I am so excited!!! Fleabag is one of my favourite things ever and I absolutely love Phoebe Waller-Bridge
I am so excited!!! Fleabag is one of my favourite things ever and I absolutely love Phoebe Waller-Bridge
This is probably the book I am most excited to have signed. His Dark Materials is together with the Earthsea novels my favourite children's books. So perfect.
Only about 60 pages in, but it is so nice to spend some time with Lyra again!
Just got a new card from my amazing pen pal @CaliforniaCay !!
Love it! And now I have your new address :)
I was not expecting to enjoy this book as much as I did! I don't know why I am surprised because the same thing happened to me when I read Howard's End and A Room With a View, but I guess I never expected a book from 1913 about homosexuals to be so open and progressive ( well maybe not by today's standards, but compared to books I've read of the era and even later, it wasn't all just alluded to as usual!). Great read from a fantastic writer
So I bought the first two of a 6-book fantasy series thinking I wouldn't read them for a few months because they were both 600 odd pages and I am so busy right now. Fast forward 5 days and I flew through them and now have to suffer while I wait for the next few books to arrive. The books aren't perfect, but the second book explains more of the world building and becomes a lot better. Can't wait to read the rest.
This is such a good book! I am about halfway through and I just need to read more! Between this, The Disposessed and The Left Hand of Darkness, Le Guin really has written all of my favourite sci-fi! Minerva is keeping me company while I read!
So I finished the book in a rush. A very nice read. It's beautifully written and a great work on memory, relationships and religion. As a whole it's a fantastic read and I'd recommend it to anyone, but as always with books that are more religious it is more difficult for me to relate to the decisions made - I never really know how to feel about more religious works, I can't deny it's a great story, but I guess I don't agree with where it ends up.
At the dentist which is not exactly fun, but while I wait I am making my way through this fun read and enjoying it so far! Only at the beginning, but it is keeping me interested!
A nice relaxing morning finding out what happens in the last book. Also I love Nick and Rachel, but Astrid and Charlie are for me the real main relationship of the trilogy! I just love them so much ( Astrid is my favourite) and hope it all works out for them.
I just finished book 3 ( the fartherst shore) of the Earthsea novels! It was sooo good, but I am gonna need to time to digest it before I start on book 4. So I think I'll read some Kingdom Come! A great superman story so far!
Visiting the in laws for the weekend! So a nice little reading corner!
Finished book 2 yesterday! It was perfect! On to The Farthest Shore! Hope it doesn't disappoint! Really liking these so far. I may have ordered a really cool looking illustrated edition of the whole 6 novels + short stories! ( And I may or may not have ordered a copy of the 2nd novel by itself just cos I loved it so much! I really spend too much money on books)
So I have been pretty absent from litsy. Life has been difficult. Lots of nightshifts and extra shifts and with flu season it has been hell. Still tried to keep some reading going even if not as much as I want. Finally felt the need to post, because I can't believe I'd never read these before. They are brilliant! I am almost finished with the second one and damn it's good!
So I was undecided on what to read next and ended up having a nice afternoon re-reading an old favourite! Mr. Darcy and Colonel Fitzwilliam just arrived at Rosings so some of my favourite scenes are coming up!
Thanks to my absolutely amazing pen pal @CaliforniaCay for a lovely Christmas package!! Love it!!
Btw I'll be sending a new letter off in a few days
So if anyone was wondering how much I liked Six of Crows, this is what I am reading now. so yeah, I loved it!! Read it in one day and only didn't read the second one that fast, because life just hasn't allowed it. Really fun read. A heist book, but with fantasy! Two things that I love in one.
Wondering if I should read the rest of the books by the author.
So I've been told loads of times I need to read this book, and now the special edition is out!! So perfect time to read this. Minerva is keeping me company!
Got home and the latest #24hrr book was here.
@Smarkies it got here in time and good state as always.
@freyaheart - thanks for the book choice.your book is currently enjoying a stay in Portugal.hadn't heard of the book before.looking forward to it 😀
Back home, but still a week to go of holidays!! Aka gonna be reading a lot over the next few days!
My friend recommended Babylon Berlin the TV show , but I always like to read the book first so I had to buy this. Shame about the TV tie-in cover! It's a fun read so far. Still in the beginning though where we are getting to know the characters!
So a little bit of chilling time in between sight seeing! My friend recommended this one a while ago, saw it in the bookshop yesterday and figured since the author has lived here it would be fitting to get it now. Shame I am way slower at reading in German though!
Omg I loved it. Rachel and Nick are adorable, but I already knew that from the movie. I am in love with Astrid and Charlie. If they don't end up together I will be heartbroken! Already ordering the other books
Finally started this on the flight to Vienna. After loving the film, it was expected that I'd love this as well. Great so far!
Shame about the movie tie in cover. At least it's actors I really like.
So here is my #favoritepoetswap package opened! So excited for what is inside!!!
#favoritepoetswap finally got the final piece missing so I can finally send this on! Was starting to really stress. I had ordered it weeks ago. It should arrive on time, but I always stress with international shipping.
It's here! Now to resist opening it!
#favoritepoetswap #litsygoespostal #bookmail
Oh man, 5 books in and they still have me hooked!! I do sort of hate them for always going for the cliffhanger endings though - I learnt from my mistakes though and already have the next book here! Minerva is not impressed though. She doesn't want me to get up! #catsoflitsy
Me reading the first book in the series: love the mystery, like the to main characters, totally hope they don't go the romance route, that's so cliche
Me reading Lethal White:ugh who cares about the mystery, I need Strike and Robin to sort things out and get together already!! 🤣😂😂
Did I need a 4th copy of Prisoner of Azkaban and a 3rd of Chamber of Secrets? Maybe not! But they are so pretty!!
Making my way through the Expanse Series! My canine friend is proving to be a distraction!
#poetrysurvey for #favoritepoetswap
1. New!!! Definitely want to get to know new poets!
2. Should be - otherwise my goodreads is always up to date ( @ Helena Greenfield there)
3. Tea all the way! My favourite is probably earl grey or maybe some Ceylon black tea, but I love all teas.
4. White chocolate is my favourite, but I love all types of chocolate and candy! I'll always be happy
5. I am late to the party! Nobody left to tag!
I used to do a re-read twice a year, but now haven't in a few years. Now that I have the beautiful illustrated editions seemed like a nice time to start!
Making my way through the second of the expanse books while Minerva keeps me company!
A friend of mine told me I had to read this book series so I am checking out the first book. I am liking it so far, but I am only a few pages in. It's quite a long book, I normally love long books, but I haven't had as much time to read lately so we'll see how it goes.
The tote is my favourite of all my ( increasingly) large tote collection! Pride and Prejudice 😍
I am loving this book! 50 pages to go and I am hoping it doesn't end in a tragic way, I have grown to love the characters so much. Fantastic so far. Definitely became a fan of Murakami! Now to see if I like his other books as well.
Managed to get out of work fairly early today ( well not as late as usual I should since I still left later than my official leaving time 😂), so I am getting some nice reading time now!
My first Murakami, really enjoying the book so far. I've heard it's very different from his other books though.
My sweet #catsoflitsy Minerva is keeping me company!
So I finished my most recent read - it was brilliant! Tragic, funny, beautiful! So now I need to decide what to start tomorrow.
I've been planning on trying out Murakami for a while - any suggestions on which one would be a nice place to start?
These are the ones I own but I am open to other suggestions as well!
Now to continue reading poolside and with some great company from #dogsoflitsy
She doesn't really let me read as much, but she's so cute!
Plan for this morning! Have a party this afternoon so need to get my reading time done in the morning. Really looking forward to this read!
My first free weekend with no ER shifts this month so I came to visit my parents at their beach house. It ended up raining, but it worked out fine for me.
So excited to finally get to read this. I loved the first two books so much - I'll probably re-read them at some point
So I watched the film and it was such a great experience so when I found out it was based on a book I had to buy it. It's such a sweet story. About 50 pages in an enjoyable so far.
It's refreshing to have time to read tbh. Work has been insane, I knew starting hospital practice would affect my reading time but I really thought I'd still be able to read. I've barely read anything these past few months!
So I finally read Watchmen and it really is that good!
A nice Sunday morning finishing the book with my cat for company! Perfect.
Doing my trip of Belgium ( Brussels - Ghent - Brugge - Antwerp) and found a lovely bookshop + coffeeshop where I had to buy a book ( so I got the local Harry Potter copy for my collection and this book which I've been meaning to read for a while) I haven't read much so far, but we are having a nice break for tea and I'll try and read some more!
Finally decided to start following the ongoing DC storylines! Decided to start with Batman and read the first few issues and am hooked! Really like the writing in this. Hope it keeps up.also have Detective Comics and Wonder Woman deluxe editions lined up to check out as well.
I also need to buy Superman since he's my fav and I keep hearing amazing things about Super Sons so I'll definitely check that one out!
Very interesting read so far. It'd probably be even better if I had read more comics, because I'm sure I'm missing some nice nods! But a nice little what-if story. I kinda already know what's gonna happen, but it's still fun to watch it all develop.
Loved it! Noir meets Lovecraft! Such a great premise and well developed story.
Basically it's about a femme fatale but from her point of view for once, with some characterization and development. And with a lot of supernatural horror added in. Need to buy book 2 as soon as possible. Love the deluxe edition with some nice extras at the end as well.
#bookmail have a trip coming up and I am so happy these arrived in time for it so I have reading material for plane and trains! Have to decide what to read first. Probably Planetary since book one was so incredible and I really want to read the rest! shame there's no more planetary after this! It's so good.
Just finished Superman: Red Son - it was sooo good! A really interesting premise! Now to decide what to read next!