#octphotochallenge #day23 #dumbbutbeautiful If you're after dumb but beautiful, then this series is just chockfull of both. It's hard to pick out one but there's Asher the 700yr old vampire who throws jealous temper tantrums, or Richard the werewolf king who needs to have shit explained to him like he's 3, or what about Cardinale the 309yr old female vampire who starts sulking every time her boyfriend talks to Anita, and wow talking about Anita...
ScarletQuill I'm only on the second book of the Anita series but I'm having that thought about many of the characters as well. 8y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa All the way to book 25...and I think I'm going to have to practice some tough love for myself and stop reading this series. It's so hard to turn off the ongoing soap opera episodes...but I'm not sure if it's actually getting anywhere or just spinning as she works through her personal relationship issues on the page..which although interesting might not be the smartest use of my reading time.....however saying that, I fully reserve the right to 8y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa ...Cave at any time, or pick up where I left out if she ever gets things paired down enough to have an actual wedding. Hahaha. It's so hard to quit you Anita Blake! 8y
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Lizpixie @Riveted_Reader_Melissa I hear you! It's like she's using the books to promote her polyamorous bdsm lifestyle to her readers. I have nothing against her lifestyle, in fact I have friends who live it, but it's almost like she chanting "one of us, one of us" at us.? 8y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Lizpixie Yes! I completely understand! I love a good erotic novel as much as anyone, and have absolutely no issues with her real lifestyle or the characters lifestyles, but I sometimes feel like she's using her writing of the characters' issues as a way to work through her own...like her writing is her own personal therapy session were she can admit feelings and issues she has and work through them on the page. And honestly there is... 8y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa ... nothing wrong with that either if it's working for her...and she's making a living at it,so good for her. But sometimes I feel like I'm reading her extended diary entries. 8y
Lizpixie @Riveted_Reader_Melissa yep, you've hit the nail on the head with that. Sometimes I get embarrassed reading the page because it sounds so damn personal! Like I really want to know how her poly orgies go down. I am sooo not a prude, but that doesn't mean I want a blow by blow account if a strangers sex life.😒 8y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Lizpixie Exactly! It's starting to feel a bit more voyeuristic of her personal life than Anita's life. 8y
Vexingcircumstance I actually assumed it was more the lifestyle that the author wants but maybe it is more accurate. Idk. I love most of the series and the sex doesn't bother me but the last three or so books have had way way way to much discussion about the sex and relationships. When the discussion drags on for more pages than whatever mystery is the center of the book I get bored. 8y