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And because you can never have too many gingers (and I‘ve waited a long time to get/read this one...a real life ginger (hopefully) to go with the lovely, but fictional Kvothe (imagine their beautiful ginger babies!!!). Hopefully Grace O‘Malley is a real ginger and not just turned into a ginger by legend to make her scarier to the power that be, like Boudicca. #gingerpower #graceomalley #granuaile #annechambers #gingerbunch

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@julesG hair‘s too long to be Jamie (I think), but the tartan kind of works. It could be poor Willie before he died.

#thenameofthewind #patrickrothfuss #kvothe #kote #reshi #gingerbunch

julesG Definitely more of a Highlander than Kvothe. 6y
GingerAntics @julesG right? He could easily have a kilt on, for what it‘s worth. Not really the Kvothe I‘ve read about so far. 6y
julesG Kvothe in a kilt though... 😉 6y
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Gezemice Who is this? I must admit I have a soft spot for readheads... 6y
GingerAntics @Gezemice it‘s supposed to be Kvothe from The Name of the Wind, but it looks more like a highlander so we‘re rubbing him Willie (Jamie‘s big brother that dies before the first book) from Outlander. 😂 @julesG Kvothe in a kilt could be quite hot though. Maybe that was the thought behind this drawing. 🥵🤣 6y
GingerAntics @Gezemice I do too, I always want to have ginger babies with them. lol (it‘s twisted, I know) 6y
GingerAntics @julesG now my brain is concocting a green and grey tartan for him to wear. I got this covered. 6y
julesG 😁 6y
Gezemice @GingerAntics Oh I did know it was meant to be Kvothe, I was wondering if he was an actor... I guess it is art? I admit I had a bit of a crush on Shaun White... with the long hair, I am not a fan of that updo he sports nowadays. 6y
Gezemice @GingerAntics My first big love had flaming red hair... did not end up having babies, but it could have happened. 6y
GingerAntics @Gezemice as far as I know it‘s fan art. THAT‘S what the hair reminds me of...Shaun White back in the day. lol 6y
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These words, in one form or another, have been used to describe MY hair. When I was a kid they kept it short because it was the only way to attempt to control it. I‘M HAVING SUCH AN AWESOME MOMENT RIGHT NOW!!! And FINALLY a fictional ginger who ISN‘T an orphan. Have people been trying to tell me something my whole life?!
#ginger #gingerlove #gingerandproud #fangirlmoment #gingerproblems #crazyhairproblems #thenameofthewind #patrickrothfuss #kvothe

RaimeyGallant I have red hair, and I'm from PEI. Guess what people call me. 6y
GingerAntics @RaimeyGallant the flame? lol When I was little my family would tease me by saying “little girl, your head is on fire.” lol 6y
RaimeyGallant Close! They call me Anne (of Green Gables.) :P 6y
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GingerAntics @RaimeyGallant OOOOOOH I just figured out PEI is Prince Edward Island...that makes sense. Yeah, I would imagine any redhead on PEI is going to get called that. That‘s not a bad choice, really. 6y
RaimeyGallant Haha. :) 6y
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So many different portraits. The top left could be my freaking brother (if I had a brother). Then again, so could the top right (or pretty much any of them, really). I‘m really stuck by the top left one, though. That may be my Kote/Reshi/Kvothe.

Now who is going to tell me if he‘s the wind or not? It makes total sense to me that the wind would be a ginger. Just sayin. 😏

#thenameofthewind #patrickrothfuss #kvothe #kote #reshi #gingerbunch

GingerAntics I really gotta say...the two ginger emojis totally SUCK!!! That is all. 6y
julesG Is he the wind? Good question. I never went that far. I always wanted to know the name of the wind and whether he finds out what the wind is called. 6y
julesG The one on the bottom right looks like Jamie. Just saying. 6y
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GingerAntics @julesG I thought maybe he was, but the he said something about wanting to learn the name of the wind at university, so I‘m going to say he‘s not the wind. Still, I love him!!! A ginger, a musician, an academic... he might be my dream man. 🤣😂🤣 6y
julesG Yes, Jamie Fraser 6y
julesG If I had to settle for a favourite male book character with ginger hair, I'd go for Kvothe as well. 6y
GingerAntics @julesG a little yeah, but he‘s got his instrument on his back and the grey and green on (it‘s hard to tell in this little version)...the one in the middle he‘s actually got tartan on, so I was thinking that would could be Jamie...or maybe his big brother, Willie. lol 6y
julesG Didn't notice the instrument. You're right. 6y
GingerAntics @julesG lol that one is actually starting to remind me of a Weasley twin. lol 6y
julesG Bill? 6y
GingerAntics @julesG Fred or George, but now that you mention it he looks strikingly like Bill. Yeah, that‘s Bill Weasley, cosplaying as Kvothe. lol 6y
julesG 😂😂 6y
TrishB 😂😂 love this post! 6y
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Oh, oh I found it @TrishB !!! I‘m so excited. I‘ve also found some other lovely images of him. I love a good. Ginger protagonist!!! (Or is he the antagonist? It‘s so hard to tell. He could be an anti-hero I suppose.) ❤️❤️❤️ There is so much ginger love happening here.
#thenameofthewind #patrickrothfuss #kvothe #kote #reshi #gingerbunch

TrishB Cool 😘 6y
TrishB I‘m loving your posts!! 6y
GingerAntics @TrishB I am so in love with every moment of this book!!! 6y
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