#booktober #favegraphicnovels This series was actually my first foray into graphic novels and it was amazing! I had definitely underestimated the power of this art form and am looking forward to reading more! @RealLifeReading
#booktober #favegraphicnovels This series was actually my first foray into graphic novels and it was amazing! I had definitely underestimated the power of this art form and am looking forward to reading more! @RealLifeReading
#day23 #booktober #favegraphicnovels Loved this story of immigration which is told without words. Adventure, separation, bravery. A universal and beautiful tale 🎈
Because those two were my fave of last year. #favegraphicnovels #booktober
Ever since reading Maus by Art Spiegelman and listening to @Liberty and @rebeccaschinsky on All the Books! I've done a much better job at delving into the graphic novel genre. These are three of my favorites; hooray for these amazing female leads #Booktober #FaveGraphicNovels
My #Booktober pick for #FaveGraphicNovels! Not only is this a super smart science fiction take on AI, there are all this cute, exciting queer and trans storylines: men falling in love, male-assigned robots becoming girls, girls giving girls their numbers. This book does what the best SF does--interrogate what it means to be human--and has amazing characterization and great art to boot. You can also find this comic online! #QueerLit
Adventure! Romance! Mad science! I've been following this web comic for years now. It's so much fun! #favegraphicnovels #booktober @RealLifeReading
Day tripper was my first serious introduction to the graphic novel (preceded by Maus but I thought that was an outlier) I perceived this genre to be superficial and I'm sorry. It is such a rich venue for story telling that provides visceral visual stimuli alongside dialogue. This particular book is incredibly touching and imaginative. The motion the artists create carries the story and moves the reader. I'm indebted. #booktober #favegraphicnovels
#favegraphicnovels #favoritegraphicnovels On my wish list for a few years; finally got it last week in #bookmail #booktober
Oh, Littens. How can I possibly choose just one fave graphic novel? Or even 5? 10? I'm not even going to consult my comics backlog. I am long overdue in confessing my deep, deep Lynda Barry love (I have a tattoo to prove it). She introduced me to a whole new way of storytelling, both generally and within the graphic novel format. Her attitude is my everything. #favegraphicnovels #booktober
Some of my #favegraphicnovels at the moment. #booktober
Deadly Class is set in San Francisco in the 1980s. A school of disaffected teens are in training to be assassins. The violence can be over the top, but great writing.
Pretty Deadly is a paranormal western. A bit esoteric, but the art is breathtaking.
Rachel Rising is an awesome story about a woman who comes back from the dead. Great characters and a cool black and white palette.