I don't really read comics/graphic novels and thus I turned to good old Google for today's #AndItsJuly #comicsbywomen and found this beauty... #addtoTBR @RealLifeReading
I don't really read comics/graphic novels and thus I turned to good old Google for today's #AndItsJuly #comicsbywomen and found this beauty... #addtoTBR @RealLifeReading
We went camping into the desert, and it turns out I'm a big fan. Nothing like reading out in the open against a glorious sunset or in the light of millions and millions of stars. It was such a spectacular day. #addtoTBR
I've been thinking a lot about actionable steps in promoting diverse books lately. We all know their importance, now more than ever. I've decided that I will actively either buy/borrow from the library every week at least one diverse/own voices book. That way they either get my money or at least stay in circulation. I've always learned from books, so I think it's crucial to support diverse experiences and reps. I hope you'll join me. #addtoTBR