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Whole30: The 30-Day Guide to Total Health and Food Freedom
Whole30: The 30-Day Guide to Total Health and Food Freedom | Dallas Hartwig
Millions of people visitWhole30.com every month and share their stories of weight loss and lifestyle makeovers. Hundreds of thousands of them have read "It Starts""With""Food," which explains the science behind the program. At last, "TheWhole30 "provides the step-by-step, recipe-by-recipe guidebook that will allow millions of people to experience the transformation of their entire life in just one month. Melissa and Dallas Hartwig s critically-acclaimed Whole30 program has helped hundreds of thousands of people transform how they think about their food, bodies, and lives. Their approach leads to effortless weight loss and better health along with stunning improvements in sleep quality, energy levels, mood, and self-esteem. Their first book, the"New York Times"best-selling"It Starts With Food," explained the science behind their life-changing program. Now they bring you"TheWhole30," a stand-alone, step-by-step plan to break unhealthy habits, reduce cravings, improve digestion, and strengthen your immune system."TheWhole30"features more than 100 chef-developed recipes, like Chimichurri Beef Kabobs and Halibut with Citrus Ginger Glaze, designed to build your confidence in the kitchen and inspire your taste buds. The book also includes real-life success stories, community resources, and an extensive FAQ to give you the support you need on your journey to food freedom. "
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Started another round of Whole30 today. No sugar, carbs, etc until August 1st. So I cut up two pineapples for snacks. #summerfun #getcooking

Seekingtardis How does the whole 30 work?? 4y
Graciouswarriorprincess @Seekingtardis You basically give up everything except for meat, fish, fruit and veggies for thirty days. It is an elimination program and after thirty days, you introduce food categories back to see how you feel. No sugar, no carbs, no alcohol! https://whole30.com/whole30-program-rules/ 4y
Seekingtardis Thank you!!! 4y
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Graciouswarriorprincess @Seekingtardis You‘re welcome! If you have any questions, please let me know. 😃 4y
Seekingtardis I absolutely will 😉 4y
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As is customary, I'm off to a slow start for the #24in48 readathon. But my errand is done, so now I can really buckle down! Needed a few groceries. I'm on day 13 of this program, and it's really pretty miserable, sorry to say. I'd love to be snacking on popcorn or popsicles as I read, but sadly I cannot. I'm proud of myself for making it this far, but someone please eat some ice cream or cheese or French bread on my behalf!

Megabooks I just ate “breakfast nachos”. Does that count?? 🤣 5y
DebinHawaii You can do it! #24in48 & #whole30 🎉👍🎉 5y
cathipink No cheese??!!? 💀💀💀 5y
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Hubby and I are embarking on this diet tomorrow. Unsure if I will make it!

alisiakae Good luck! I did it last year! 6y
saresmoore Best wishes to you! It changed my life for the better—big time. It was especially helpful for my husband with ADD. 6y
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Aswenson @saresmoore I‘m excited to experience the benefits! 6y
Redwritinghood Good luck! I think I made it about 20 days. I definitely felt the effects and should probably try again. 6y
Aswenson @Redwritinghood Thanks! I‘d be happy if I‘m able to do 20 days. We‘re starting with one week to see how it goes. 6y
alisiakae @Aswenson I had one cheat after Day 12, brown rice, when I had some stomach issues that wouldn‘t clear up. Adding that back in a few times a week helped tremendously. 6y
Purrfectpages I‘ve done it and survived. It‘s not so bad once you get the hang of it. Also, Google Dump Ranch. You won‘t regret it. Good luck! 6y
Aswenson @Purrfectpages Thanks! I need all the hacks I can get! 6y
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Just finished a month of this “food challenge” and actually really enjoyed it. I picked this copy up at the library but I‘m going to purchase the recipe book. I‘m looking forward to reintroducing foods into my everyday eating habit but continuing to eat healthy! I think I‘m going to take on the challenge twice a year!

LitsyOwl Going to look for this one! 🦉👍 6y
Cinfhen Yay for u!!!! I did whole 30 last year and actually managed to stay with it for 93 days!!!! I felt great and I was able to incorporate a lot of the plan into my daily life💖 6y
Cortg @LitsyOwl It‘s good! Clean eating at it‘s finest 😉 6y
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Cortg @Cinfhen Wow! That‘s awesome! I‘m planning to stay mostly compliant but not 100% and do it twice a year to stay in check! I actually really enjoyed it AND really needed it! 6y
RebelReader I‘m on Day 12! I‘m finding it easy to follow. I certainly needed it as I love Diet Coke and potato chips! 6y
Cortg @RebelReader Fantastic! Let me know how it goes 🙌🏼 6y
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I am starting April with Whole30. Had anyone done this? Meal planning appears to be the hardest part so far.

Jinjer Not yet but I've read enough blog posts by others who have. One person said something that I made note of. Eat lots of protein for breakfast and don't think of traditional breakfast foods as THE ONLY breakfast foods. For instance, you can eat grilled salmon & veggies for breakfast. Get rid of the breakfast label if you have to. Call it meal #1. 7y
saresmoore It‘s awesome—I‘ve done four and now we eat this way pretty much all the time, with a few whole grains added to the mix. Don‘t stress too much about meal planning. The best strategy is to have plenty of salad supplies on hand and cook with techniques that you know, modified as needed. Don‘t try too many new things and plan load up on the veggies at meals—you will be HUNGRY! 7y
Wife Whole 30 is the way to go. Cravings GONE! I have less aches/pains. I‘m nicer (mood) and swear less. Yes, meal prep is a pain! But the pay off is worth it. 🌹 7y
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Wife Also, my rosacea (adult acne) is almost non-existent when I follow #Whole30 7y
Graciouswarriorprincess @Wife. Fabulous! I need to lose weight and get my energy back. I am hoping this helps!😉 7y
Karen3 I have been contemplating doing this as well. So interested in how it goes! 7y
CouronneDhiver I just finished up a no meat/no wheat fast for Lent... Planning isn‘t fun but it works out in the end. The only parts of Whole 30 that freak me out are no beans and no cheese. 7y
Graciouswarriorprincess @Karen3 I will let you know. @CouronneDhiver Good for you. I know that‘s the part of Whole30 that is hard for me. 7y
alisiakae I did Whole 30 last year, the best part for me was kicking the sugar habit. Trader Joe‘s has some Whole 30 friendly items that helped for lunches and times I didn‘t want to cook. 7y
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#OnlyAtChristmas do I not really worry about what I‘m eating. The month of December is a free for all and time for traditional comfort food. These cookbooks get ignored for fun and tasty family favorites. #SeaonsReadings2017

saresmoore BUT, I love Danielle Walker‘s holiday menus in Celebrations. So that one could get used a bit! We just made the gingerbread and it was excellent. 7y
Tamra 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 we‘re off now on our annual holiday trip to a winery to eat nachos & pizza. Go calories! (edited) 7y
JacqMac @saresmoore Good to know! I love gingerbread. 7y
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JacqMac @Tamra That sounds wonderful! Have fun. 7y
Zelma I‘m taking a screen shot of your cookbook titles. 😄 we eat mostly paleo but I rely so much on internet recipes. Need to expand my repertoire. 7y
JacqMac @Zelma 👍 7y
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Well I survived the first 30 Days!!! Now I get to start reintroducing Foods back into my diet. Hubs and I picked corn tortillas to be our first food so we can make tacos and enchiladas. Also I feel great, I‘ve lost 7 pounds, and I found out I‘m allergic to bananas. #Whole30

Rachbb3 Great job!! I love doing the Whole30. It's amazing what you find out about your body. 7y
hes7 Congrats! 🎉 7y
LauraBrook Wow, congratulations! I‘ve yet to try this myself, but I keep dipping in and out of the main book, so...some day. Enjoy your Mexican feast tonight! 7y
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Izai.Amorim Congratulations! Bananas? Well, there are worse allergies! 7y
Owlizabeth Way to go Jen!!! 💪🏼 7y
LibrarianJen @Izai.Amorim yep I guess apparently they have latex in them. I already knew I was allergic to latex but didn‘t know it could be found naturally in food too. 7y
ApoptyGina69 Great job!!! 🤘🚫🍌 7y
Bookladylinda Congrats!!! 7y
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Day 5 and I broke my first #whole30 rule. They have this weird hang up about pancakes. Well these totally aren‘t pancakes, they‘re latkes! 😂

I just wanted a break from eggs and am trying to keep my meals exciting. Latkes when it‘s not Hanukkah are exciting.

JacqMac I always cook more than I need for dinner. Then I always have leftovers available for breakfast. My way of not eating eggs everyday. 😊 7y
LibrarianJen @JacqMac I do too but I eat the leftovers for lunch. Although we did have leftover steak and potatoes yesterday for breakfast. 7y
Hollie What is on top of your latkes? 7y
LibrarianJen @Hollie home made applesauce 😋 7y
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#Whole30 day 2 went a lot smoother. I still woke up early but it helped having leftovers for lunch. I made steak, sweet potatoes and salad for dinner and enough steak to put on a salad for lunch tomorrow. I think I‘m getting this! While cooking I listened to #lotrchapteraday The Return of the King audiobook, which I fell behind on over the weekend. #bookanddinner

mrozzz Looks quite good! 7y
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Well despite all my planning #whole30 day one was messy. I got up at 5 to cook my husband and I breakfasts and then went to put some pork in the crockpot only to realize it was too big. Then I went to make salads for lunch and only had one tiny drop of balsamic vinegar. So I made these weird lettuce rolls. Dinner was much better, I made this chicken dish the family loves and luckily is compliant and made enough for lunches tomorrow. #bookanddinner

Cupofjo Good job trying!! You'll get the hang of it ❤️ 7y
Tamra 5? I'm probably very close to legally brain dead at that hour! Very admirable! 👏🏾 7y
OrangeMooseReads Nothing is ever perfect in the beginning. 5 am is far too early lol 7y
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hes7 I'm doing the Whole30 right now, too! I hope the rest of the month goes more smoothly for you—good luck! 7y
Izai.Amorim It‘ll get better. Every start is difficult. 7y
LibrarianJen @Cupofjo @Tamra @OrangeMooseReads @hes7 @Izai.Amorim Thanks everyone! 5 isn‘t super early for me but it is way to early to be cooking or doing anything coherent. 7y
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My husband and I are going to take the plunge starting October 9. No beer, no tacos, no a lot of other crap, for 30 days. Has anyone else tried this? My Tía y Tío have been on it for 6 months now and both look amazing! My biggest worry so far is all the meat, I don't typically eat a lot of it. #whole30

PerksOfBeingABookworm I'm working my way towards Whole 30. I can't fully do it because I'm unwilling to eat meat, so I eat some beans and such. I know someone who has done this for over 100 days and she loves it. In terms of meat, it's all about portions. Eat a little meat and tons of fruits and veggies. Plus, your tastebuds will change and you'll start craving healthy food. I have come to enjoy eating fruit, something I thought would never happen. Good luck! 7y
EvieBee I tried and failed after 3 days but it was mental. So I decided to read the book about the program first to wrap my mind around it. I just want to feel better! 7y
LibrarianJen @PerksOfBeingABookworm Thanks! I generally eat a lot of beans and nuts as my protein sources but legumes aren't allowed in the first 30 days. Ugh. @EvieBee would you suggest the book you tagged for this diet too or is the one I have sufficient? I totally understand wanting to feel better, which is why we are taking the plunge. 7y
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jillannjohn I‘ve been wanting to do this but it seems so restrictive. No alcohol! 😳 7y
EvieBee It‘s part of the program but it just talks about why the diet can help you feel better and common foods that cause problems for us. It‘s not a requirement but it was the first book they published. It speaks about the foods to eliminate etc. If your library has it I would recommend flipping through it. Can‘t hurt. 7y
EvieBee @jillannjohn I know! The booze! And I just invested in a bottle of Pimm‘s for the Autumn lol! 7y
LibrarianJen @EvieBee Thanks! I just added it to my library holds. @jillannjohn Believe me I know. That's the only reason my husband and I haven't started it for so long. But, it can be added back in after the 30 days. Although I'm thinking it will be the third thing I add back after adding corn and legumes. 7y
Izai.Amorim I once did it something similar for one year with my mother, who was very sick at the time, rheumatism. Only natural products, nothing industrialized. After one year she recovered 90% of her movements. I did it as control group because the doctors in my family said the diet would kill her. I felt great. The only problem was social life. Couldn‘t eat out anywhere. (The doctors never said, “sorry, we were wrong.” They never do.) 7y
Cinfhen I did W30 for 96 days....days 3 -16 almost killed me...it was the caffeine & sugar withdrawal but once I passed that corner I felt great! I'm still eating W30 friendly although I've had more cheat days than non cheat days in the past 3 months. I promise you will feel so much better!!!! I've switched to almond milk and have pretty much given up dairy. I've eliminated legumes, corn & pasta. Sweet potatoes are my best friend 😊 7y
LibrarianJen @Izai.Amorim 90% recovery? That's amazing! As for social life, most of ours right now revolve around the breweries. So once we add beer back in it won't be so bad especially since most of them let you bring your own food in. So there is that and picnics in the parks and hikes in the mountains. 7y
Izai.Amorim @LibrarianJen So go for it! Wish you healthy days! 7y
saresmoore Did it, loved it, live it! Totally life changing and the whole family‘s immune systems are insanely healthy. 7y
jillannjohn Wait did someone say no caffeine?!! I‘m pretty sure I would die without coffee ☕️ 7y
Sharpeipup Did it and 3 years later, we are still on (modified) version of it. (edited) 7y
LibrarianJen @jillannjohn you CAN have caffeine. If you couldn't I would not be doing it because I would have to ween myself off of coffee and tea first! You just can't put any cream or sugar in it. 7y
LibrarianJen @Sharpeipup Yay! These success stories are giving me hope! 7y
LibrarianJen @Cinfhen why did you cut out caffeine? If you don't mind me asking. 7y
jillannjohn That‘s great news! I drink my coffee black anyway. I think I‘m going to take another look at this. 7y
Cinfhen I'm pretty sure caffeine was a no-no! I switched to decaf - I would never eliminate coffee all together 7y
Cinfhen I checked and it is allowed (you're right) but in moderation, I went from 3 or more large cups a day to just 1 cup a day 7y
Cinfhen And I used sugar free almond milk which is delicious 7y
Peddler410 I have never done well with any program that required total elimination of anything. I wish you both well. 7y
alvingregorio I've done it. It's completely doable. I felt so much better. I'm due for another W30. 7y
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I've done 4 rounds of Whole30 and am a big fan of the program and of learning what foods don't work for your body. I had been considering going for 30 days again until today when I thought ice cream was a great idea. My body is currently reminding me why dairy is not, in fact, a great idea for me 😬If you don't love how you feel or where your health is, this book (and It Starts With Food) is worth looking into!

Rachbb3 I love doing the Whole30. I feel so much better. 7y
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When it comes to healthy eating I'm #MyOwnWorstEnemy but after seeing @emilymorgan post about the Whole30 program and with encouragement from @saresmoore @LauraBeth & @britt_brooke I tackled the Whole30 beast and it really was #lifechanging 😊It's been 6 months and I'm pretty much dairy free, grain free and I feel awesome!!! #90sInJuly

Laura317 I need to try this. I have high cholesterol and really don't want to control it with diet. My kids are such picky eaters though. I might be doing it alone. 7y
Megabooks I feel like this would be a good idea for me, but I have so many allergies, it's difficult to find something to eat period. 🤔🤔 My friend Beth talked about the difficulty of cooking when you're single. It can be very unrewarding, and who wants to eat leftover fish? I love fish, but I never cook it for that reason. 7y
Cinfhen @Laura317 I had terrible digestive/stomach issues and the w30 plan really eliminated those issues. Initially I was doing the plan alone but over time my hubby & son joined in on a modified plan and they were very satisfied. The first 10 days are hell...but once you find your groove it's smooth sailing ⛵️ 7y
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Cinfhen @Booksandcooks it's definitely a lifestyle commitment and with food allergies it would be extra challenging but the reward would be worth it! I sleep better, I breathe better, I move better, I FEEL BETTER 7y
BarbaraBB What a great achievement! 💪 7y
saresmoore 🙌💪 7y
Karkar I was thinking of trying it but I cannot have nuts which makes it super hard.. 😞 7y
LauraBeth You're amazing! 💪💪 7y
britt_brooke This is awesome!! 🙌🏻🙌🏻 Hubby and I need to get stricter with paleo again. It makes you feel so good! And look good, too (bonus)! We eat clean most of the time, but can always do better. You're inspiring!! 7y
LauraBeth @Booksandcooks I LOVE fish but no one else in my house does. But I've discovered that Costco sells single serve packages of fish in their frozen section. Salmon, Mahi Mahi, Tilapia...so I'll buy bags of those and then will defrost one for myself for dinner. They also sell really good salmon burgers. 🐟 Here's how you can re-frame cooking for one: it's awesome because you get to always make what YOU want! 7y
Cinfhen Yay! @LauraBeth is back with inspiring and uplifting words!!!! I'm gonna check out the Costco fish dept! 7y
Cinfhen Awww, thank you @britt_brooke @saresmoore @BarbaraBB 😘sometimes it really takes a village 7y
Megabooks I'm allergic to salmon 😩😩 (And shellfish too, FWIW.) I don't know where the Costco is around me. There's a Sam's nearby, but that's not the same. @LauraBeth (edited) 7y
Purrfectpages I did the Whole 30 back in February! I got some great recipes and tips I still use! 7y
Megabooks Also, I should have said before, awesome job @Cinfhen !! Investing in your health is always 👍🏻👍🏻 7y
Cinfhen 😘😘 @Booksandcooks 🙏🏻 7y
monkeygirlsmama I must investigate. 7y
monkeygirlsmama Nice going to all of you who've completed this first 30. 7y
Robothugs How awesome! 7y
L_auren Love hearing this! 7y
emilyhaldi So impressed 🙌🏻 7y
LibrarianJen Awesome! My Aunt and Uncle have been doing the whole30 for about 6 months now. They absolutely love it. 7y
Reviewsbylola Amazing! 7y
emilymorgan Way to go @Cinfhen! You are a rock star! 7y
Cinfhen Thanks so much @monkeygirlsmama @Robothugs @L_auren @emilyhaldi @LibrarianJen @Reviewsbylola and especially you @emilymorgan I NEVER thought I could give up dairy & grains ☺️I definitely have moments when I pop an m&m or two in my mouth or that chocolate chip banana chunk muffin but for the most part I'm eating clean, and my digestive issues are under control ✅ 7y
emilymorgan @Cinfhen you are so welcome! It is life changing. I don't eat gluten at all anymore but I did add back in dairy and some non-refined sugars. If you want some recipes, check out my blog! Link in profile 😊 I am so glad it worked for you! You are amazing! 7y
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Reading up on the Whole30 that I committed to. The hardest part will be giving up cheese, and I appreciate that they acknowledge that it blows.

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A few months back I decided to give the Whole30 lifestyle a try. I didn't see the dramatic results others might, but that's probably because I'm already gluten free and don't eat a ton of sugar. My cat Tennille on the other hand is another story...#riotgrams #cookbook #foodthemedbook

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#LyricalApril Day 30 🎉🎉🎉 83 days ago, I took a chance and began the W30 program. For years I struggled with stomach problems, migraines, anemia, poor sleeping and joint issues. For 30 days, No #sugar, dairy, grains, alcohol, legumes or caffeine. Days 3 -11 were brutal but then....I started feeling great! This plan has literally changed my life...I'm on a modified plan now, some times a little rice, occasionally chocolate & wine! #WorthIt

Cinfhen @Lmstraubie not the Maroon5 🎵SUGAR 😉 (edited) 7y
LauraBrook Congratulations! That's awesome and encouraging to hear. I'd forgotten about doing this, and I know I need to try it. But I'm having a hard time mentally, with not eating bread. To quote Oprah "I...love...bread!" 7y
Cinfhen Thanks to all my musical geniuses who joined me for #LyricalApril 🙌🏻I had soooo much fun, but you guys made it AWESOME 💖💖💖hope you'll play #RockinMay 🎸🎤🎧 7y
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Cinfhen Thanks @LauraBrook I promise you, I don't miss the bread! I think not dealing with all my digestive issues on a daily basis makes up for the no grains! 7y
Dragon @Cinfhen I'm pleased you've found a program that worked for your digestion 👍looking forward to May's posts😀 7y
Cinfhen Thanks so much @dragon 🌸💝😊 7y
DebinHawaii I am impressed with how you have stuck with it and made it a lifestyle that works for you. Way to go! 👍🏆👍 Thank you for a fun challenge too--I hope to join in on #RockinMay. 😀 7y
Cinfhen I really hope you'll keep posting @DebinHawaii I'm a FAN🙌🏻💕and thanks for the encouragement 😘 7y
julesG Congratulations! Third time I've seen this programme mentioned. I should check it out. I'm not afraid of the bread, won't miss that. I would miss my dairy, it's what's keeping me from going vegan. Thank you for the challenge, I'll try my best with #RockinMay. 😘 7y
TrishB Well done, always difficult to make the change! 7y
Cinfhen Thanks @TrishB @julesG I thought dairy would be hard too, but I actually prefer almond milk and cheese really used to mess with me...plus no more lactaid pills 😊so glad you're gonna keep posting😍👍🏻🎵 7y
Reviewsbylola AMAZING job!!! ?? The thought of no "bad" food is scary to me. ? I seriously applaude you! 7y
Cinfhen I was sick of feeling sick @Reviewsbylola and now I feel so much better...but I'm still having my Luna bars and other treats...everything in moderation 😉 7y
Lmstraubie @Cinfhen 🤣🤣🤣 Thx for the heads-up​! Congratulations on your success with the W30! 👏👏👏 Definitely not easy, but certainly sounds worth it. 7y
BarbaraTheBibliophage Most important thing is that you FEEL GOOD! (You know the voice for those words, right?) 💕💕 7y
Cinfhen I do @BarbaraTheBibliophage 😂😂😂The Godfather of Soul...Mr. James Brown 7y
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I might die.


😩😩😩 #whole30

lisakoby I just finished mine. You won't die. 😂 8y
babsbourland Just finished my second. You will sleep LIKE A BABY 8y
Lmstraubie You got this! 💪 8y
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I picked up The Sleepwalker by @chrisbohjalian while on the road and devoured it throughout Kansas City and Denver. It was a delicious little snack with a fascinating premise and an ending that legit caught me off guard. It was less hurty than my usual faves but dark and twisty enough to make the Instagram cut. You'll like it

saresmoore That's awesome! Melissa Hartwig is an inspiration! 8y
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TheBookAddict 🙌🏽 👏🏽 I personally know that it is tough, so congratulations! 🎉🍾🎈🎊 8y
TheBookAddict You're welcome! Will you be joining us on our #LitsyPartofOne on the 10th? 8y
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TheBookAddict It is a Litsy Party that will be taking place in the comfort of our own homes on Feb. 10th. We will be having snacks and books and we will be sharing it all on Litsy. 😂 basically a party for bookish introverts. @Ambrosnazzy came up with it. You might want to follow her for more info. 8y
emilymorgan @TheBookAddict sounds awesome! I followed her. Is it just all day, or a specific time? 8y
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Yum! Many of you have been asking me about my Whole30 recipes. I've cooked a bunch of healthy things in the last four weeks, but with only four days, left I've narrowed it down to my four favorite Whole30 recipes. They are even good enough to eat when you're not doing Whole30! Three are outsourced from other blog sites, and one is a recipe I made on my own! Read and enjoy. Link in bio! #emilymorganwrites

JoeStalksBeck Whoa!! Looks amazing 8y
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Somehow I've made it 20 days with no tacos or french fries or Coke. Is it worth it? Actually, yeah it is. That crazy #Whole30 thing, and some tips for making it through. Link in bio! #emilymorganwrites

Robothugs 👏🏻👏🏻👍🏻 8y
Merethebookgal Nice! I may have to look more into the program 😀 8y
Brenley Go you! Those French fries would do me in... 8y
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emilymorgan @Merethebookgal it is well worth it! It is a challenge but only 30 days! 8y
emilymorgan @Brenley I'll definitely eat a small portion when I'm finished in 10 days! 8y
asiriusreader Awesome job! Don't know if I could make it!! 8y
Ubookquitous After completing whole 30, we buy almost no processed foods, nothing with High Fructose Corn Syrup, and eat better. My wife's insulin levels are almost back to a normal level and has stayed that way... So much so her doctor is looking to take her off meds. It does a great job of resetting your body. 8y
emilymorgan @asiriusreader thanks! I think you could do it if you got a partner to do it with and put your mind to it! It is a challenge, but it's only 30 days! 8y
emilymorgan @Archetype67 it really does change everything! 8y
asiriusreader Thanks @emilymorgan !! That's true about only 30 days...good tips! 8y
geodynamical_nonfiction I had bad constipation growing up. I knew I needed to quit my standard diet of cow's milk, cookies, waffles, and grilled cheese sandwiches. My first real detox was a 30-day raw food diet when I was 23. It changed my gut bacteria so much that I couldn't go back to pizza and cookies even if I wanted. I then saw a nutritionist who got me balanced. Now I can digest most anything in moderation, but for the most part I maintain my whole, organic diet.🙃 8y
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An excellent primer on the hows and whys of eating whole foods and navigating an elimination diet, but, if you ever lived on a low FODMAP diet, maybe just opt for their cookbook - your GI specialist already acquainted you with the science behind it.

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Maybe he will let me read some more

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Still going strong with this one though 👌🏼 Today is Day 11 of my Whole30. I've made it through a night out with my girlfriends, a wedding AND the county fair without going off the plan! Majorly proud of myself for that accomplishment ☺️

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wasn't expecting that...

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😬 I've tried and failed before, but I'm giving this thing a shot again starting Oct 1 - reading and rereading this a million times for motivation!

Onceuponatime Ivedone this and I think it is pretty hard at first 8y
Onceuponatime Oops, I wasn't finished! ? Anyway, it's hard in a different way...similar to coming off of a drug or substance use. Once you're past the "withdrawal" stage it does get easier and is very enjoyable because you start to feel so good. Hang in there! ?? 8y
shaelyni @Onceuponatime - thanks! My problem is always when a friend is all "hey lets go to dinner!" I always end up blowing it. I need to have more self control ? 8y
Onceuponatime @shaelyni Yes, eating out is definitely less fun because you can't indulge like you used to. And the food that you can't have that you're craving most is sitting right in front of you on everyone else's plates. Finding that willpower to keep going is hard! So yes, you are doing a hard thing! 8y
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This is a no-nonsense, but supportive book that helps you begin eating healthy, whole foods. Full disclosure: this is a lot of work, but if you follow their guidelines and stick with it, you'll enjoy cooking great food and you'll feel great.

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I plan to do this (it will not be easy), and thought this book was extremely well-organized and helpful. If I don't make it, I will not be able to say it was for lack of information or helpful advice.