Starting the final story of the boy who lived. Finishing up my latest reread. It‘s my go too when I can‘t read anything else. Do any of you have any go too books? #neithercanlive #hogwartsismyhome
Starting the final story of the boy who lived. Finishing up my latest reread. It‘s my go too when I can‘t read anything else. Do any of you have any go too books? #neithercanlive #hogwartsismyhome
If you were ever unclear of the weight and responsibility left on Harry's shoulders just read these statements:
"The last words Dumbledore spoke to the pair of us?"
"'Harry is the best hope we have. Trust him.'"
Trust him! He's 16! ? He hadn't even turned 17 yet...
As painful as this book is, this might be the most pivotal book of the entire series. Because we find out why Voldemort tried to kill Harry and what the means for both of their futures. This particular chapter is the most important of this book and it tears me apart everytime. To see Dumbledore admit his mistakes, to see Harry broken after finding out the truth and losing Sirius.