Brb obsessively diving back into the GrishaVerse #sogood #besthubbyever
Brb obsessively diving back into the GrishaVerse #sogood #besthubbyever
Y‘all. I‘ve said it before and I‘ll probably say it ten billion more times, but my hubby is the absolute best! He bought me books!! He said I have had a rough year already and he wanted me to be happy! 😍😍 #hubbylove #husbandsoflitsy #besthubbyever
My husband just bought me the *entire* Outlander series. Signed by the author! I've read the series through a couple times now, but mostly in ebook, and he knew I wanted a paper copy. 😍😍😍 #besthubbyever #happydance #mothersday #poisonedpen