DiruVamp I‘ve seen this book floating around Litsy and I believe I need it!! 7y
SilversReviews Looks interesting!! 7y
youneverarrived Ohh I got that book too 😊 7y
Annl I have that listography book! 7y
At Barnes & Noble and I just couldn't pass up a Madeline sticker set (love stickers 😊) and as an added bonus, it came with this cute necklace. Wearing it out tonight, don't care who stares 😁 #madeline #yesiam30 #bookishmerchandise
I got this book from my sister for Christmas! I'm already in bed and cannot bring myself to go grab it from the other room so the image comes right from the site! It's from Bookworm Boutique on society6 #riotgrams #bookishMerchandise