Tackle the TBR 🤓📚
What are you reading?
#boleybooks #parableofthetalents #OctaviaEButler #bookbeast #NetGalley #bookbuds #bookchat
Tackle the TBR 🤓📚
What are you reading?
#boleybooks #parableofthetalents #OctaviaEButler #bookbeast #NetGalley #bookbuds #bookchat
Tackle the TBR 🤓📚
What are you reading?
#boleybooks #kindred #octaviaebutler #bookbeast #bookbuds #bookchat #libby
Tackle the TBR 🤓📚
What are you reading?
#boleybooks #parableofthesower #octaviaebutler #bookbuds #bookchat #libby
Transporting and complex. Great character and relationship development. I didn't want to leave this world because I was so immersed.
#dawn #octaviaebutler
I must admit that I googled "Genre-Busting" meaning. If google is right then Kindred is Genre-busting book. Time travel (Sci-Fi) and historical novel. Very powerful novel about black people, racism, and slavery. It was so great and I still thinking about it. Dana was amazing character.
There are so many covers online but I choose these. Mine is the white one.
#JumpStart2021 @Lizpixie @Clwojick
#kindred #octaviaebutler #historical #timetravel
If you love life, life will love you back. 🌹🌹
#kindred #octaviaebutler #scifi #ya #youngadult #coffee #coffeetime #rose #redrose #bookandcoffee #litsybook #litsylove
I love that this picture is an eclectic collection of #SciFi & #Fantasy. Kindred was rec'd by a friend on GR & involves slavery. Ico is the novelisation of a video game I adored. Genocidal Organ is written by the brilliant Project Itoh, and it will be turned into a film or OVA series. Dark Orbit is a neo-noir, crime fiction about a detective on the moon!
#BookHaul 6 of 10
#octaviaebutler #miyukimiyabe #projectitoh #diversebooks #litsygram
This is my TBR for this month and I'm already halfway through White Fur. I'm not exactly enjoying it but I've read too much already and need to know what will happen to them in the end.
#WhiteFur #WeAreOkay #JardineLibaire #OctaviaEButler #Kindred #NinaLacour
I highly enjoyed reading "Kindred" by Octavia E. Butler. It was a bit slow in the beginning and I felt somewhat detached from the characters, but overall it was a spectacular story! 4.5 out of 5 stars!
#books #litsybooks #litsynovels #kindred #octaviaebutler #historicalfiction #timetravel #underratedbooks #reviews #alwaysreading
Back in a Butler world, and I just just amazed. Her words, her world! I'm so excited! #sff #octaviaebutler #diversebooks