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Her face was now more luminous than ever.* p 202

Alora Ohhh I love that bookmark!! 5y
Samawy @Alora ෆ╹ .̮ ╹ෆ 5y
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American Education | Joel Spring
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Have you found your unique ability?

The Twelfth Insight | James Redfield

This book was very good because it was like the first book were the main character grasped the twelfth insight.

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The Silver Chair | C. S. Lewis
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The Silver Chair | C. S. Lewis
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jpmcwisemorgan OMG! I‘m catching up on the prompts and I picked this one. Then, I realized you‘d used it. Awesome!!! 7y
Andrew65 @jpmcwisemorgan Great minds! 7y
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Day 2 of #readingresolutions #quotsyfeb18 and #ampersand2018 .

This quote is so true to my love of reading! You really can do nothing, feel everything, make no decisions, have #freedom, and escape reality! I #heart books #decision #bookworm

BookishMe I need to finish this book... Sigh 7y
MissAimz_55 @BookishMe I'm not finished yet 7y
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Lord Foul's Bane | Stephen R. Donaldson
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When the great horses--the Ranyhyn--reared to Covenant, the Ramen who served them were in awe. Usually the Ranyhyn chose their riders but here they were offering themselves for Covenant to choose one of them. He refused. He knew that while they were trying to honour him in recognition of the power he held--the wild magic of white gold--they were terrified of him. He was afraid too. His #decision won the respect & loyalty of the Ramen. #QuotsyFeb18

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TK-421 Love it! 7y
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The Secret History | Donna Tartt
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"It was because I thought too much, lived too much in the mind. It was hard to make decisions. I felt immobilized."

Considering all that happens in the book, it might have been best if everyone had remained immobilised. (She said, with deep affection.)

#decision #QuotsyFeb18 @TK-421

merelybookish I relate to this quote sooooo much! 7y
saresmoore Ha! So true—the quote and your thought on the characters. 7y
batsy @merelybookish Me too! Which is unnerving, considering the person saying it :) (have you read it?) 7y
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batsy @saresmoore 😆 I mean, there are many other ways to feel alive, Henry! 7y
merelybookish @batsy I read it years and years ago. Have spotty memory of plot. Ivy league, secret society, murderish cover-up pact? God, I hope there's a middle ground between paralysis and killing. 😲 7y
batsy @merelybookish Yes, exactly that! I hope so, too. But exhibit 2: Hamlet 7y
merelybookish @batsy Fuck. So I guess be grateful for paralysis? 🤦 7y
batsy @merelybookish I guess so... Measuring out life with coffee spoons 😭 7y
ValerieAndBooks Yikes, I feel like that quote too many times! Another book I have but still TBR! 7y
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The Player of Games | Iain M. Banks
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“Why had he done it? Why couldn't it just not have happened? Why didn't they have time-travel, why couldn't he go back and stop it happening? Ships that could circumnavigate the galaxy in a few years, and count every cell in your body from light-years off, but he wasn't able to go back one miserable day and alter one tiny, stupid, idiotic, shameful #decision...”

This cover is 1000 x cooler than my cover. #QuotsyFeb18

AlaMich That cover looks like a dream you‘d have after having too good a time on a Friday night at the bars. In other words, awesome!! 7y
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