Bridge to Terabithia is October's winner, but Beach Music took the Bracket.
Bridge to Terabithia is October's winner, but Beach Music took the Bracket.
Some people might say that it‘s ridiculous and over-the-top to travel more than 2,000 miles just to see their favorite author in person. Thankfully for me, I am not married to any of those people. When I said, “John Irving is going to be at the Santa Fe International Literary Festival,” my husband said, “When are we going?”
Our flight leaves on May 17, sweetie. 🙌🏼💃🏻🕺
Taking a break from reading and going to a this musical. My husband is feeling greatly out numbered. There are probably 5 females to every male. #heisakeeper
The husband surprised me with this beautiful edition of Beauty and Beast when he came home from work today. I can't get over how gorgeous it is and it's interactive!