Literally just ordered this this morning. Note to self - open #callnumber #bookmail packages faster. Off I go to cancel my Amazon order.
Literally just ordered this this morning. Note to self - open #callnumber #bookmail packages faster. Off I go to cancel my Amazon order.
I promise this is the last post today.
I cannot praise #callnumber #bookmail enough. There's a book only option and you can choose to have fiction or non-fiction selections. I've tried several services. This and #BOTM are my only choices now.
Can't wait to read this one.
I've seen mixed reviews on this book, and I think it's because of its heavy nature. And it's funny, because it's heavy in an unpredictable way; the cumulative weight of life circumstance that bogs you down. It took a long time to read this because of that feeling. Powell Watts crafts this story so well, the characters plights become your own and sometimes it feels easier to walk away. But there's wisdom in each page of the journey. #callnumber