“I knew I had fallen in love with the world... when I was very young, and all my films are my witness.”
- Werner Herzog
#BackPorchReading #SummerOfShort3
“I knew I had fallen in love with the world... when I was very young, and all my films are my witness.”
- Werner Herzog
#BackPorchReading #SummerOfShort3
Watching a storm roll in and dreaming about my #apriltbr This library haul, plus too many to mention on my kindle. I may get to half of these, but more than likely will get distracted. 😬 Getting started now! #backporchreading #thunderstorms #aprilbookshowers #blameitonlitsy
My daylight is gone 😭 One of my favorite places to read/work is on my back porch ESPECIALLY in this fabulous fall weather! I'm always a little sad when I have to finally give in and go inside. #backporchreading #itsthebest #itsfallyall #myfavoritetimeofyear #lovefall #lovethisweather #perfect