This is a beautiful #foodthemedbook by Gay Bilson, who was part of the food revolution in Australia in the 1970s. She & Tony Bilson had the legendary restaurant Berowra Waters. She's a wonderful writer & has led an interesting life! #riotgrams
This is a beautiful #foodthemedbook by Gay Bilson, who was part of the food revolution in Australia in the 1970s. She & Tony Bilson had the legendary restaurant Berowra Waters. She's a wonderful writer & has led an interesting life! #riotgrams
Here are two of the few #Cookbooks I own for today's #Riotgrams. I used these both a ton in my early to mid twenties when I first moved out of the house and basically learned to cook from them. I grew up in a meat-eating house but had been vegetarian since I was a teenager and these two were like my vegetarian west coast hippie bibles. You can see they are very well loved with accidental food spillage. #FoodThemedBook
In Joey's voice.... Granola? Good. Cookies? Good. Eclairs? GOOD.
#cookbook #foodthemedbook #riotgrams
A few months back I decided to give the Whole30 lifestyle a try. I didn't see the dramatic results others might, but that's probably because I'm already gluten free and don't eat a ton of sugar. My cat Tennille on the other hand is another story...#riotgrams #cookbook #foodthemedbook
Hoping for a fun, light read with this #foodthemedbook about making Danish kringle in Wisconsin. Picked it up a couple weeks ago on a trip to Alabama, where I took this pic at Fisher's restaurant. Looking into the kitchen through a porthole, @Talewaggingreads and & I coveted these 3 big bottles of vanilla beans.#Riotgrams
#riotgrams #foodthemedbook @bookriot I really need to reread this one because all I remember about it is that I loved it and that it's a history of the Indian subcontinent told through its cuisine. I don't actually remember the history though, so I've got to find a copy so I can reacquaint myself with it! 5 🌟