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Andrew65 Thanks for playing long, a great way to review 2023. See you for #12Booksof2024 on Christmas Day. 9mo
TheSpineView Fantastic! 8mo
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#12bookdof2023 #12daysofchristmas
Agatha Christie: An Elusive Woman

The title says it all.

Andrew65 A great choice. Thanks for playing long, a great way to review 2023. See you for #12Booksof2024 on Christmas Day. 9mo
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Nobody's Fool | Richard Russo
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#12Booksof2023 #December

This book had a lot to live up to, because I love the movie with Paul Newman. We watch it every year sometime on or after Thanksgiving. Thankfully I loved it. It added depth to the characters in the movie and introduces more that are not in the movie. This is also a husband pick as he read it first. He is currently reading the second book and third one arrived today.

Reggie I haven‘t read this one but I‘ve read his Straight Man and it‘s hilarious. 9mo
Bookzombie @Reggie This one has funny moments. The residents of North Bath are unique and that leads to hilarity sometimes. They also have a lot of issues. Since I have seen the movie so many times, the characters were the actors in my head but I think the casting fit. 9mo
Andrew65 Thanks for playing long, a great way to review 2023. See you for #12Booksof2024 on Christmas Day. 9mo
Bookzombie @Andrew65 Thanks for hosting! 9mo
Andrew65 @Bookzombie Love hosting this. 9mo
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The Color Purple | Alice Walker
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I‘m so glad I finally took the time to read this modern classic about race and class disparities in the American South. Celie is probably one of the kindest characters I have read, and despite all of the horribleness she has witnessed in her life, her positivity and her hope is beautiful to read. #12BooksOf2023 #December

Andrew65 Thanks for playing long, a great way to review 2023. See you for #12Booksof2024 on Christmas Day. 9mo
Librarybelle Thank you, @Andrew65 ! ❤️ 9mo
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Mrs.: A Novel | Caitlin Macy
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An espresso martini and a good societal drama - Yes, please! One thing I have learned over the past few years is that going to a bar or restaurant by myself to read is absolutely freeing. Coffee shops are a little different...most people go to coffee shops to read.

#espresso #martini #winebar #drama #dysfunctionalfamily #scandal #readky #December #lastreadof2023 #retribution

Yuki_Onna 😋🖤👏 9mo
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A Ukrainian Christmas | Yaroslav Hrytsak, Nadiyka Gerbish
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Growing up in the US, we always left decorations up until January 7th to celebrate "Ukrainian Christmas" in honor of our grandparents and then my dad. This year Ukraine will officially break from the Russian Orthodox calendar. And so, I mark today, December 25th, with memories of those years: an embroidered pillow, a menu from a long-ago special dinner, a new book to read, and hope that next year will bring a #MerryChristmas #December#Dreams

TheBookHippie Beautiful book , memories shared always seem to make them more alive. ♥️ 9mo
lynneamch Thank you @TheBookHippie for all you do to make the Litsyverse an uplifting supportive space. 9mo
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Untitled | Unknown
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Have joined the #DashingDecember #readathon hosted by wonderful
I'll treat this one as a #20in4 - well, more like a #20in9 😇

I'm still on sick leave for the beginning of the week, that's when there are high chances for getting some reading done. At the end of next week I'll be back at work and time for reading will be more scarce. We'll see how it goes...
#December #winter #cosy #winterreading

RaeLovesToRead Get well soon, Sam 🫂💕 9mo
Andrew65 Best of luck and get well soon. 😁 9mo
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The Cartographers | Peng Shepherd
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Started The Cartographers as I was working on a Christmas puzzle.

#mystery #puzzles #maps #antiques #audiobooks #readky #December #Christmasspirit

GondorGirl I loved this book! I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. 10mo
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Second book of December #nonfiction #savannah

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Bingo! | Rosemary Wells
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Here is my #December #bookspin reading list. Trying to tackle my TBR bookcase and these are titles that have been hanging around for a bit. @thearomaofbooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 10mo
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