I‘ll be starting this one tonight or tomorrow. It‘s been so great to read these again, and listening to them is fantastic. I‘m sorry that it‘s coming to an end. ❤️⚡️ #7 #Seven #NovemberByTheNumbers @Tiffy_Reads @JoeStalksBeck
I‘ll be starting this one tonight or tomorrow. It‘s been so great to read these again, and listening to them is fantastic. I‘m sorry that it‘s coming to an end. ❤️⚡️ #7 #Seven #NovemberByTheNumbers @Tiffy_Reads @JoeStalksBeck
If you've followed me for a while then you know I reread the Harry Potter series every January! Next year will be no exception. By this time of the year I am gearing up and excited about the reread. Everyone is invited to join and read along. #HarryPotterNewYear
Next month is the like the prequel cause I'm reading HPPOA with the kid! So ready. And yes, next year will be a digital read.
So I don't know about anyone else but despite all of the mess going on in the world, I'm actually managing to get reading done! Starting the year off with #harrypotternewyear always helps. #keepingitshort is off with a bang as well. If you have a hard time getting through short story collections I would definitely recommend trying this! My first nonfiction of the year was amazing with Blood at the Root which I also recommend!
Another year. Another reread. Extremely worth it. I said when I started this reread on the 1st that it always feels like coming home. It's true. This story will always be one that I love and come back to.
Until next year's reread...
#page24 #samebookdifferentpages @kmdartist and I are buddy reading this and with two different editions so we have two different page 24s.
Funny story. I had planned on finishing this book tonight but then life and college basketball.
"Simultaneously they walked forwards and hugged, Harry gripping the still sopping back of Ron's jacket."
Ron's story arch should not be overlooked. He is one of the most fully realized characters. He is deeply emotional and is trying to find his individuality within a large family with a famous best friend. This was the ultimate turning point for him.
"How strange it was to see himself represented in stone, a happy baby without a scar on his forehead..."
When Harry reflects on the life he could have had while heading to Godric's Hollow it breaks my heart. And then this happened. I just... it's just incredibly sad that one person's fear of death could cause so many others to lose their lives...
If you were ever unclear of the weight and responsibility left on Harry's shoulders just read these statements:
"The last words Dumbledore spoke to the pair of us?"
"'Harry is the best hope we have. Trust him.'"
Trust him! He's 16! ? He hadn't even turned 17 yet...