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Here‘s my review for a book I just finished reading. I‘m counting this book for #bookspinbingo. I‘m glad I can finally cross this one off of my list.

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Here‘s my progress on this book. I‘ve been highlighting a lot of passages in this Kindle book and I‘m almost done. I might as well work on finishing this book since I started it in June and I don‘t want to read anything else right now. I‘m ready to get finished with it so I can read something else. The stories and quotes are nice and the passages have made me think but I‘ve only resonated with 1 story.

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I just read this in the tagged book on my Kindle and I liked it so I decided to highlight it. It resonated with me.


I‘m enjoying the stories in this book but I‘m kinda ready to be finished with this book. I‘m trying to take my time with this book because the book says in the beginning to take your time to read it because if you rush through it, you‘ll miss what the stories are trying to say. Well, I‘ve been taking my time and I don‘t understand what the stories are trying to say. I didn‘t know this book was going to be so deep.

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I just made this tracker to help me track my progress reading these short stories in this book. The dots all represent the number of short stories in each section. I still have a long way to go because I‘m taking my time to read this book but I‘ve read 8 stories from the first section of the book so I shaded in 8 of the dots. The good thing is that the stories don‘t take very long to read.

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I just read another story from this book. It‘s about a father being in the hospital with cancer and his son visited him. The story was called The Two-Hundredth Hug. It wasn‘t a feel-good story. It made me cry but I‘m confused because I thought these were all supposed to be feel-good stories. I think it‘s because it made me think about my dad when he was in the hospital. I didn‘t want to think about that because it‘s depressing.

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I just read the first story in here and I liked it but I‘m going to take my time reading this. I read the Chicken Soup book for women this month all at one time. It was too much but I don‘t think I would have gotten more out of it if I took my time reading it because I couldn‘t relate to a lot of the stories. This book only has 1 section of stories about parenting which is not bad but I won‘t be able to relate because I‘m not a parent.

kelli7990 (Continued in comments) My mom and I take care of our dog. I also take care of the birds in the backyard. Last summer, I had Bees in my bird bath and they were hanging around me when I was rinsing out the bird bath. Recently, one of the Bees came back. Now, I have Bees to take care of too because they‘re going to be starving for water this Summer. 3mo
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I started the tagged book on my Kindle and it says this about how to read it. The problem I might have is that once I start reading the first story in here, I will want to keep going with the entire book without stopping. I need to take my time when reading these Chicken Soup books since they‘re short stories instead of reading it all at once like I did with the other one I read that‘s for women. This would be good to read in between other books.

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Here‘s my review for this book I just finished reading. I‘m counting this book for #bookspinbingo.

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I started this book. So far, I can‘t relate to the stories and it‘s not resonating with me but there are some nice stories in here so I‘m going to keep going. The last section of stories was about marriage. The next section is about motherhood. I‘m a woman reading the stories but I can distance myself from the stories because they‘re not relevant to me and they‘re other people‘s stories not mine.