Westley and Montoya showed great courage and determination in the story.
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#augustabc #valiantvirtue
#ValiantVirtue - behaviour showing high moral standards. Several of the leading characters in Victor Hugo‘s Les Miserable show such traits (though several others show the complete opposite, as counterpoints). The Bishop of Digne‘s act of mercy causes Valjean to change his life, to one of virtue, while Javert‘s moral code in upholding the law makes him unable to cope with Valjean‘s own act of mercy.
#AugustABC @Eggs
Prince Valiant confronts a variety of situations that call him to draw upon his strength of character and a moral code that, more often than not, challenges him to put others first.
This book will appeal to young women searching the Bible for guidance on women‘s roles in relationships. It highlights the dynamic roles played by women in the narratives of Old & New Testament & in the work of Bible translation. Built on a solid framework of biblical scholarship, this book will also be of interest to Bible scholars & to anyone seeking a deeper understanding of what the Bible actually says in its original languages.