A House of Night Novel | P. C. Cast, Kristin Cast
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So, even in the midst of craziness and exhaustion and life-changing chaos, I was filled with peace and the sweet knowledge that I was walking the path my Goddess wanted me on.
Not that that path was smooth and pothole free. But still, it was my path, and like me, it was bound to be unique.
#Untamed #PCCast #KristinCast #HouseOfNight #lastline #closingline #YoungAdult #Vampires #Fantasy #Paranormal #Romance #Fiction #Supernatural #UrbanFantasy 🤎🤎

Untamed: A House of Night Novel | P. C. Cast, Kristin Cast
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Untamed: A House of Night Novel | P. C. Cast, Kristin Cast
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Untamed | Glennon Doyle
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i like it so far, about 1/3 of the way through. i‘ve dog-eared a couple pages bc that‘s how i roll. glennon‘s raw truths is letting me come to terms with my dog-ear obsession n i‘m LOUD and PROUD. #teamdogear #untamed

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Untamed | Glennon Doyle
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Who else loves a good audiobook when you're unable to sit down with a book? Audiobooks while I'm out for my walks is one of the things I do for #selfcare and honestly I love it so much.

Currently listening to Untamed by Glennon Doyle and it's fierce 🔥

#audiobook #untamed #listentobooks #sundayselfie
#clearingthemind #therapeutic #bookworm

TheNeverendingTBR I love audiobooks, I have Audible - it's a great app and I enjoy an audio-walk also 😌🎧 4y
TheNeverendingTBR I sometimes use audiobooks while reading also because it helps me concentrate.. 4y
AshleyKingz @TheNeverendingTBR like reading along with a physical copy with an audiobook on? That's something I've been curious about trying. 4y
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TheNeverendingTBR @AshleyKingz Yea, it helps me concentrate and when I've got something to do, like make coffee or do a chore etc - I'll just leave it playing! 🎧😊 4y
AshleyKingz @TheNeverendingTBR I love that idea I may have to borrow an audiobook from the library that I have a physical copy of and try this. I've been struggling with focus lately and this would be wonderful! 4y
marleed I love to audiobook and read together. I often need to speed up the audio to match a more comfortable reading pace. But it feels like a buddy read! 4y
AshleyKingz @marleed this would have been an amazing buddy read for sure. I keep telling people in my life how amazing it is and they just aren't grasping it's true value! 4y
AshleyKingz @marleed and I did speed it up a bit because I can't handle the super slow pace at all lol 4y
rather_be_reading love audiobooks so much! 4y
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Untamed | Glennon Doyle
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I love this. #untamed #glennondoyle

Untamed | Glennon Doyle
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Semi-quiet day (except for the patron who kicked off my day with a pro-45 verbal manifesto 🙃), so I‘m just finally chilling with Glennon and trying to not be sad about the state of the world and the fact that the way I look at some people now is going to be different forever. #untamed #glennondoyle

Bklover Oh lord. I know what you mean. I have a very close friend that has very different views from mine. It has never interfered in our friendship but......it‘s starting to. What an awful start to your morning! You aren‘t alone!💚 4y
actualdisneyprincess @Bklover It‘s just so disheartening! The patron is kind and smart and has always been a pleasure to see come through the door. Even today, he wasn‘t NASTY, he was just Very Fervent, but it‘s just like “....but what about him makes you believe in him?” It‘s just so hard not to look at people differently when they‘re staunchly in 45‘s camp and don‘t see anything wrong with his words/actions, and to reconcile it with the people you thought they were. 4y
Bklover Exactly!! I just don‘t get it. 4y
actualdisneyprincess @Bklover luckily, most of my nearest and dearest are of a mind with me, and the ones who aren‘t at least know not to try to start in on ~changing my mind~, but there are also so many acquaintances on social media/at church who are SO filled with vitriol that it‘s like...I just can‘t deal. 4y
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Untamed: A House of Night Novel | P. C. Cast, Kristin Cast
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Untamed | Glennon Doyle
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4th and final book finished for #readingrush. I didn‘t love this book for the first 50% - I wasn‘t that engaged in her stories. After finishing I realized Doyle‘s commentary about being a mother, wife, woman in today‘s society really resonated with me and gave me a lot to think about after I turned the last page. A good reminder to build up & support other women and not being afraid to spend some time knowing yourself❤️ #untamed