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Beaches: A Novel | Iris R. Dart
Loudmouthed, redheaded Cee Cee Bloom has her sights set on Hollywood. Bertie White, quiet and conservative, dreams of getting married and having children. In 1951, their childhood worlds collide in Atlantic City. Keeping in touch as pen pals, they reunite over the years ... always near the ocean. Powerful and moving, this novel follows Cee Cee and Bertie's extraordinary friendship over the course of thirty years as they transform from adolescents into adults. A bestselling novel that became a hugely successful film, Beaches is funny, heartbreaking, and a tale that should be a part of every woman's library.
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Beaches: A Novel | Iris R. Dart
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Happy Tuesday! Hope everyone is having a fabulous week! Here are today's #Two4Tuesday questions. Have a wonderful day!

❤️ Chocolate
❤️ Beaches (tagged)

Tagging a few Littens to get us started but all are welcome to play. @Eggs @dabbe @JessClark78 @Read4life @wanderinglynn @MallenNC @Klou @Cupcake12 @Read4life @Susanita @The_Penniless_Author @Bookwormjillk

slategreyskies I didn‘t know the movie was based on a book. I‘ve actually never watched the movie, but I‘ve been meaning to for years now. I‘ll have to read the book first, though! 💕 5mo
Cupcake12 This is one of my favourite movies x 5mo
The_Penniless_Author Thanks for the tag! 5mo
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Eggs Thanks for tagging me 🧡 5mo
wanderinglynn Thanks for the tag! 5mo
TheSpineView @slategreyskies I get that!❤️📖 5mo
dabbe Will do; thanks for the tag! 😘 5mo
Read4life Thanks for the tag! 5mo
TheSpineView @Read4life ❤️🏷 5mo
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Beaches | Iris Rainer Dart
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This was such a good book!! And I still love the movie. Y‘all need to read this!

#snowflake #snowflakes #papersnowflakes

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Beaches: A Novel | Iris R. Dart
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Eggs 😢😢 8mo
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Beaches: A Novel | Iris R. Dart
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#VolumesandVocals @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Eggs
#GoodHeartedWoman - Waylon Jennings

This song reminded me of the characters in this story. Always there for each other in times of crisis.

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Great cover 💙 13mo
Eggs A classic IMO 🩵 13mo
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Beaches: A Novel | Iris R. Dart
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Beautiful cover!! 🏖 2y
Eggs Oh perfect 🤩 2y
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Beaches: A Novel | Iris R. Dart
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#LovePrevails @Eggs
Prompt: Platonic Love

The friendship and love between Cee Cee and Bertie in extraordinary.

Eggs Yes! What a great choice! 3y
TheSpineView @Eggs Thanks! 3y
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Beaches: A Novel | Iris R. Dart
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#BoundTogetherJune @OriginalCyn620 @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

#JamminJune @Eggs

This book came out in the 80s and is what the movie with the same name is based on.

OriginalCyn620 Good choice! 4y
rachaich Oh, blimey, I remember sobbing through the film 😫😭😭 4y
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TheSpineView @rachaich It is a tear jerker! 4y
BookwormM One of my favourite movies I can‘t hear Wind Beneath my Wings without crying and I never knew it was based on a book! Stacked! 4y
TheSpineView @BookwormM 😭😭😭 4y
Eggs Perfect choice 👏🏻👏🏻 4y
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Beaches: A Novel | Iris R. Dart
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Here are my picks for the #ReadYourSign

Book published by birth year 1985 - Beaches by Iris R. Dart

Fire - Girl of Paper and Fire by Natasha Ngan

Sunflower - Sunflower by Rebecca West

Gold - Walk on Earth a Stranger by Rae Carson

Leo Author - Carve the Mark by Veronica Roth

Ruling Number 5 - Legendary by Stephanie Garber

Beaches | Iris R. Dart
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So far I‘ve mostly opted for family time over reading time, but I‘m finally getting in a little beach side reading today. ☺️

Beatlefan129 I‘m so jealous, it‘s snowing where I live right now 🥶 5y
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Beaches: A Novel | Iris R. Dart
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#songsofsummer @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @OriginalCyn620

This is a rare one. I actually liked the movie as much as the book.

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Love the movie ❤️ 5y
OriginalCyn620 I‘ve never read the book. I think I should put it on my tbr! 5y
TheSpineView @OriginalCyn620 It was good. Just have tissues ready!😭 5y
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Beaches: A Novel | Iris R. Dart
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TrishB Oh yes, ugly cry time. Watched with my two best friends one morning, us all in one bed with a hangover. 5y
TheSpineView @TrishB it was an ugly cry kind of movie.😭 5y
TrishB It definitely was! 5y
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BookwormM I can‘t hear wind beneath my wings without tearing up 5y
Stacy_31 That movie rips my heart out every single time. 💔💔 5y
Judybskt Yes!! I didn‘t even know it was a book. 5y
Blaire I loved this movie and read the book for the first time last year. 😢😢😢 5y
LeahBergen Oh, geez 😭😭😭😭😭 5y
tracey38 I didn't know it was a book either. Loved the movie. Even though I have seen it a ton, I still bawl my eyes out when I watch it. 5y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Yes 😭😭😭 5y
Crazeedi Oh yes my daughters and I watched it together... 5y
Bklover 😢😭😢😭😭😭 5y
vkois88 It was on the other day but I missed it! 5y
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Beaches: A Novel | Iris R. Dart
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I forgot that it was cancer in the book.

I was about Bertie‘s age when I got my first diagnosis (breast rather than ovarian). I‘ve also recently had to watch from afar as a friend went through hospice and death (hers was much more aggressive than mine).

This book is a treasure. I love Cee Cee and Bertie so much. Rereading the book, I did have Bette Midler and Barbara Hershey in my head, which was a delight. (continued below)

bookseller_cate I love how this book celebrates women‘s friendships, but doesn‘t shy away from how we can hurt each other, both accidentally and purposefully. 5y
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Beaches: A Novel | Iris R. Dart
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I‘ve recently had an urge to reread Beaches by Iris Rainer Dart. It just arrived via the Calgary Public Library. I have so many friends who are CeeCee to my Hillary/Bertie and I love them all. #WindBeneathMyWings #catsoflitsy

CrowCAH If you spot any Pride and Prejudice books that are not in my collection, hashtag PnPCovers here on Litsy, let me know; the goal is to make them grow! 5y
bookseller_cate @CrowCAH Sorry. I‘m 2 months into Litsy and have decided to look for real connections rather than hashtags. (edited) 5y
tpixie Cute kitty 🐱 #CatsOfLitsy 5y
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TheLibrarian What a cute kitty!! 😻 5y
CouronneDhiver Yay! I‘m here for connections 🙌🏽🙌🏽 @bookseller_cate 5y
Cinfhen I‘ve only seen the film - would love to try the book 🧡 5y
bookseller_cate @Cinfhen It‘s well worth the read. I‘m really enjoying it. It‘s interesting how much nuance I missed when I read it as a teen. 5y
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Beaches: A Novel | Iris R. Dart
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#SeptemberDanes #FlyOnTheWingsOfLove Makes me think of the theme song from Beaches...Wind Beneath My Wings, which brings me straight back to the 80‘s 💕💕💕and check out adorable Mayim Bialik who looks like a SUPER young Bette Midler 🙌🏻💟and I‘m still up & cooking at 2am....

JennyM You are a good human - hope you get to bed soon 😘 (edited) 6y
corycatelyn Love this movie! It was one of my mom's favorites, so I watch it every time it's on TV 🤗 6y
sprainedbrain Gosh I love that movie. 6y
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Mdargusch Cooking at 2:00am and time to post on Litsy! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 6y
LeahBergen 😭😭😭 6y
Liatrek I still cry at this movie and love the soundtrack 😭 6y
Centique I‘m just looking up Jewish celebrations to figure out what you‘re cooking for. Rosh Hashanah is that right? I need some serious educating about these things Cindy! More reading to be assigned. 😊In the meantime hope you get some sleep and that everyone appreciates your hard work! 💕💕 6y
erzascarletbookgasm The theme song really 😭. And why are you up cooking till 2am? Hope you‘re done soon and get some 😴 6y
BarbaraBB I wanted to ask the same. @erzascarletbookgasm 🧐 6y
Kalalalatja Me too @erzascarletbookgasm and @BarbaraBB 🤔 hope you get some time to relax and enjoy all your food soon Cindy 💕 6y
TrishB Love this film 💕 hope you‘ve managed to get some rest! 6y
BookwormM I love Beaches 💕💕and Wind Beneath my Wings always makes me cry 6y
Cinfhen Thanks friends...you guys are my rock...Jewish New Year starts at sundown Sunday and it‘s basically 2 days of nonstop eating & prayer services 🙄😬😝I‘m hosting 3 out of 4 meals and I‘m having 15+ people at every meal. I‘m exhausted and to make matters worse I dropped my phone into a pot of soapy water 😢😢😢my phone is dead @JennyM @Mdargusch @Centique @erzascarletbookgasm @BarbaraBB @Kalalalatja @TrishB (edited) 6y
Cinfhen I‘m having a SHITTY DAY @corycatelyn @sprainedbrain @LeahBergen @Liatrek @BookwormM I‘d LOVE nothing more than to get into bed and watch me some Beaches ❣️❣️❣️❣️ 6y
Cinfhen Nice detective work @Centique you are correct ~ Tonight starts Rosh Hashana where we dip the apple in honey, eat pomegranates, leeks, carrots, beets and other random foods and make lots of blessings 💕💕💕😂 6y
DivineDiana You are such a loving, kind, amazing woman, and do not deserve a phone drop in a pot of water!!! Sending love and best wishes for delicious meals surrounded by love and lots of rest afterwards. 💗😘🤞🏻 6y
TrishB Hope it all comes together for you 💕 6y
emilyhaldi Love this movie ❤️❤️❤️ 6y
CoffeeAndABook Hoping you find some enjoyment from all this (good food at least) and it‘ll fly by & you‘ll be able to get back into your routine (which includes LOTS of reading time!!!) quickly!!! I can‘t imagine doing what you‘re doing!! I‘m sending waves and waves of positive Litsy vibes ⚡️📚⚡️📚⚡️📚⚡️ 6y
LauraBeth Wishing you a good and sweet year ❤️❤️ 6y
Cinfhen Thanks so much @LauraBeth Hope all is well on your end of the world 😘 6y
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Beaches: A Novel | Iris R. Dart
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1. Kite flying at the beach
2. Laundry 😒😒
3. Evening, love a good tub read
4. Meh not really everyone keeps to themselves
5. Move on to something else

#happyhumpday #humpdaypost

Beaches: A Novel | Iris R. Dart
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I love this one!! 😭😭😭😭 6y
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Beaches: A Novel | Iris R. Dart
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I adored this movie as a preteen and never knew it was a book. Loved reading about the friendship between Cee Cee and Bertie that starts on the Atlantic City boardwalk and lasts through adulthood and follows them through the ups and downs of love and loss. I will admit since singing is so much a part of the story that the movie adds that element and this is the rare case where the movie is at least equal to the book. #beachread #booked2018

BarbaraTheBibliophage Great pick! 👏🏻👏🏻 🏖 6y
Cinfhen Echoing @BarbaraTheBibliophage great pick 🤩 6y
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Beaches: A Novel | Iris R. Dart
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It‘s been an extremely stressful week, so I‘m happy for my current view...Happy 4th Littens!

jillannjohn Nice! Happy 4th! 6y
Quirkybookworm Happy 4th and let everything wash away with each wave and enjoy!! 6y
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Beaches: A Novel | Iris R. Dart
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I‘m about to start one of these 3 books for #friendship for #booked2018. Not sure which to pick. All are about friendships and friendships over time. Reminds me of #frommetoyou I always try to send friends cards or even texts “with love from me to you,” whenever I see something that makes me think of them. Anyone read any of these?? #heyjune

MicheleinPhilly Loved Commencement! 6y
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GypsyKat I have Beaches but haven‘t read it yet. 6y
Blaire @MicheleinPhilly ooh good to know! I really liked the other book of hers I read. Maybe I‘ll start with this one. 6y
Blaire @GypsyKat I‘ve seen the movie probably a dozen times and never realized it was a book! 6y
Cinfhen I‘m waiting to read Saints too and I loved the movie Beaches #windbeneathmywings 🎶🎶 6y
Blaire @Cinfhen saints is 👍. Really liked it. And beaches #tearjerker. 6y
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Beaches: A Novel | Iris R. Dart
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Newcastle beach is my front yard but I also love Mookerwa where I spent my childhood summers waterskiing, I love to swim but conditions are rarely good enough for that ie. warm water and gentle waves so I am going to say sunbathe with a book and sunnies, picnic hopefully with champagne (Much more elegant), potato salad. I hate store bought macaroni as it makes me sick. RV I am a glamping person unfortunately my partner and step kids are campers!

Smarkies So lucky to have a beach in your front yard! 6y
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LapReader I think so too @Smarkies. Hope my last letter arrived safely to you. 6y
Smarkies @LapReader it has! Will send a reply in the coming month or so. 😁 6y
LapReader @Smarkies yay! I noticed you joined #justbecause. Isn‘t it a lovely group? 6y
Smarkies @LapReader it is! 😁 I love the idea of mail showing up in your post box unexpectedly. Which is also why I love penpals. 6y
LapReader Happy to be yours @Smarkies 6y
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Beaches: A Novel | Iris R. Dart
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Reading in the sun
Both picnic and BBQ
Neither salads
Neither tent nor RV

@Arcana #ThisorThat

Arcana Are you a hotel camper? 😁 6y
MirrorMask @Arcana You know it! 😉 6y
Arcana Room service is a beautiful thing👍😂 6y
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Beaches: A Novel | Iris R. Dart
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I think I need this beach towel in my life!! #bookandabeachtowel #readingreaolutions @Jess7

Reviewsbylola Omg me too!! 6y
Ruthiella Perfect!😜 6y
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Beaches: A Novel | Iris R. Dart
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1. By car, I like to see the scenery up close and personal. 😊
2. I‘m going to borrow @MicrobeMom ‘s line here...”anywhere with a beach!”
3. The family is heading to Florida for a week the day after my son graduates high school later this month. Plan to take a boatload of books and chill to the music of the waves (and try to avoid sunburn! 😳).


Drnkpnkprincess Sunburn is the worst part of being outside. More reasons to read in the shade or on the deck...!! 6y
robinb @Drnkpnkprincess very true! I need the sound of the waves though...maybe a beach umbrella. 👍😊 6y
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Beaches: A Novel | Iris R. Dart
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1. The last book I remember reading on a beach was The Lying Game, I think.
2. Dolphins, I think?
3. Presque Isle, Erie, PA #manicmonday

JoScho Thanks for playing 🏖❤️ 6y
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Beaches: A Novel | Iris R. Dart
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1. I'm in Myrtle Beach! Our 12 hour trip turned into 15 because the 2 year old had severe motion sickness 😣
2. Donuts
3. 2 books--Aru Shah and the End of Time and Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me?
4. I got promoted! That's making me happy over and over!

#friyayintro @jesshowbooks

Craftylikefox Congratulations on the promotion and I hope you have a great time at Myrtle Beach!! 6y
emilyhaldi Congrats on your promotion!!! 🍾 6y
asiriusreader Congrats on the promotion! 6y
Itchyfeetreader Congratulations on your promotion 6y
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Beaches: A Novel | Iris R. Dart
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my spot for today...the sound of waves crashing is sooo relaxing 🌊 🌊 🌊 he picture doesn‘t do it justice 😏😒😐#booknerdforlife #inmyownworld #shuttingoutreality #bookishgal #myreadinglife #readersgonnaread #todaysreadingspot

Beaches: A Novel | Iris R. Dart
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#thisremindsmeof #⏰

Time to relax and enjoy the long holiday weekend!

tpixie Lovely! Where are you?! 6y
mrp27 @tpixie I'm house sitting at my aunts house in Laguna Beach. 6y
tpixie @mrp27 fun!! Lol maybe I should have driven the hour there after all! But I am enjoying Balboa and found a fairly new book store! The Book Catapult !! 6y
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AlaMich Nice view you got there!! 6y
mrp27 @tpixie I haven't heard of the Book Catapult, I'm going to have to check it out next time I'm down there. When I'm in town I usually hit up Myterious Galaxy. Like the name, it's heavy on mystery, sci fi and fantasy but it's a great store. 6y
mrp27 @AlaMich Thanks, sometimes that view can be distracting when I'm trying to read! 6y
tpixie @mrp27 yes! I found that too! What a problem to have! Gotta wake up early to head back to home tomorrow. The time went fast!! 6y
mrp27 @tpixie Glad you made it there. Safe travels! 6y
tpixie @mrp27 ♥️♥️♥️ 6y
night_shift 😲😍 6y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Beautiful!!! 6y
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Beaches: A Novel | Iris R. Dart
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Sunset on the beach! So, so happy to be on vacation. There is a perfect reading chair in our room! And there is a library in the hotel! I will take a photo tomorrow. So excited.

BookMaven407 Nice- enjoy! 🙂 6y
minkyb Enjoy! 6y
SilversReviews Gorgeous. Thanks 6y
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CoverToCoverGirl Happy vacation! 6y
kspenmoll Wonderful! Savor it! 6y
marlenabea That looks perfect. 6y
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Beaches: A Novel | Iris R. Dart
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Cee Cee & Bertie (who was Hilary in the movie) have made generations of us cry. I‘m sure they were helped by the song “Wind Beneath My Wings.”


BarbaraBB Oh yes, How I loved that song! 7y
Cinfhen That song is iconic 7y
ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled Just watched this with my daughter - major sobbing! 7y
emilyhaldi This movie!! 😭😭 7y
Centique OMG I need to get my daughter to watch this - I‘d forgotten this one! Great choice 👍 7y
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Beaches: A Novel | Iris R. Dart
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If I'm not reading, you'll usually find me on the nearest beach...just strolling by the water, watching the waves and carousing with the sea life: sandpipers, sand crabs, seals, starfish. Sand dollars are my favorites. I often catch them walking around and sometimes, they'll even smile my way.

RealLifeReading Love beaches but I've never seen a sand dollar before! 7y
UwannaPublishme @RealLifeReading: Well then, I must send you one. 😊🏖Just let me know where to! (djadesigns@gmail.com) 7y
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Beaches: A Novel | Iris R. Dart
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Cee Cee and Bertie are still the most memorable #girlfriends in my book. And in this popular beach read. 😊🙌🏻

Beaches: A Novel | Iris R. Dart
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I've not read the book but remember the movie, starring Bette Midler, which was wonderful.
#girlfriends #anditsaugust @RealLifeReading

Bambolina_81 There's a book?! How did I not know this?! I fell in love with John Heard in this film and so wanted to be CeCe 😂 7y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I almost chose this one!!! Love it!!! 7y
youneverarrived The film makes me cry every time 😢 7y
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Beaches: A Novel | Iris R. Dart
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The movie Beaches has long been one I love. I absolutely cried at the end, and Cee Cee Bloom was a role made for Bette Midler.

While the book has some differences, I still really enjoyed it. As a loner who has lost a few best friends (they aren't dead, I just realized how that sounded) along the way, I wonder if I'd have the patience and strength to be there at the end.

ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled This movie slayed me when I was 13!! Need to read this 7y
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Beaches: A Novel | Iris R. Dart
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I can't believe I'm the first to post about this book. It's one of my favorite best friend books. I hear there will be a movie remake with Idina Menzel!!

bookishkai Oh boy, not sure how I feel about a remake. The original is such a huge part of my teen years, but I do adore Idina Menzel, so maybe? Hate to say, though, I didn't care for the book. 8y
[DELETED] 3803335244 Awesome!!! 8y
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