Excited about the great, autographed mysteries & free reads I acquired at Bouchercon! Now where do I start? #booknerdproblems #mystery #thriller #bouchercon2019
Excited about the great, autographed mysteries & free reads I acquired at Bouchercon! Now where do I start? #booknerdproblems #mystery #thriller #bouchercon2019
It‘s not like witty romantic mystery author Gay Yellen & I were following rural noir author & Anthony-award winning short story writer S.A. Cosby around Bouchercon. OK, maybe it is. 😉 #superfans #freshvoice #talent #noir #crimefiction #anthonyawards #bouchercon2019
Short story nerd highlight of Bouchercon was being the timer/volunteer for the Anthony-Award nominated crime short story writers! S.A. Cosby & Art Taylor wrote amazing stories this year, & Barb Goffman is always clever & funny! Read the award-nominated stories free at link. Do read them: https://www.sleuthsayers.org/2019/10/meet-finalists-for-2019-anthony-award.html #shortstory #crime #mystery #bouchercon2019