Does anyone else listen to Welcome to Night Vale? I was totally delighted to hear a reference to the Temeraire novels (a character is reading them to pass the time while doing something else) while I‘m reading them! 😄 #wtnv #serendipitu
Does anyone else listen to Welcome to Night Vale? I was totally delighted to hear a reference to the Temeraire novels (a character is reading them to pass the time while doing something else) while I‘m reading them! 😄 #wtnv #serendipitu
This has been the Children's Fun Fact Science Corner!
#WelcomeToNightVale #WTNV
So I have had the plague it seems for like ever and I have literally crawled out from under my rock for one day to listen to this guy talk about this book and then I came back home and let the rock fall on me again...... Both the podcast and story have really shaped how I‘m spending the start of my new year #lgbtqa #gay #geek #wtnv
#currentlyreading - this is only the ones I‘ve got physically. I‘m never not in the middle of at least 4/5 books, even more that I‘ve started and set aside for now. Maybe one day I‘ll be able to just read 1/2 at a time. #wtnv
This book is fantastic and you should read it. I didn't know what exactly I was getting into when I picked it up--it turned out to be a beautifully drawn and organized graphic novel full of layers and depth, appropriate for all ages, and very NightValean indeed, which was a wonderful surprise. 💜 #wtnv
P.S. This library book is quite dirty but it's NOT MY FAULT
Wait, is this a random Welcome to Night Vale quote, or the motto of The Commonwealth of The Lunar Chronicles?! 😂 #wtnv
"A friendly desert community, where the sun is hot, the moon is beautiful and mysterious lights pass overhead while we all pretend to sleep. Welcome, to Night Vale. "
#quirky #noteworthynovember #wtnv #nightvale
Everyone else is asleep. I‘m just gonna cuddle my book for a bit. #WTNV Goodnight Night Vale, Goodnight.
Front row at the Welcome To Night Vale panel & book signing in Philadelphia in 2015. Unfortunately Philly isn't a tour stop for the new book.... but I already got my chance to fangirl over Cecil & co. 😍
#AllHailTheGlowCloud #wtnv