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Savage Bonds | J Bree
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#Arcane - most recent subscription box. Second book! Came with a pin & art cards.

The books are stunning & signed.

The jackets are heavy & reversible. Digitally sprayed edges all around. Pretty end papers. Foil on front back & spine. Just lovely.

Broken Bonds | J Bree
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#Arcane - most recent subscription box. Came with a pin & art cards.

The books are stunning & signed.

The jackets are heavy & reversible. Digitally sprayed edges all around. Pretty end papers. Purple foiling on front back & spine.

Sin & Chocolate | K F Breene
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#arcane book box number two! I love the wrap around edges. I‘ve yet to try any of these dark romances. They are also signed. I‘m intrigued & excited to try something new. Two books, 2 art cards, a pin & author note.

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I don't normally share these types of things so publicly due to fear of ridicule etc but I'm taking a chance here as I know there are a few like minded people and that in general, Littens are supportive and kind. Anyway, I've had this book for ages but am reacquainting myself with it this year & of all the tarot books I've read I like this one the best. On top of being a great beginner/intermediate choice it introduces you to a lot of cool decks.

AmyG Tarot is fascinating. I don‘t know much about it and have always wanted to. Enjoy! 5y
Cortg Tarot cards are fascinating! My daughter is really into astrology but hasn‘t dabbled in tarot...yet. My grandmother used to see a tarot reader on a regular basis! I don‘t know much about it but I think it‘s cool. (edited) 5y
tournevis As a rule, divination is not something I ascribe to. Nothing supernatural exists IMO. But, as importantly, when used as a self-discovery tool, tarot is really good. Same when used as a meditative practice. And I respect and defend all those who use it, divination or no, so long as they are not using it to exploit others, as we all know those people exist, sadly. That's not you. So much history in tarot. 5y
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ShyBookOwl Kudos to @tournevis . That's how I feel too, and the history and artwork is so interesting. 5y
Andrea4 @AmyG I find it's a great tool for self exploration and it's pretty user friendly, can be cheaper than other things, and very easy to find for sure. 5y
Andrea4 @Cortg I love astrology too! Short jump to tarot lol! 5y
Andrea4 @tournevis yes, those who exploit other make me angry and honestly very sad. I do tarot readings for others (friends, family), I also help dream interpretations or do cleansings for people but I never charge. Gifts like that, imo, should be given freely. And as for divination or no, which is always a longer convo, it also depends on your definition of those things but I concur with you. 5y
Andrea4 @ShyBookOwl the artwork is GORGEOUS! so many wonderfully talented and creative people have interpreted the tarot deck and made their own and it's fascinating to me!! 5y
ShyBookOwl @Andrea4 agreed! I have a friend who collects them for the art 5y
Eggbeater I have a friend who does this. She has the most beautiful decks. 5y
Weaponxgirl @tournevis I‘m with you. I can‘t stand people who take advantage of vulnerable people! I do use tarot because it‘s both gorgeous and as a way of looking at things from a new perspective. It‘s kind of a part of my own self care routine 5y
tournevis @Weaponxgirl That makes perfect sense to me. 5y
Andrea4 @Weaponxgirl I use it in what sounds like the exact same way!!! And there are certainly some gorgeous decks- I love my crystal tarot deck the most!!! 5y
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Yay, finals are done and to celebrate I finished my book. I was a little frustrated in the beginning thinking it was a bit slow to start but it picked up after a bit and was happy my interest didn‘t waver after that point. #kara #arcane #love