Sometimes joy has to be a choice, and this was one of those weeks! I went to NYC with two friends, and the trip felt like 30% enjoying the city and 70% interpersonal conflict. So for this #5JoysFriday I‘m choosing to focus on the joyful moments!
1. Kayaking on the Hudson River
2. Wandering around Little Island at night, listening to some jazz and enjoying the views
3. Eating Smoked Pork Belly Ramen at Momofuku
4. Visiting the Met
5. Coming HOME
“Worry never climbed a hill or paid a bill
Worry never dried a tear or calmed a fear
Worry never darned a heel or cooked a meal
Worry never led a horse to water - never done a thing you'd think it oughta.” Apples of Gold
I just realized something. The reason this book didn‘t help me is because I already know how to be happy. If I get sad, I know how to cheer myself up. Sometimes, you don‘t have to read a book if you know what to do. I feel like this book said a lot of things that I already knew like the fact that you have to pursue joy and that you‘ll be happier if you have friends because we all need each other.
Here‘s my review for a book I just DNF‘d. I‘m counting this book for #bookspinbingo as a DNF and I‘m getting this one off of my physical TBR. I‘m donating the physical book to Goodwill. Maybe someone else will get more out of reading it than I did.
I made more progress in this book today when I was walking with my dog at the dog park. I only listened to 1 chapter but I skipped some of it when he started telling stories about himself. I only want to listen to 3 preachers tell stories while they‘re preaching: Joel Osteen, Joyce Meyer and Steven Furtick but that‘s because I like how they tell stories. I don‘t like the way this guy tells stories.