Staring tonight. #currentlyreading #shelfie #riotgrams #littlehousenerd #comehometolittlehouse
rubyslippersreads 😍📚😍 7y
Staring tonight. #currentlyreading #shelfie #riotgrams #littlehousenerd #comehometolittlehouse
In honor of LIW's 150th birthday, a little late night reading of my well loved copy of, probably (I waffle back an forth between Plum Creek and Long Winter), my favorite Little House book. #littlehouse #comehometolittlehouse #lauraingallswilder
Happy 150th birthday to my favorite childhood author, Laura Ingalls Wilder 🎂 #lauraingallswilder #shelfie #happy150thbirthdaylaura #littlehouse #comehometolittlehouse