Little baker girl 👧🏻
#bakemeacake #baker
Little baker girl 👧🏻
#bakemeacake #baker
This gorgeous book arrived today to my house, and I'm so happy and excited to read it! I admire Marissa Meyer and I know I will completely fall in love with Heartless ❤️#newbook #currentlyreading #marissameyer #heartless #queenofhearts #retelling #pastries #baker #courtjoker #secretcourtship
A light and airy read, this book is perfect for chilly September days spent out among the falling leaves. A predictable love story, the reason this book is palatable is because of the quick pace, delicious subject matter, and charming details. A few factual flubs however: bark mulch would never be listed for free in VT (it's worth $$) and VT cell phone service isn't as sparce in reality as you're led to believe in this book. Overall: Enjoyable!