#thefreeblackwomenslibrary 2017 reading challenge list. I'm currently reading Binti for this reading challenge. #diversebooks2017
#thefreeblackwomenslibrary 2017 reading challenge list. I'm currently reading Binti for this reading challenge. #diversebooks2017
Second book read of 2017 (2/50). Also, one of my books for #thefreeblackwomenslibrary 2017 reading challenge. #diversebooks2017
First book read in 2017, and last Octavia Butler book I had left to read. I am so sad. The first Octavia Butler book I read was Parable of the Sower and I read all of the rest of her books rather quickly. She got me in to sci-fi. I waited over two years to read this collection (it's been sitting in my kindle since 2014) because I didn't want to really be done with all her books. No one compares to #octaviaebutler. #diversebooks2017