It was a slow month. #aprilreads #colleenhoover #alexmichaelides #jojomoyes #annaguirre #ninadegramont #tessabailey
It was a slow month. #aprilreads #colleenhoover #alexmichaelides #jojomoyes #annaguirre #ninadegramont #tessabailey
Racing through this series. Always love Aguirre and she doesn‘t disappoint. Great world building, three dimensional characters, complex relationships, good pacing, plenty of action. You always want things to work out for her characters, good guys and bad guys. She‘s done scifi and fantasy and has thrillers on the horizon.
#annaguirre #romantsy #authorcrush
*Not for those who don‘t like profanity, sex, shifters, or violence.
💭Have you read this series?
I've been on a task to read all the unread books on my shelves & I had this #series on there forever now! I binged them within a few days & seriously love them all. There is actually going to be a 4th book releasing this summer, #Vanguard , & I can't wait to read it!
#bookreview #enclave #horde #outpost #annaguirre #fiercereads #mustread #bookstagram #bookstagrammer #books #flatlay