Book 78/150. #bnbookclub
Pinch me. Thank you, Barnes & Noble . I am so honored that HOUR OF THE WITCH is your #bnbookclub pick for May. And I love the special edition with the interview and reading group guide. Really: I‘m beyond grateful. It‘s gorgeous.
The last of my January book club books to read. #bnbookclub
I felt like it took me a while to push through this book. I wasn‘t a huge fan of it. I‘ve never read anything by Anne Tyler before and I‘m not sure I will again. It just wasn‘t my cup of tea. Overall the book wasn‘t bad but it didn‘t keep me interested enough to not want to put it down. I‘m trying to catch up on the Barnes and Noble book club picks because I‘m so far behind! I give it ⭐️⭐️⭐️.
When I started reading this book I wasn‘t sure I was going to like it. It wasn‘t my typical read, however just a few chapters into it I was hooked! I found myself drawn into the lives of all the characters. I wanted to keep reading because I wanted to know what celebrations or heartaches each character was having. I really enjoyed the book! #bnbookclub
Not a perfect book, but a very good one. Tells a fictionalized account of an institutional "school" for boys, an alternative to prison, where boys were beaten and killed, especially in the black houses. Emotional portrayal, but not one that had me sobbing, which is kind of nice. Read this for the #BNbookclub, which I am hosting at my store tonight
Also, this was my E for Care of Magical Creatures in the #NEWTs #magical readathon